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Re: Newbie question regarding REST arguments from C.

From: Mike Gran
Subject: Re: Newbie question regarding REST arguments from C.
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 06:56:10 -0700 (PDT)

--- Noufal Ibrahim <address@hidden> wrote:
>       The problem is that the function needs to accept a REST
> argument
>       that contains the indices of the array. How do I do this? 
>       errors out saying 
>       ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to uniform-vector-ref

You're misreading the meaning of the error message.  You've called the
function correctly and made the list correctly.  Its just that
scm_c_lookup doesn't return what you think it does.

The function scm_c_lookup() doesn't return the array itself.  It
returns the variable that contains the array.  From there you need to
use scm_variable_ref() to dereference the variable to get its contents.
 Its kind of like a pointer vs. the data that the pointer points to.

It says you've got "Wrong number of arguments" because the variable
that scm_c_lookup returns isn't an array, it is a single variable. 
Only its contents is an array.

Attached please find an example.

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Description: main.c

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