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13/13: PRELIM: services: Introduce extensible abstract services.

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: 13/13: PRELIM: services: Introduce extensible abstract services.
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 22:10:16 +0000

civodul pushed a commit to branch wip-service-refactor
in repository guix.

commit 130a64754a0a510e5eb845fad83d1897ab1324f7
Author: Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Sep 17 23:44:26 2015 +0200

    PRELIM: services: Introduce extensible abstract services.
    Works well enough to run:
      guix system vm gnu/system/examples/bare-bones.tmpl
    and to boot the system.
 gnu/services.scm                    |  349 +++++++++++++--
 gnu/services/base.scm               |  830 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 gnu/services/dmd.scm                |   72 +++-
 gnu/system.scm                      |  361 +++-------------
 gnu/system/examples/bare-bones.tmpl |    8 +-
 gnu/system/linux.scm                |   30 ++-
 gnu/system/shadow.scm               |  105 ++++-
 7 files changed, 1068 insertions(+), 687 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gnu/services.scm b/gnu/services.scm
index 43e51b9..3638ea2 100644
--- a/gnu/services.scm
+++ b/gnu/services.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014 Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden>
+;;; Copyright © 2015 Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden>
 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -18,49 +18,318 @@
 (define-module (gnu services)
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
+  #:use-module (guix monads)
+  #:use-module (guix store)
   #:use-module (guix records)
-  #:export (service?
+  #:use-module (guix sets)
+  #:use-module (gnu packages base)
+  #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:export (service-extension
+            service-extension?
+            service-type
+            service-type?
-            service-documentation
-            service-provision
-            service-requirement
-            service-respawn?
-            service-start
-            service-stop
-            service-auto-start?
-            service-activate
-            service-user-accounts
-            service-user-groups
-            service-pam-services))
-;;; Commentary:
+            service?
+            service-kind
+            service-parameters
+            fold-services
+            boot-service-type
+            activation-service-type
+            etc-service-type
+            etc-directory
+            %boot-service
+            %activation-service
+            etc-service
+            file-union))                      ;XXX: for lack of a better place
+(define-record-type <service-extension>
+  (service-extension target compute)
+  service-extension?
+  (target  service-extension-target)              ;<service-type>
+  (compute service-extension-compute))            ;params -> params
+(define-record-type* <service-type> service-type make-service-type
+  service-type?
+  (name       service-type-name)                 ;symbol (for debugging)
+  (extensions service-type-extensions            ;list of <service-extensions>
+              (default '()))
+  (extend  service-type-extend                   ;list of Any -> arguments
+           (default #f)))
+(define (write-service-type type port)
+  (format port "#<service-type ~a ~a>"
+          (service-type-name type)
+          (number->string (object-address type) 16)))
+(set-record-type-printer! <service-type> write-service-type)
+(define-record-type* <service> service make-service
+  service?
+  (type       service-kind)
+  (parameters service-parameters (default #f)))
-;;; System services as cajoled by dmd.
+;;; Core services.
-;;; Code:
-(define-record-type* <service>
-  service make-service
-  service?
-  (documentation service-documentation            ; string
-                 (default "[No documentation.]"))
-  (provision     service-provision)               ; list of symbols
-  (requirement   service-requirement              ; list of symbols
-                 (default '()))
-  (respawn?      service-respawn?                 ; Boolean
-                 (default #t))
-  (start         service-start)                   ; g-expression (procedure)
-  (stop          service-stop                     ; g-expression (procedure)
-                 (default #~(const #f)))
-  (auto-start?   service-auto-start?              ; Boolean
-                 (default #t))
-  (user-accounts service-user-accounts            ; list of <user-account>
-                 (default '()))
-  (user-groups   service-user-groups              ; list of <user-groups>
-                 (default '()))
-  (pam-services  service-pam-services             ; list of <pam-service>
-                 (default '()))
-  (activate      service-activate                 ; gexp
-                 (default #f)))
+(define (compute-boot-script mexps)
+  (mlet %store-monad ((gexps (sequence %store-monad mexps)))
+    (gexp->file "boot"
+                #~(begin
+                    (use-modules (guix build utils))
+                    ;; Clean out /tmp and /var/run.
+                    ;;
+                    ;; XXX This needs to happen before service activations, so
+                    ;; it has to be here, but this also implicitly assumes
+                    ;; that /tmp and /var/run are on the root partition.
+                    (false-if-exception (delete-file-recursively "/tmp"))
+                    (false-if-exception (delete-file-recursively "/var/run"))
+                    (false-if-exception (mkdir "/tmp"))
+                    (false-if-exception (chmod "/tmp" #o1777))
+                    (false-if-exception (mkdir "/var/run"))
+                    (false-if-exception (chmod "/var/run" #o755))
+                    ;; Activate the system and spawn dmd.
+                    address@hidden))))
+(define boot-service-type
+  ;; The service of this type is extended by being passed gexps as monadic
+  ;; values.  It aggregates them in a single script, as a monadic value, which
+  ;; becomes its 'parameters'.
+  (service-type (name 'boot)
+                (extend compute-boot-script)))
+(define %boot-service
+  ;; This is the ultimate service, the root of the service DAG.
+  (service (type boot-service-type)
+           (parameters (with-monad %store-monad (return #t)))))
+(define* (file-union name files)                  ;FIXME: Factorize.
+  "Return a <computed-file> that builds a directory containing all of FILES.
+Each item in FILES must be a list where the first element is the file name to
+use in the new directory, and the second element is a gexp denoting the target
+  (computed-file name
+                 #~(begin
+                     (mkdir #$output)
+                     (chdir #$output)
+                     #$@(map (match-lambda
+                               ((target source)
+                                #~(symlink #$source #$target)))
+                             files))))
+(define (directory-union name things)
+  "Return a directory that is the union of THINGS."
+  (match things
+    ((one)
+     ;; Only one thing; return it.
+     one)
+    (_
+     (computed-file name
+                    #~(begin
+                        (use-modules (guix build union))
+                        (union-build #$output '#$things))
+                    #:modules '((guix build union))))))
+(define (modprobe-wrapper)
+  "Return a wrapper for the 'modprobe' command that knows where modules live.
+This wrapper is typically invoked by the Linux kernel ('call_modprobe', in
+kernel/kmod.c), a situation where the 'LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY' environment
+variable is not set---hence the need for this wrapper."
+  (let ((modprobe "/run/current-system/profile/bin/modprobe"))
+    (gexp->script "modprobe"
+                  #~(begin
+                      (setenv "LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY"
+                              "/run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules")
+                      (apply execl #$modprobe
+                             (cons #$modprobe (cdr (command-line))))))))
+(define* (activation-script gexps
+                            ;; FIXME: Should be in <activation-parameters>.
