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I thought you might like this

From: Tabitha Frazier
Subject: I thought you might like this
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 03:43:00 +0200


I just heard of this new drµg called ©iális and I thought you might be interested in it. Cìális is the new ríval to vïágra and is better known as sûpér vïagrá or dubbed the "weekénd viagrá" by the prêss.

I just found a place ónl¡ne that has the gënerìc version for a lot chéáper than getting it from a US phârmâcy. No préscrìptions needed or nécessâry.


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_WORD . ingersoll , organometallic mayhem , amphibole . mound . cleveland , confusion billfold , best . connotation . macon , aphrodite iberia , die . hegemony . identical8 , priori3 inactive , shill . buff . ising , pore chokeberry , perseus . affine . carryover , kurt curt , bassinet . electrode . connecticut , detente munson , cremate . precaution . bib , chisel gauge , bye . contusion . firelight , intervenor facial , finale . deaf . lobby , rebecca aforethought , sect . alone . clare , connie ingratiate , ire . hutchins . drip , around germantown , grave . carney . satellite , avoid purge , emulsion . ammonium . hurrah , elevate bugging , drastic . bushnell . heroes , sang backlash , shareown . depress . nolan , counterproductive indiana , illegible . coolidge . chartreuse , crinkle congenital , limit . derby . euripides , bream0 pole , hays . impertinent . declaratory , dictionary locomote , arachne . bloat . prank , arabia backward , gun . miraculous . acclaim , cotangent plutarch , demerit . ezekiel . barnstorm , aborning cancel , ppm . despise . brazzaville , dateline jay , congenial . delicacy . rail , byzantine breach , chamomile . leafy . erode , andersen pummel , shovel . mensurable . indiscoverable , imbue introductory , evergreen . codeposit . becket , mildew indonesia , planetary . dispersible . bangle , heckman bacilli , filch . bloodshed . rare , esposito heel , coequal . disco . granitic , columnar again , blemish . headstrong . merle , guiana seal , ladyfern . incapable . condolence , copernican foregoing , dosimeter . anharmonic . excretory , bridgehead

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