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Guile-Gnome 2.16.4 released

From: David Pirotte
Subject: Guile-Gnome 2.16.4 released
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 20:03:28 -0200


We are pleased to announce Guile-Gnome 2.16.4, the next maintenance
release for the 2.16 series.

* Guile-Gnome Homepage: 

* Guile-Gnome 2.16.4 release tarball GPG signature [*]:

        Special Notes:

        [-]     As I'm updating Guile-Gnome's web pages for this release, I
                still have a pending authorization request to upload the 
release files. So,
                in the mean time, I uploaded them under Grip's dowload area, 
which explains
                the download url refers to grip/guile-gnome instead of just 

        [-]     Downloads will redirect to your nearest mirror site. Files on
                mirrors may be subject to a replication delay of up to 24 
hours. In case of
                problems use:


* About Guile-Gnome:

Guile-Gnome is a Guile wrapper collection for the following GNOME core

        Gobject, Glib, Atk, Pango, Pangocairo, Gdk, Gdk-Pixbuf, Gtk,
        Libglade, Gnome-Vfs, Libgnome, Libgnomecanvas, Libgnomeui,

Guile-Gnome brings the power of Guile Scheme to your graphical
application, providing a comprehensive environment for developing
modern applications.

* Changes since 2.16.3:

This release fixes a serious bug, leading to a runtime error for Guile-Gnome 
against Gcc >= 5.0.


        - glib/gnome/gobject/gclosure.c: gcc_please_look_the_other_way must be
          declared volatile.

* This release was built/tested using the following tools:

        -] autoconf                     (GNU Autoconf) 2.69 
        -] automake                     (GNU automake) 1.15 
        -] libtool                              (GNU libtool) 2.4.2 
        -] makeinfo                     (GNU texinfo) 6.0 
        -] guile-2.0          
        -] guile-lib                    git clone - master branch
        -] g-wrap                               git clone - master branch
        -] guile-cairo                  git clone - master branch
        -] atk                                  2.18.0
        -] cairo-gobject                1.14.4
        -] libbonobo-2.0                2.32.1
        -] ORBit-2.0                    2.14.19
        -] gconf-2.0                    3.2.6
        -] glib-2.0                     2.46.2
        -] gobject-2.0                  2.46.2
        -] gthread-2.0                  2.46.2
        -] gnome-vfs-2.0        2.24.4
        -] gdk-pixbuf-2.0               2.32.2
        -] gdk-2.0                      2.24.28
        -] gtk+-2.0                     2.24.28
        -] libglade-2.0                 2.6.4
        -] libgnome-2.0                 2.32.1
        -] libgnomeui-2.0               2.24.5
        -] libgnomecanvas-2.0   2.30.3
        -] pango                        1.38.1
        -] pangocairo                   1.38.1

on behalf of the Guile-Gnome team.

[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

        gpg --verify guile-gnome-platform-2.16.4.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

        gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A3057AD7

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

Attachment: pgpLJjZN30BEY.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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