+                            #:key container?
+                            (firmware '()))
+  "Return as a monadic value a file that runs GEXPS."
+  (define %modules
+    '((gnu build activation)
+      (gnu build linux-boot)
+      (gnu build linux-modules)
+      (gnu build file-systems)
+      (guix build utils)
+      (guix build syscalls)
+      (guix elf)))
+  (define (service-activations)
+    ;; Return the activation scripts for SERVICES.
+    (mapm %store-monad
+          (cut gexp->file "activate-service" <>)
+          gexps))
+  (mlet* %store-monad ((actions  (service-activations))
+                       (modules  (imported-modules %modules))
+                       (compiled (compiled-modules %modules))
+                       (modprobe (modprobe-wrapper))
+                       (firmware -> (directory-union
+                                     "firmware" firmware)))
+    (define setuid-progs
+      '())                                        ;FIXME
+    (gexp->file "activate"
+                #~(begin
+                    (eval-when (expand load eval)
+                      ;; Make sure 'use-modules' below succeeds.
+                      (set! %load-path (cons #$modules %load-path))
+                      (set! %load-compiled-path
+                        (cons #$compiled %load-compiled-path)))
+                    (use-modules (gnu build activation))
+                    ;; Make sure /bin/sh is valid and current.
+                    (activate-/bin/sh
+                     (string-append #$(canonical-package bash) "/bin/sh"))
+                    ;; Activate setuid programs.
+                    (activate-setuid-programs (list address@hidden))
+                    ;; Tell the kernel to use our 'modprobe' command.
+                    (activate-modprobe #$modprobe)
+                    ;; Tell the kernel where firmware is, unless we are
+                    ;; activating a container.
+                    #$@(if container?
+                           #~()
+                           ;; Tell the kernel where firmware is.
+                           #~((activate-firmware
+                               (string-append #$firmware "/lib/firmware"))
+                              ;; Let users debug their own processes!
+                              (activate-ptrace-attach)))
+                    ;; Run the services' activation snippets.
+                    ;; TODO: Use 'load-compiled'.
+                    (for-each primitive-load '#$actions)
+                    ;; Set up /run/current-system.
+                    (activate-current-system)))))
+(define (gexps->activation-gexp gexps)
+  "Return a gexp that runs the activation script containing GEXPS."
+  (mlet %store-monad ((script (activation-script gexps)))
+    (return #~(primitive-load #$script))))
+(define activation-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'activate)
+                (extensions
+                 (list (service-extension boot-service-type
+                                          gexps->activation-gexp)))
+                (extend append)))
+(define %activation-service
+  (service (type activation-service-type)
+           (parameters #t)))                      ;list of gexps
+(define (etc-directory service)
+  "Return the directory for SERVICE, a service of type ETC-SERVICE-TYPE."
+  (files->etc-directory (service-parameters service)))
+(define (files->etc-directory files)
+  (file-union "etc" files))
+(define etc-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'etc)
+                (extensions
+                 (list
+                  (service-extension activation-service-type
+                                     (lambda (files)
+                                       (let ((etc
+                                              (files->etc-directory files)))
+                                         #~(activate-etc #$etc))))))
+                (extend concatenate)))
+(define (etc-service files)
+  "Return a new service of ETC-SERVICE-TYPE that populates /etc with FILES.
+FILES must be a list of name/file-like object pairs."
+  (service (type etc-service-type)
+           (parameters files)))                     ;list of name/file pairs
+;;; Service folding.
+(define (service-back-edges services)
+  "Return a procedure that, when passed a <service>, returns the list of
+<service> objects that depend on it."
+  (define (add-edges service edges)
+    (define (add-edge extension edges)
+      (let ((target-type (service-extension-target extension)))
+        (match (filter (lambda (service)
+                         (eq? (service-kind service) target-type))
+                       services)
+          ((target)
+           (vhash-consq target service edges))
+          (()
+           (error "no target service" service target-type))
+          (x
+           (error "more than one target service" x)))))
+    (fold add-edge edges (service-type-extensions (service-kind service))))
+  (let ((edges (fold add-edges vlist-null services)))
+    (lambda (node)
+      (reverse (vhash-foldq* cons '() node edges)))))
+(define* (fold-services services #:key (target-type boot-service-type))
+  "Fold SERVICES by propagating their extensions down to the root of type
+BOOT-SERVICE-TYPE; return the root service adjusted accordingly."
+  (define dependents
+    (service-back-edges services))
+  (define (matching-extension target)
+    (let ((target (service-kind target)))
+      (match-lambda
+        (($ <service-extension> type)
+         (eq? type target)))))
+  (define (apply-extension target)
+    (lambda (service)
+      (match (find (matching-extension target)
+                   (service-type-extensions (service-kind service)))
+        (($ <service-extension> _ compute)
+         (compute (service-parameters service))))))
+  (match (filter (lambda (service)
+                   (eq? (service-kind service) target-type))
+                 services)
+    ((sink)
+     (let loop ((sink sink))
+       (let* ((dependents (map loop (dependents sink)))
+              (extensions (map (apply-extension sink) dependents))
+              (extend     (service-type-extend (service-kind sink)))
+              (params     (service-parameters sink)))
+         (if extend
+             (service (inherit sink)
+                      (parameters (extend (cons params extensions))))
+             sink))))
+    (()
+     (error "no target service" target-type))
+    (x
+     (error "more than one target service" x))))
 ;;; services.scm ends here.
diff --git a/gnu/services/base.scm b/gnu/services/base.scm
index 7b68111..274ff83 100644
--- a/gnu/services/base.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/base.scm
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@
 (define-module (gnu services base)
   #:use-module (guix store)
   #:use-module (gnu services)
-  #:use-module (gnu services networking)
+  #:use-module (gnu services dmd)
+  ;; #:use-module (gnu services networking)
   #:use-module (gnu system shadow)                ; 'user-account', etc.
   #:use-module (gnu system linux)                 ; 'pam-service', etc.
+  #:use-module (gnu system file-systems)          ; 'file-system', etc.
   #:use-module (gnu packages admin)
   #:use-module ((gnu packages linux)
                 #:select (eudev kbd e2fsprogs lvm2 fuse alsa-utils crda))
@@ -76,13 +78,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(define (root-file-system-service)
-  "Return a service whose sole purpose is to re-mount read-only the root file
-system upon shutdown (aka. cleanly \"umounting\" root.)
-This service must be the root of the service dependency graph so that its
-'stop' action is invoked when dmd is the only process left."
-  (service
+(define %root-file-system-dmd-service
+  (dmd-service
    (documentation "Take care of the root file system.")
