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ttn-pers-scheme 0.15 available

From: thi
Subject: ttn-pers-scheme 0.15 available
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:09:51 -0800

hello world,

taking an initial stab at abstracting postgres...  db experts feel free
to take the code apart and let me know what you think.  thanks go to Ian
Grant for guile-pg.

for tarball and friends see:

NEWS excerpt follows.


- VERSION 0.15 (released 2001/03/07)

  - New module: (ttn stringutils)

        This module was actually introduced in version 0.14 but not
        documented then.

        Four procedures are provided: `string-ws-trim',
        `string/sep->substrings', `string-append/separator'
        and `mapconcat'.

        See docstrings for more info.

  - New module: (ttn pgtable)

        Four procedures are exported: `tuples-result->table',
        `display-table', `where-clausifier' and `pgtable-manager'.
        Docstrings are reproduced here.

    - `tuples-result->table' RES

        Extract data from the tuples result RES, and return an annotated
        array.  The array's values correspond to the data from RES, and
        has dimensions `pg-ntuples' by `pg-nfields'.  Annotations are
        object properties:

        names   -- vector of field names
        widths  -- vector of maximum field widths

    - `display-table' TABLE

        Display table TABLE, including header and ASCII field-separators.

    - `pgtable-manager' DB-NAME TABLE-NAME DEFS

        Return a proc that manages a table specified by DB-NAME
        TABLE-NAME DEFS.  DB-NAME and TABLE-NAME are strings.  DEFS is a
        list of symbol pairs, the car being the field name and the cdr
        the PostgreSQL type name.  For example:

          ((time  . timestamp)
           (error . text)
           (files . text[]))

        The returned proc accepts a single arg CHOICE (a symbol) and
        returns either the variable or procedure associated with CHOICE.
        When CHOICE is `help' or `menu', return a list of accepted
        choices.  When CHOICE is `types-list', return a list of
        supported PostgreSQL types.

    - `where-clausifier' STRING

        Return an SQL "where clause" from STRING.

  - Changes to (ttn grep)

        Both `grep' and `grep-matches' now understand a `count' flag
        directing these procs to return the length of the result list
        instead of the list itself.  This flag can be used (in a list)
        with the other flags.

  - Testing news

        There is a new file ttn/testing/ttn/check-pgtable.scm that tests
        (ttn pgtable).  By default, this is not enabled because there
        are dependencies that are not easy to check for or guarantee (we
        might get to it later, however).

        See file README for instructions on how to get things to work.

[NEWS excerpt ends here]

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