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Re: (ice-9 documentation) `find-documentation' to be exported

From: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: (ice-9 documentation) `find-documentation' to be exported
Date: 24 Apr 2001 19:36:53 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "thi" == thi  <address@hidden> writes:

    thi> we can fix this by exporting `find-documentation', an already
    thi> provided proc that accepts a symbol and does the search w/o
    thi> requiring residency.

I think I'd rather export just `find-documentation-in-file', since it
has a more specific interface and therefore seems to offer fewer
guarantees about tight integration with the documentation system in
the future.

    thi> and do a small writeup for (ice-9 documentation) as well.
    thi> related question: how stable is the current
    thi> guile-procedures.txt format?  (i.e., can this be documented
    thi> at this time?)

Well the format will either change or become obsolete, so as to
accommodate doc stuff other than just the docstring, although probably
not for some time.  I think that (i) a writeup would be well
worthwhile in the interim, and (ii) it makes sense to associate the
documentation of the file format specifically with
`find-documentation-in-file', then people who choose to may continue
to use that format and `find-documentation-in-file' even if/when
Guile's help system is no longer based on it.


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