    (provision '(root-file-system))
    (start #~(const #t))
@@ -116,10 +113,81 @@ This service must be the root of the service dependency 
graph so that its
    (respawn? #f)))
-(define* (file-system-service device target type
-                              #:key (flags '()) (check? #t)
-                              create-mount-point? options (title 'any)
-                              (requirements '()))
+(define root-file-system-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type (const %root-file-system-dmd-service)))
+(define (root-file-system-service)
+  "Return a service whose sole purpose is to re-mount read-only the root file
+system upon shutdown (aka. cleanly \"umounting\" root.)
+This service must be the root of the service dependency graph so that its
+'stop' action is invoked when dmd is the only process left."
+  (service (type root-file-system-service-type)))
+(define (file-system->dmd-service-name file-system)
+  "Return the symbol that denotes the service mounting and unmounting
+  (symbol-append 'file-system-
+                 (string->symbol (file-system-mount-point file-system))))
+(define file-system-service-type
+  ;; TODO(?): Alternately this could be an extensible service that returns a
+  ;; list of <dmd-service>.
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (file-system)
+     (let ((target  (file-system-mount-point file-system))
+           (device  (file-system-device file-system))
+           (type    (file-system-type file-system))
+           (title   (file-system-title file-system))
+           (check?  (file-system-check? file-system))
+           (create? (file-system-create-mount-point? file-system))
+           (dependencies (file-system-dependencies file-system)))
+       (dmd-service
+        (provision (list (file-system->dmd-service-name file-system)))
+        (requirement `(root-file-system
+                       ,@(map file-system->dmd-service-name dependencies)))
+        (documentation "Check, mount, and unmount the given file system.")
+        (start #~(lambda args
+                   ;; FIXME: Use or factorize with 'mount-file-system'.
+                   (let ((device (canonicalize-device-spec #$device '#$title))
+                         (flags  #$(mount-flags->bit-mask
+                                    (file-system-flags file-system))))
+                     #$(if create?
+                           #~(mkdir-p #$target)
+                           #~#t)
+                     #$(if check?
+                           #~(begin
+                               ;; Make sure fsck.ext2 & co. can be found.
+                               (setenv "PATH"
+                                       (string-append
+                                        #$e2fsprogs "/sbin:"
+                                        "/run/current-system/profile/sbin:"
+                                        (getenv "PATH")))
+                               (check-file-system device #$type))
+                           #~#t)
+                     (mount device #$target #$type flags
+                            #$(file-system-options file-system))
+                     ;; For read-only bind mounts, an extra remount is needed,
+                     ;; as per <>, which still
+                     ;; applies to Linux 4.0.
+                     (when (and (= MS_BIND (logand flags MS_BIND))
+                                (= MS_RDONLY (logand flags MS_RDONLY)))
+                       (mount device #$target #$type
+                              (logior MS_BIND MS_REMOUNT MS_RDONLY))))
+                   #t))
+        (stop #~(lambda args
+                  ;; Normally there are no processes left at this point, so
+                  ;; TARGET can be safely unmounted.
+                  ;; Make sure PID 1 doesn't keep TARGET busy.
+                  (chdir "/")
+                  (umount #$target)
+                  #f)))))))
+(define* (file-system-service file-system)
   "Return a service that mounts DEVICE on TARGET as a file system TYPE with
 OPTIONS.  TITLE is a symbol specifying what kind of name DEVICE is: 'label for
 a partition label, 'device for a device file name, or 'any.  When CHECK? is
@@ -127,170 +195,151 @@ true, check the file system before mounting it.  When 
 true, create TARGET if it does not exist yet.  FLAGS is a list of symbols,
 such as 'read-only' etc.  Optionally, REQUIREMENTS may be a list of service
 names such as device-mapping services."
-  (service
-   (provision (list (symbol-append 'file-system- (string->symbol target))))
-   (requirement `(root-file-system ,@requirements))
-   (documentation "Check, mount, and unmount the given file system.")
-   (start #~(lambda args
-              ;; FIXME: Use or factorize with 'mount-file-system'.
-              (let ((device (canonicalize-device-spec #$device '#$title))
-                    (flags  #$(mount-flags->bit-mask flags)))
-                #$(if create-mount-point?
-                      #~(mkdir-p #$target)
-                      #~#t)
-                #$(if check?
-                      #~(begin
-                          ;; Make sure fsck.ext2 & co. can be found.
-                          (setenv "PATH"
-                                  (string-append
-                                   #$e2fsprogs "/sbin:"
-                                   "/run/current-system/profile/sbin:"
-                                   (getenv "PATH")))
-                          (check-file-system device #$type))
-                      #~#t)
-                (mount device #$target #$type flags #$options)
-                ;; For read-only bind mounts, an extra remount is needed,
-                ;; as per <>, which still
-                ;; applies to Linux 4.0.
-                (when (and (= MS_BIND (logand flags MS_BIND))
-                           (= MS_RDONLY (logand flags MS_RDONLY)))
-                  (mount device #$target #$type
-                         (logior MS_BIND MS_REMOUNT MS_RDONLY))))
-              #t))
-   (stop #~(lambda args
-             ;; Normally there are no processes left at this point, so
-             ;; TARGET can be safely unmounted.
-             ;; Make sure PID 1 doesn't keep TARGET busy.
-             (chdir "/")
-             (umount #$target)
-             #f))))
+  (service (type file-system-service-type)
+           (parameters file-system)))
+(define user-unmount-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (known-mount-points)
+     (dmd-service
+      (documentation "Unmount manually-mounted file systems.")
+      (provision '(user-unmount))
+      (start #~(const #t))
+      (stop #~(lambda args
+                (define (known? mount-point)
+                  (member mount-point
+                          (cons* "/proc" "/sys" '#$known-mount-points)))
+                ;; Make sure we don't keep the user's mount points busy.
+                (chdir "/")
+                (for-each (lambda (mount-point)
+                            (format #t "unmounting '~a'...~%" mount-point)
+                            (catch 'system-error
+                              (lambda ()
+                                (umount mount-point))
+                              (lambda args
+                                (let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
+                                  (format #t "failed to unmount '~a': ~a~%"
+                                          mount-point (strerror errno))))))
+                          (filter (negate known?) (mount-points)))
+                #f))))))
 (define (user-unmount-service known-mount-points)
   "Return a service whose sole purpose is to unmount file systems not listed
 in KNOWN-MOUNT-POINTS when it is stopped."
-  (service
-   (documentation "Unmount manually-mounted file systems.")
