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Re: What happened to the ex-Guile VM?

From: Keisuke Nishida
Subject: Re: What happened to the ex-Guile VM?
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 09:31:49 -0500
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At 20 Mar 2001 22:52:34 +0100,
Marius Vollmer wrote:
> I'm quite in favor of replacing the current evaluator with a `better'
> one.  `Better' is a complicated requirement here, since so many
> fcators are involved.  Speed, of course, but not only speed.
> Maintainability, speed of loading code, debuggability of the executed
> program, portability, easy of hacking it (to implement new
> optimizations, say), interactive responsiveness, standards
> conformance, and probably more.

Maybe ease of development.  I want to have a new one before long.

> In my opinion, the current avaluator fares like this:

Regarding my VM:

- Speed.  Fairly good.  Since the VM itself rarely does conses,
  GC is reduced significantly compared to the current evaluator.

- Maintainability.  Good enough, I think.  The VM, the assembler,
  and the compiler are separated into modules.  All instructions are
  refereed by names, not by opcodes, so adding/removing instructions
  is quite easy.  If you want to abbreviate (local-ref 0) into a
  new instruction (local-ref:0), just add it.  The assembler detects
  it and optimizes automatically.

- Speed of loading code.  Loading a compiled file should be very
  fast (I haven't benchmarked it yet).  Since the size of bytecode
  is likely less than one tenth of equivalent machine code, I/O is
  reduced significantly when you load a huge module.

  Loading a source file is relatively slow, because it must be first
  compiled.  But given a fast evaluator, the compiler should run
  sufficiently fast if you turn optimization off.  The result of
  compilation can be saved in a file, so slowdown at the first loading
  shouldn't be a big problem.

- Debuggability.  To be improved.  Currently, the VM has seven hooks
  (boot-hook, halt-hook, next-hook, enter-hook, apply-hook, exit-hook,
  and return-hook) which can be used for various tasks, including a
  tracer, profiler, and a debugger.  Backtrace can be easily done by
  displaying stack frames.  Source level debugging facilities (e.g.,
  displaying error locations) must be supported soon.

  (Probably I should drop the fast engine and have only this debug
   engine.  Given a JIT compiler like lightning, an improvement of
   speed by 30% is not very attractive.)

- Portability.  Good.  Compiled code (bytecode) is also portable.
  The new loader has no endian problem.

- Ease of Hacking.  I don't know.  Try it ;)

- Interactive responsiveness.  Not bad.  So far, I don't see any delay
  because of compilation, except in the first evaluation when the
  current evaluator is compiling the VM compiler.  (It seems the
 `match' macro requires time.)

- Standards conformance.  Tail-call elimination and continuations are
  supported.  Unfortunately, my VM does not conform to JVM.

I think a VM like this is a good balanced solution for daily
programming.  Many systems, such as RScheme and OCaml, choose a
hybrid of bytecode and machine code.  I think we should follow them.

I'll commit my code to the CVS repository before long, though it is
not working well right now. (I changed part of the design recently.)


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