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Re: Server side scripting

From: Diedrich Vorberg
Subject: Re: Server side scripting
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:07:25 +0200

>Yeah, I have a mod_guile that has been more-or-less working since about
>last December.  I've been laying low about it until I have some issues
>resolved, like if I can GPL it or not.

>It basically does a load of a .scm file for each request.  There is a
>main script file that is loaded when apache starts, and child init/exit
>scripts that run as apache forks off kids (and kills them).  Nothing
>fancy.  You can read almost all of the apache data structures and write
>to some of them.  For example, I am using guile-gd to generate .png
>images on-the-fly from scheme, changing the Content-type header to
>image/png, and writing the image to (current-output-port).

This is partly what I had in mind; close enough to be a good starting
point. What would it take to GPL it? Would you be willing to
colaborate on a GPLed version?


           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
         .'     '.
        /  _   _  \               
        | (o)_(o) |                         address@hidden
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         //'._.'\ \           /     \       Internet Dienstleistungen
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       ||   .     \ \         /`\_/`\
       |\   :     / |        //  _  \\      Linux Rules!
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