-   (provision '(user-unmount))
-   (start #~(const #t))
-   (stop #~(lambda args
-             (define (known? mount-point)
-               (member mount-point
-                       (cons* "/proc" "/sys"
-                              '#$known-mount-points)))
-             ;; Make sure we don't keep the user's mount points busy.
-             (chdir "/")
-             (for-each (lambda (mount-point)
-                         (format #t "unmounting '~a'...~%" mount-point)
-                         (catch 'system-error
-                           (lambda ()
-                             (umount mount-point))
-                           (lambda args
-                             (let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
-                               (format #t "failed to unmount '~a': ~a~%"
-                                       mount-point (strerror errno))))))
-                       (filter (negate known?) (mount-points)))
-             #f))))
+  (service (type user-unmount-service-type)
+           (parameters known-mount-points)))
 (define %do-not-kill-file
   ;; Name of the file listing PIDs of processes that must survive when halting
   ;; the system.  Typical example is user-space file systems.
-(define* (user-processes-service requirements #:key (grace-delay 4))
+(define user-processes-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (match-lambda
+     ((requirements grace-delay)
+      (dmd-service
+       (documentation "When stopped, terminate all user processes.")
+       (provision '(user-processes))
+       (requirement (cons 'root-file-system
+                          (map file-system->dmd-service-name
+                               requirements)))
+       (start #~(const #t))
+       (stop #~(lambda _
+                 (define (kill-except omit signal)
+                   ;; Kill all the processes with SIGNAL except those listed
+                   ;; in OMIT and the current process.
+                   (let ((omit (cons (getpid) omit)))
+                     (for-each (lambda (pid)
+                                 (unless (memv pid omit)
+                                   (false-if-exception
+                                    (kill pid signal))))
+                               (processes))))
+                 (define omitted-pids
+                   ;; List of PIDs that must not be killed.
+                   (if (file-exists? #$%do-not-kill-file)
+                       (map string->number
+                            (call-with-input-file #$%do-not-kill-file
+                              (compose string-tokenize
+                                       (@ (ice-9 rdelim) read-string))))
+                       '()))
+                 (define (now)
+                   (car (gettimeofday)))
+                 (define (sleep* n)
+                   ;; Really sleep N seconds.
+                   ;; Work around <>.
+                   (define start (now))
+                   (let loop ((elapsed 0))
+                     (when (> n elapsed)
+                       (sleep (- n elapsed))
+                       (loop (- (now) start)))))
+                 (define lset= (@ (srfi srfi-1) lset=))
+                 (display "sending all processes the TERM signal\n")
+                 (if (null? omitted-pids)
+                     (begin
+                       ;; Easy: terminate all of them.
+                       (kill -1 SIGTERM)
+                       (sleep* #$grace-delay)
+                       (kill -1 SIGKILL))
+                     (begin
+                       ;; Kill them all except OMITTED-PIDS.  XXX: We would
+                       ;; like to (kill -1 SIGSTOP) to get a fixed list of
+                       ;; processes, like 'killall5' does, but that seems
+                       ;; unreliable.
+                       (kill-except omitted-pids SIGTERM)
+                       (sleep* #$grace-delay)
+                       (kill-except omitted-pids SIGKILL)
+                       (delete-file #$%do-not-kill-file)))
+                 (let wait ()
+                   (let ((pids (processes)))
+                     (unless (lset= = pids (cons 1 omitted-pids))
+                       (format #t "waiting for process termination\
+ (processes left: ~s)~%"
+                               pids)
+                       (sleep* 2)
+                       (wait))))
+                 (display "all processes have been terminated\n")
+                 #f))
+       (respawn? #f))))))
+(define* (user-processes-service file-systems #:key (grace-delay 4))
   "Return the service that is responsible for terminating all the processes so
 that the root file system can be re-mounted read-only, just before
 rebooting/halting.  Processes still running GRACE-DELAY seconds after SIGTERM
 has been sent are terminated with SIGKILL.
-The returned service will depend on 'root-file-system' and on all the services
-listed in REQUIREMENTS.
+The returned service will depend on 'root-file-system' and on all the dmd
+services corresponding to FILE-SYSTEMS.
 All the services that spawn processes must depend on this one so that they are
 stopped before 'kill' is called."
-  (service
-   (documentation "When stopped, terminate all user processes.")
-   (provision '(user-processes))
-   (requirement (cons 'root-file-system requirements))
-   (start #~(const #t))
-   (stop #~(lambda _
-             (define (kill-except omit signal)
-               ;; Kill all the processes with SIGNAL except those
-               ;; listed in OMIT and the current process.
-               (let ((omit (cons (getpid) omit)))
-                 (for-each (lambda (pid)
-                             (unless (memv pid omit)
-                               (false-if-exception
-                                (kill pid signal))))
-                           (processes))))
-             (define omitted-pids
-               ;; List of PIDs that must not be killed.
-               (if (file-exists? #$%do-not-kill-file)
-                   (map string->number
-                        (call-with-input-file #$%do-not-kill-file
-                          (compose string-tokenize
-                                   (@ (ice-9 rdelim) read-string))))
-                   '()))
-             (define (now)
-               (car (gettimeofday)))
-             (define (sleep* n)
-               ;; Really sleep N seconds.
-               ;; Work around <>.
-               (define start (now))
-               (let loop ((elapsed 0))
-                 (when (> n elapsed)
-                   (sleep (- n elapsed))
-                   (loop (- (now) start)))))
-             (define lset= (@ (srfi srfi-1) lset=))
-             (display "sending all processes the TERM signal\n")
-             (if (null? omitted-pids)
-                 (begin
-                   ;; Easy: terminate all of them.
-                   (kill -1 SIGTERM)
-                   (sleep* #$grace-delay)
-                   (kill -1 SIGKILL))
-                 (begin
-                   ;; Kill them all except OMITTED-PIDS.  XXX: We
-                   ;; would like to (kill -1 SIGSTOP) to get a fixed
-                   ;; list of processes, like 'killall5' does, but
-                   ;; that seems unreliable.
-                   (kill-except omitted-pids SIGTERM)
-                   (sleep* #$grace-delay)
-                   (kill-except omitted-pids SIGKILL)
-                   (delete-file #$%do-not-kill-file)))
-             (let wait ()
-               (let ((pids (processes)))
-                 (unless (lset= = pids (cons 1 omitted-pids))
-                   (format #t "waiting for process termination\
- (processes left: ~s)~%"
-                           pids)
-                   (sleep* 2)
-                   (wait))))
-             (display "all processes have been terminated\n")
-             #f))
-   (respawn? #f)))
+  (service (type user-processes-service-type)
+           (parameters (list file-systems grace-delay))))
+(define host-name-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (name)
+     (dmd-service
+      (documentation "Initialize the machine's host name.")
