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Re: Sort on vectors slow

From: Marius Vollmer
Subject: Re: Sort on vectors slow
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 00:28:09 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Marius Vollmer <address@hidden> writes:

> Now, time to get out the Knuth...

Wasn't needed after all... it turned out that our quicksort was always
using base_ptr[mid] as the pivot and did not take into account that
the "collaps the walls" loop might overwrite that location, thus
incorrectly changing the pivot during collapsing.  I have fixed this
by copying out the pivot into a local variable.  'sort' and 'sort!'
should now work reasonably also for large vectors.

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