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what to do

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: what to do
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 01:37:27 +0200

[I'm not on this list, but I couldn't resist chipping in, being a
GUILE user myself]

>So now I'm not sure what, if anything, to do for or about Guile or
>for or about the original project.

Dare I suggest that you write code ("do anything") first, and only
then start to discuss it?

>Guile started with the idea of building a Scheme-based GUI
>application framework and some specific applications of that
>framework.  The

Too bad. Right now, GUILE is an easily embeddable, mostly
R5RS-compliant Scheme implementation, and in this form, it is very
useful to me. I don't think it is practical to ditch what GUILE is now
(or rather: I will personally fork it if that happens), so maybe you
can consider working on GUILE as it is now. There are many things to
be done.

Personally, I would welcome a better GC algorithm. One that is
quicker, especially when parts of the heap must be paged in.  If you'd
do that, a lot of LilyPond users would be happy.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden    |

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