+      (provision '(host-name))
+      (start #~(lambda _
+                 (sethostname #$name)))
+      (respawn? #f)))))
 (define (host-name-service name)
   "Return a service that sets the host name to @var{name}."
-  (service
-   (documentation "Initialize the machine's host name.")
-   (provision '(host-name))
-   (start #~(lambda _
-              (sethostname #$name)))
-   (respawn? #f)))
+  (service (type host-name-service-type)
+           (parameters name)))
 (define (unicode-start tty)
   "Return a gexp to start Unicode support on @var{tty}."
@@ -310,15 +359,44 @@ stopped before 'kill' is called."
            (zero? (cdr (waitpid pid))))))))
+(define console-keymap-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (file)
+     (dmd-service
+      (documentation (string-append "Load console keymap (loadkeys)."))
+      (provision '(console-keymap))
+      (start #~(lambda _
+                 (zero? (system* (string-append #$kbd "/bin/loadkeys")
+                                 #$file))))
+      (respawn? #f)))))
 (define (console-keymap-service file)
   "Return a service to load console keymap from @var{file}."
-  (service
-   (documentation (string-append "Load console keymap (loadkeys)."))
-   (provision '(console-keymap))
-   (start #~(lambda _
-              (zero? (system* (string-append #$kbd "/bin/loadkeys")
-                              #$file))))
-   (respawn? #f)))
+  (service (type console-keymap-service-type)
+           (parameters file)))
+(define console-font-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (match-lambda
+     ((tty font)
+      (let ((device (string-append "/dev/" tty)))
+        (dmd-service
+         (documentation "Load a Unicode console font.")
+         (provision (list (symbol-append 'console-font-
+                                         (string->symbol tty))))
+         ;; Start after mingetty has been started on TTY, otherwise the 
+         ;; are ignored.
+         (requirement (list (symbol-append 'term-
+                                           (string->symbol tty))))
+         (start #~(lambda _
+                    (and #$(unicode-start device)
+                         (zero?
+                          (system* (string-append #$kbd "/bin/setfont")
+                                   "-C" #$device #$font)))))
+         (stop #~(const #t))
+         (respawn? #f)))))))
 (define* (console-font-service tty #:optional (font "LatGrkCyr-8x16"))
   "Return a service that sets up Unicode support in @var{tty} and loads
@@ -326,24 +404,8 @@ stopped before 'kill' is called."
   ;; Note: 'LatGrkCyr-8x16' has the advantage of providing three common
   ;; scripts as well as glyphs for em dash, quotation marks, and other Unicode
   ;; codepoints notably found in the UTF-8 manual.
-  (let ((device (string-append "/dev/" tty)))
-    (service
-     (documentation "Load a Unicode console font.")
-     (provision (list (symbol-append 'console-font-
-                                     (string->symbol tty))))
-     ;; Start after mingetty has been started on TTY, otherwise the
-     ;; settings are ignored.
-     (requirement (list (symbol-append 'term-
-                                       (string->symbol tty))))
-     (start #~(lambda _
-                (and #$(unicode-start device)
-                     (zero?
-                      (system* (string-append #$kbd "/bin/setfont")
-                               "-C" #$device #$font)))))
-     (stop #~(const #t))
-     (respawn? #f))))
+  (service (type console-font-service-type)
+           (parameters (list tty font))))
 (define-record-type* <mingetty-configuration>
   mingetty-configuration make-mingetty-configuration
@@ -363,42 +425,57 @@ stopped before 'kill' is called."
   (allow-empty-passwords? mingetty-configuration-allow-empty-passwords?
                           (default #t)))          ;Boolean
+(define (mingetty-pam-service conf)
+  "Return the list of PAM service needed for CONF."
+  ;; Let 'login' be known to PAM.  All the mingetty services will have that
+  ;; PAM service, but that's fine because they're all identical and duplicates
+  ;; are removed.
+  (list (unix-pam-service "login"
+                          #:allow-empty-passwords?
+                          (mingetty-configuration-allow-empty-passwords? conf)
+                          #:motd
+                          (mingetty-configuration-motd conf))))
+(define mingetty-dmd-service
+  (match-lambda
+    (($ <mingetty-configuration> tty motd auto-login login-program
+                                 login-pause? allow-empty-passwords?)
+     (list
+      (dmd-service
+       (documentation "Run mingetty on an tty.")
+       (provision (list (symbol-append 'term- (string->symbol tty))))
+       ;; Since the login prompt shows the host name, wait for the 'host-name'
+       ;; service to be done.  Also wait for udev essentially so that the tty
+       ;; text is not lost in the middle of kernel messages (XXX).
+       (requirement '(user-processes host-name udev))
+       (start  #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+                  (list (string-append #$mingetty "/sbin/mingetty")
+                        "--noclear" #$tty
+                        #$@(if auto-login
+                               #~("--autologin" #$auto-login)
+                               #~())
+                        #$@(if login-program
+                               #~("--loginprog" #$login-program)
+                               #~())
+                        #$@(if login-pause?
+                               #~("--loginpause")
+                               #~()))))
+       (stop   #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
+(define mingetty-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'mingetty)
+                (extensions (list (service-extension dmd-root-service-type
+                                                     mingetty-dmd-service)
+                                  (service-extension pam-root-service-type
+                                                     mingetty-pam-service)))))
 (define* (mingetty-service config)
   "Return a service to run mingetty according to @var{config}, which specifies
 the tty to run, among other things."
-  (match config
-    (($ <mingetty-configuration> tty motd auto-login login-program
-                                 login-pause? allow-empty-passwords?)
-     (service
-      (documentation "Run mingetty on an tty.")
-      (provision (list (symbol-append 'term- (string->symbol tty))))
-      ;; Since the login prompt shows the host name, wait for the 'host-name'
-      ;; service to be done.  Also wait for udev essentially so that the tty
-      ;; text is not lost in the middle of kernel messages (XXX).
-      (requirement '(user-processes host-name udev))
-      (start  #~(make-forkexec-constructor
-                 (list (string-append #$mingetty "/sbin/mingetty")
-                       "--noclear" #$tty
-                       #$@(if auto-login
-                              #~("--autologin" #$auto-login)
-                              #~())
-                       #$@(if login-program
-                              #~("--loginprog" #$login-program)
-                              #~())
-                       #$@(if login-pause?
-                              #~("--loginpause")
-                              #~()))))
-      (stop   #~(make-kill-destructor))
-      (pam-services
-       ;; Let 'login' be known to PAM.  All the mingetty services will have
-       ;; that PAM service, but that's fine because they're all identical and
-       ;; duplicates are removed.
