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[Guile-rpc-bugs] GNU Guile-RPC 0.3 released

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: [Guile-rpc-bugs] GNU Guile-RPC 0.3 released
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 23:39:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)


I am pleased to announce version 0.3 of GNU Guile-RPC:

The SHA-1 sum for these files are:

  64c4a87bfa8cd14fe3b1933d414e2d4784a11851  guile-rpc-0.3.tar.gz
  7345cac5f58f4362e316f65dac848ff2f7aa6995  guile-rpc-0.3.tar.gz.sig

Further information, including documentation, is available at:

This release is an important milestone since it adds a compiler for the
XDR/RPC language.  It also comes with a fabulously amusing toy NFS
server that is illustrated here:

GNU Guile-RPC is an implementation of the ONC RPC and XDR standards, as
defined in RFC 1831 and RFC 4506, respectively.  It is released under
the LGPLv3 or later.  It allows the implementation of programs
("clients") that invoke procedures of other programs ("servers"),
possibly located on remote machines.  A well-known use of these
protocols is NFS (the Network File System).

GNU Guile-RPC is implemented entirely in Scheme, making use of
Guile-R6RS-Libs for binary I/O [0].  It comes with a compiler for the
XDR/RPC languages (the standard languages used to describe data types
and RPC interfaces), which can be used both at compile-time and at
run-time.  It also has a "first-class" API to write XDR and RPC
interface definitions.  One limitation is that it currently only
implements the null authentication flavor.

Excerpt from the `NEWS' file:

  * New in GNU Guile-RPC 0.3

  ** New features
  *** XDR/RPC language compiler, available through the `grpc-compile' command
  *** Toy NFS server providing access to Guile's variables, `grpc-nfs-export'
  *** Support for recursive XDR data types

  ** Bug fixes
  *** Fix encoding of vectors of floats, doubles
  *** Throw an exception if not enough struct fields are passed to `xdr-encode!'

  ** Documentation
  *** Add compiler documentation
  *** Add appendix on portability to other Scheme implementations

Note that this is an alpha release, meaning that the API is still
subject to change.

Please send bug reports and comments to the address@hidden'
mailing list.



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