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Re: multiple return values

From: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: multiple return values
Date: 03 Aug 2001 13:15:16 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "Matthias" == Matthias Koeppe <address@hidden> writes:

    Matthias> Marius Vollmer <address@hidden> writes:
    >> The question is now, do we want to allow ignoring superflous
    >> values, or should that be an error.  I'm in favour of allowing
    >> them to be ignored.

    Matthias> I think it is a bad idea because it encourages writing
    Matthias> non-portable code: R5RS (Control Features) says that
    Matthias> "Except for continuations created by the
    Matthias> `call-with-values' procedure, all continuations take
    Matthias> exactly one value."  Clinger also calls this situation
    Matthias> (passing multiple values to single-value continuations)
    Matthias> an error in his posting.  Hence, your proposed change
    Matthias> does not make the m-v implementation more "correct".
    Matthias> [...]

I agree with Matthias.  I also noticed this clause in R5RS recently
(in the context of a multiple values version of `map' - appended below
for interest), and it seems to be pretty conclusive.  I also agree
that there is no strong reason to treat truncation to one value more
specially than, say, to two values.

    Matthias> If I have read Clinger's posting correctly, he actually
    Matthias> suggested to check for a multiple-value context by
    Matthias> looking at the `return address', i.e. at the
    Matthias> continuation of the `values' call.  I don't know if
    Matthias> that's easily possible in Guile, though.  If it is, that
    Matthias> would be a real alternative and improvement to the
    Matthias> current implementation because it would allow for proper
    Matthias> error checking without imposing runtime penalties for
    Matthias> single-value situations.

Doesn't this boil down just to a `multiple_value_continuation_p' local
variable on the stack in the evaluator, which is initialized to 0 but
set to 1 by the code that handles `call-with-values'.  Then, as long
as we've got tail recursion right, multiple_value_continuation_p will
remain set for any context that is in tail position with respect to
the `call-with-values' expression.


(define-module (ossau map-mv)
  #:export (map-multiple-values map/mv))

(define (map-multiple-values proc arg1 . args)
  "Like @code{map} but handles multiple values from @code{proc}.
If any of the calls to @code{proc} return multiple values,
each of the multiple values is added to @code{map-multiple-value}'s
list of results.  It follows that the complete results list
may not have the same length as the lists of input arguments.

(map-multiple-values (lambda (x)
                       (values x (* x 2)))
                     '(10 100 1000))
(10 20 100 200 1000 2000)
@end example"
  (let ((arg1l (length arg1)))
    (for-each (lambda (argn)
                (or (= (length argn) arg1l)
                    (error "Lists have differing lengths!")))
  (let ((result '()))
    (let loop ((arg1 arg1) (args args))
      (if (null? arg1)
          (reverse result)
              (lambda ()
                (apply proc (car arg1) (map car args)))
              (lambda values
                (for-each (lambda (value)
                            (set! result (cons value result)))
            (loop (cdr arg1) (map cdr args)))))))

(define map/mv map-multiple-values)

;;; map-mv.scm ends here

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