-       (list (unix-pam-service "login"
-                               #:allow-empty-passwords? allow-empty-passwords?
-                               #:motd motd)))))))
+  (service (type mingetty-service-type)
+           (parameters config)))
 (define-record-type* <nscd-configuration> nscd-configuration
@@ -503,38 +580,63 @@ the tty to run, among other things."
                                  (map cache->config caches)))))))
+(define (nscd-dmd-service config)
+  "Return a dmd service for CONFIG, an <nscd-configuration> object."
+  (let ((nscd.conf     (nscd.conf-file config))
+        (name-services (nscd-configuration-name-services config)))
+    (list (dmd-service
+           (documentation "Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).")
+           (provision '(nscd))
+           (requirement '(user-processes))
+           (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+                     (list (string-append #$(nscd-configuration-glibc config)
+                                          "/sbin/nscd")
+                           "-f" #$nscd.conf "--foreground")
+                     #:environment-variables
+                     (list (string-append "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="
+                                          (string-join
+                                           (map (lambda (dir)
+                                                  (string-append dir "/lib"))
+                                                (list address@hidden))
+                                           ":")))))
+           (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
+           (respawn? #f)))))
+(define nscd-activation
+  ;; Actions to take before starting nscd.
+  #~(begin
+      (use-modules (guix build utils))
+      (mkdir-p "/var/run/nscd")
+      (mkdir-p "/var/db/nscd")))                  ;for the persistent cache
+(define nscd-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'nscd)
+                (extensions
+                 (list (service-extension activation-service-type
+                                          (const nscd-activation))
+                       (service-extension dmd-root-service-type
+                                          nscd-dmd-service)))))
 (define* (nscd-service #:optional (config %nscd-default-configuration))
   "Return a service that runs libc's name service cache daemon (nscd) with the
 given @var{config}---an @code{<nscd-configuration>} object.  @xref{Name
 Service Switch}, for an example."
-  (let ((nscd.conf (nscd.conf-file config)))
-    (service
-     (documentation "Run libc's name service cache daemon (nscd).")
-     (provision '(nscd))
-     (requirement '(user-processes))
-     (activate #~(begin
-                   (use-modules (guix build utils))
-                   (mkdir-p "/var/run/nscd")
-                   (mkdir-p "/var/db/nscd")))     ;for the persistent cache
-     (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
-               (list (string-append #$(nscd-configuration-glibc config)
-                                    "/sbin/nscd")
-                     "-f" #$nscd.conf "--foreground")
-               #:environment-variables
-               (list (string-append "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="
-                                    (string-join
-                                     (map (lambda (dir)
-                                            (string-append dir "/lib"))
-                                          (list
-                                           #$@(nscd-configuration-name-services
-                                               config)))
-                                     ":")))))
-     (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
-     (respawn? #f))))
+  (service (type nscd-service-type)
+           (parameters config)))
+(define syslog-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (config-file)
+     (dmd-service
+      (documentation "Run the syslog daemon (syslogd).")
+      (provision '(syslogd))
+      (requirement '(user-processes))
+      (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+                (list (string-append #$inetutils "/libexec/syslogd")
+                      "--no-detach" "--rcfile" #$config-file)))
+      (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))))
 ;; Snippet adapted from the GNU inetutils manual.
 (define %default-syslog.conf
@@ -558,18 +660,13 @@ Service Switch}, for an example."
      # Log all the mail messages in one place.
      mail.*                                  /var/log/maillog
 (define* (syslog-service #:key (config-file %default-syslog.conf))
   "Return a service that runs @code{syslogd}.
 If configuration file name @var{config-file} is not specified, use some
 reasonable default settings."
-  (service
-   (documentation "Run the syslog daemon (syslogd).")
-   (provision '(syslogd))
-   (requirement '(user-processes))
-   (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
-             (list (string-append #$inetutils "/libexec/syslogd")
-                   "--no-detach" "--rcfile" #$config-file)))
-   (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))
+  (service (type syslog-service-type)
+           (parameters config-file)))
 (define* (guix-build-accounts count #:key
                               (group "guixbuild")
@@ -618,61 +715,95 @@ GUIX."
                (format (current-error-port) "warning: \
 failed to register public key: ~a~%" status))))))))
-(define* (guix-service #:key (guix guix) (builder-group "guixbuild")
-                       (build-accounts 10) (authorize-hydra-key? #t)
-                       (use-substitutes? #t)
-                       (extra-options '())
-                       (lsof lsof) (lsh lsh))
-  "Return a service that runs the build daemon from @var{guix}, and has
address@hidden user accounts available under @var{builder-group}.
-When @var{authorize-hydra-key?} is true, the @code{} public key
-provided by @var{guix} is authorized upon activation, meaning that substitutes
-from @code{} are used by default.
-If @var{use-substitutes?} is false, the daemon is run with
address@hidden (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon,
-Finally, @var{extra-options} is a list of additional command-line options
-passed to @command{guix-daemon}."
-  (define activate
-    ;; Assume that the store has BUILDER-GROUP as its group.  We could
-    ;; otherwise call 'chown' here, but the problem is that on a COW unionfs,
-    ;; chown leads to an entire copy of the tree, which is a bad idea.
-    ;; Optionally authorize's key.
-    (and authorize-hydra-key?
-         (hydra-key-authorization guix)))
-  (service
-   (documentation "Run the Guix daemon.")
-   (provision '(guix-daemon))
-   (requirement '(user-processes))
-   (start
-    #~(make-forkexec-constructor
-       (list (string-append #$guix "/bin/guix-daemon")
-             "--build-users-group" #$builder-group
-             #$@(if use-substitutes?
-                    '()
-                    '("--no-substitutes"))
-             address@hidden)
-       ;; Add 'lsof' (for the GC) and 'lsh' (for offloading) to the
-       ;; daemon's $PATH.
-       #:environment-variables
-       (list (string-append "PATH=" #$lsof "/bin:" #$lsh "/bin"))))
-   (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
-   (user-accounts (guix-build-accounts build-accounts
-                                       #:group builder-group))
-   (user-groups (list (user-group
-                       (name builder-group)
-                       (system? #t)
-                       ;; Use a fixed GID so that we can create the
-                       ;; store with the right owner.
-                       (id 30000))))
-   (activate activate)))
+(define-record-type* <guix-configuration>
+  guix-configuration make-guix-configuration
+  guix-configuration?
+  (guix             guix-configuration-guix       ;<package>
+                    (default guix))
+  (build-group      guix-configuration-build-group ;string
+                    (default "guixbuild"))
+  (build-accounts   guix-configuration-build-accounts ;integer
+                    (default 10))
+  (authorize-key?   guix-configuration-authorize-key? ;Boolean
+                    (default #t))
+  (use-substitutes? guix-configuration-use-substitutes? ;Boolean
+                    (default #t))
+  (extra-options    guix-configuration-extra-options ;list of strings
+                    (default '()))
+  (lsof             guix-configuration-lsof       ;<package>
+                    (default lsof))
+  (lsh              guix-configuration-lsh        ;<package>
+                    (default lsh)))
+(define %default-guix-configuration
+  (guix-configuration))
+(define (guix-dmd-service config)
+  "Return a <dmd-service> for the Guix daemon service with CONFIG."
+  (match config
+    (($ <guix-configuration> guix build-group build-accounts authorize-key?
+                             use-substitutes? extra-options lsof lsh)
+     (list (dmd-service
+            (documentation "Run the Guix daemon.")
+            (provision '(guix-daemon))
+            (requirement '(user-processes))
+            (start
+             #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+                (list (string-append #$guix "/bin/guix-daemon")
+                      "--build-users-group" #$build-group
+                      #$@(if use-substitutes?
+                             '()
+                             '("--no-substitutes"))
+                      address@hidden)
+                ;; Add 'lsof' (for the GC) and 'lsh' (for offloading) to the
+                ;; daemon's $PATH.
+                #:environment-variables
+                (list (string-append "PATH=" #$lsof "/bin:" #$lsh "/bin"))))
+            (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
+(define (guix-accounts config)
+  "Return the user accounts and user groups for CONFIG."
+  (match config
+    (($ <guix-configuration> _ build-group build-accounts)
+     (cons (user-group
+            (name build-group)
+            (system? #t)
+            ;; Use a fixed GID so that we can create the store with the right
+            ;; owner.
+            (id 30000))
+           (guix-build-accounts build-accounts
+                                #:group build-group)))))
+(define (guix-activation config)
+  "Return the activation gexp for CONFIG."
+  (match config
+    (($ <guix-configuration> guix build-group build-accounts authorize-key?)
+     ;; Assume that the store has BUILD-GROUP as its group.  We could
+     ;; otherwise call 'chown' here, but the problem is that on a COW unionfs,
+     ;; chown leads to an entire copy of the tree, which is a bad idea.
+     ;; Optionally authorize's key.
+     (and authorize-key?
+          (hydra-key-authorization guix)))))
+(define guix-service-type
+  (service-type
+   (name 'guix)
+   (extensions
+    (list (service-extension dmd-root-service-type
+                             guix-dmd-service)
+          (service-extension account-service-type
+                             guix-accounts)
+          (service-extension activation-service-type
+                             guix-activation)))))
+(define* (guix-service #:optional (config %default-guix-configuration))
+  "Return a service that runs the Guix build daemon according to
+  (service (type guix-service-type)
+           (parameters config)))
 (define (udev-rules-union packages)
   "Return the union of the @code{lib/udev/rules.d} directories found in each
@@ -724,9 +855,16 @@ item of @var{packages}."
 KERNEL==\"kvm\", GROUP=\"kvm\", MODE=\"0660\"\n" port))))
                  #:modules '((guix build utils))))
-(define* (udev-service #:key (udev eudev) (rules '()))
-  "Run @var{udev}, which populates the @file{/dev} directory dynamically.  Get
-extra rules from the packages listed in @var{rules}."
+(define udev-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'udev)
+                (extensions
+                 (list (service-extension
+                        dmd-root-service-type
+                        (lambda (rules)
+                          (list (udev-rules->dmd-service rules))))))
+                (extend concatenate)))          ;concatenate the list of rules
+(define* (udev-rules->dmd-service rules #:key (udev eudev))
   (let* ((rules     (udev-rules-union (cons* udev
@@ -736,7 +874,7 @@ extra rules from the packages listed in @var{rules}."
                                          (format port
-    (service
+    (dmd-service
      (provision '(udev))
      ;; Udev needs /dev to be a 'devtmpfs' mount so that new device nodes can
@@ -801,41 +939,61 @@ extra rules from the packages listed in @var{rules}."
      (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
      ;; When halting the system, 'udev' is actually killed by
-     ;; 'user-processes', i.e., before its own 'stop' method was
-     ;; called.  Thus, make sure it is not respawned.
+     ;; 'user-processes', i.e., before its own 'stop' method was called.
+     ;; Thus, make sure it is not respawned.
      (respawn? #f))))
+(define* (udev-service #:key (udev eudev) (rules '()))
+  "Run @var{udev}, which populates the @file{/dev} directory dynamically.  Get
+extra rules from the packages listed in @var{rules}."
+  ;; FIXME: #:udev is ignored!
+  (service (type udev-service-type)
+           (parameters rules)))
+(define device-mapping-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (match-lambda
+     ((target open close)
+      (dmd-service
+       (provision (list (symbol-append 'device-mapping- (string->symbol 
+       (requirement '(udev))
+       (documentation "Map a device node using Linux's device mapper.")
+       (start #~(lambda () #$open))
+       (stop #~(lambda _ (not #$close)))
+       (respawn? #f))))))
 (define (device-mapping-service target open close)
   "Return a service that maps device @var{target}, a string such as
 @code{\"home\"} (meaning @code{/dev/mapper/home}).  Evaluate @var{open}, a
 gexp, to open it, and evaluate @var{close} to close it."
-  (service
-   (provision (list (symbol-append 'device-mapping- (string->symbol target))))
-   (requirement '(udev))
-   (documentation "Map a device node using Linux's device mapper.")
-   (start #~(lambda () #$open))
-   (stop #~(lambda _ (not #$close)))
-   (respawn? #f)))
+  (service (type device-mapping-service-type)
+           (parameters (list target open close))))
+(define swap-service-type
+  (dmd-service-type
+   (lambda (device)
+     (define requirement
+       (if (string-prefix? "/dev/mapper/" device)
+           (list (symbol-append 'device-mapping-
+                                (string->symbol (basename device))))
+           '()))
+     (dmd-service
+      (provision (list (symbol-append 'swap- (string->symbol device))))
+      (requirement `(udev ,@requirement))
+      (documentation "Enable the given swap device.")
+      (start #~(lambda ()
+                 (restart-on-EINTR (swapon #$device))
+                 #t))
+      (stop #~(lambda _
+                (restart-on-EINTR (swapoff #$device))
+                #f))
+      (respawn? #f)))))
 (define (swap-service device)
   "Return a service that uses @var{device} as a swap device."
-  (define requirement
-    (if (string-prefix? "/dev/mapper/" device)
-        (list (symbol-append 'device-mapping-
-                             (string->symbol (basename device))))
-        '()))
-  (service
-   (provision (list (symbol-append 'swap- (string->symbol device))))
-   (requirement `(udev ,@requirement))
-   (documentation "Enable the given swap device.")
-   (start #~(lambda ()
-              (restart-on-EINTR (swapon #$device))
-              #t))
-   (stop #~(lambda _
-             (restart-on-EINTR (swapoff #$device))
-             #f))
-   (respawn? #f)))
+  (service (type swap-service-type)
+           (parameters device)))
 (define %base-services
   ;; Convenience variable holding the basic services.
@@ -861,8 +1019,8 @@ This is the GNU operating system, welcome!\n\n")))
           (mingetty-service (mingetty-configuration
                              (tty "tty6") (motd motd)))
-          (static-networking-service "lo" ""
-                                     #:provision '(loopback))
+          ;; (static-networking-service "lo" ""
+          ;;                            #:provision '(loopback))
diff --git a/gnu/services/dmd.scm b/gnu/services/dmd.scm
index 618df91..74866c6 100644
--- a/gnu/services/dmd.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/dmd.scm
@@ -22,13 +22,20 @@
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
   #:use-module (guix store)
   #:use-module (guix monads)
+  #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (guix derivations)                 ;imported-modules, etc.
   #:use-module (gnu services)
+  #:use-module (gnu packages admin)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
-  #:export (dmd-configuration-file))
+  #:export (dmd-root-service-type
+            %dmd-root-service
+            dmd-service-type
+            dmd-service
+            dmd-service?))
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -36,6 +43,69 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(define (dmd-boot-gexp services)
+  (mlet %store-monad ((dmd-conf (dmd-configuration-file services)))
+    (return #~(begin
+                ;; Keep track of the booted system.
+                (false-if-exception (delete-file "/run/booted-system"))
+                (symlink (readlink "/run/current-system")
+                         "/run/booted-system")
+                ;; Close any remaining open file descriptors to be on the safe
+                ;; side.  This must be the very last thing we do, because
+                ;; Guile has internal FDs such as 'sleep_pipe' that need to be
+                ;; alive.
+                (let loop ((fd 3))
+                  (when (< fd 1024)
+                    (false-if-exception (close-fdes fd))
+                    (loop (+ 1 fd))))
+                ;; Start dmd.
+                (execl (string-append #$dmd "/bin/dmd")
+                       "dmd" "--config" #$dmd-conf)))))
+(define dmd-root-service-type
+  (service-type
+   (name 'dmd-root)
+   ;; Extending the root dmd service (aka. PID 1) happens by concatenating the
+   ;; list of services provided by the extensions.
+   (extend concatenate)
+   (extensions (list (service-extension boot-service-type
+                                        dmd-boot-gexp)))))
+(define %dmd-root-service
+  ;; The root dmd service, aka. PID 1.
+  (service
+   (type dmd-root-service-type)
+   (parameters '())))                             ;list of <dmd-service>
+(define-syntax-rule (dmd-service-type proc)
+  "Return a <service-type> denoting a simple dmd service--i.e., the type for a
+service that extends DMD-ROOT-SERVICE-TYPE and nothing else."
+  (service-type
+   (name 'some-dmd-service)
+   (extensions
+    (list (service-extension dmd-root-service-type
+                             (compose list proc))))))
+(define-record-type* <dmd-service>
+  dmd-service make-dmd-service
+  dmd-service?
+  (documentation service-documentation            ; string
+                 (default "[No documentation.]"))
+  (provision     service-provision)               ; list of symbols
+  (requirement   service-requirement              ; list of symbols
+                 (default '()))
+  (respawn?      service-respawn?                 ; Boolean
+                 (default #t))
+  (start         service-start)                   ; g-expression (procedure)
+  (stop          service-stop                     ; g-expression (procedure)
+                 (default #~(const #f)))
+  (auto-start?   service-auto-start?              ; Boolean
+                 (default #t)))
 (define (assert-no-duplicates services)
   "Raise an error if SERVICES provide the same dmd service more than once.
diff --git a/gnu/system.scm b/gnu/system.scm
index 5eaafed..70a48bf 100644
--- a/gnu/system.scm
+++ b/gnu/system.scm
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@
-            file-union
@@ -162,41 +160,6 @@
-;;; Derivation.
-(define* (file-union name files)
-  "Return a derivation that builds a directory containing all of FILES.  Each
-item in FILES must be a list where the first element is the file name to use
-in the new directory, and the second element is a gexp denoting the target
-  (define builder
-    #~(begin
-        (mkdir #$output)
-        (chdir #$output)
-        #$@(map (match-lambda
-                 ((target source)
-                  #~(symlink #$source #$target)))
-                files)))
-  (gexp->derivation name builder))
-(define (directory-union name things)
-  "Return a directory that is the union of THINGS."
-  (match things
-    ((one)
-     ;; Only one thing; return it.
-     (with-monad %store-monad (return one)))
-    (_
-     (gexp->derivation name
-                       #~(begin
-                           (use-modules (guix build union))
-                           (union-build #$output '#$things))
-                       #:modules '((guix build union))
-                       #:local-build? #t))))
 ;;; Services.
@@ -244,18 +207,7 @@ as 'needed-for-boot'."
                                   (string->symbol (mapped-device-target md))))
                  (device-mappings fs))))
-  (map (lambda (fs)
-         (match fs
-           (($ <file-system> device title target type flags opts
-                             #f check? create?)
-            (file-system-service device target type
-                                 #:title title
-                                 #:requirements (requirements fs)
-                                 #:check? check?
-                                 #:create-mount-point? create?
-                                 #:options opts
-                                 #:flags flags))))
-       file-systems))
+  (map file-system-service file-systems))
 (define (mapped-device-user device file-systems)
   "Return a file system among FILE-SYSTEMS that uses DEVICE, or #f."
@@ -315,10 +267,20 @@ bookkeeping."
          (unmount   (user-unmount-service known-fs))
          (swaps     (swap-services os))
          (procs     (user-processes-service
-                     (map (compose first service-provision)
-                          other-fs)))
+                     (map service-parameters other-fs)))
          (host-name (host-name-service (operating-system-host-name os))))
-    (cons* host-name procs root-fs unmount
+    (cons* %boot-service
+           ;; %DMD-ROOT-SERVICE must come first so that the gexp that execs
+           ;; dmd comes last in the boot script (XXX).
+           %dmd-root-service %activation-service
+           (pam-root-service (operating-system-pam-services os))
+           (account-service (append (operating-system-accounts os)
+                                    (operating-system-groups os))
+                            (operating-system-skeletons os))
+           (operating-system-etc-service os)
+           host-name procs root-fs unmount
            (append other-fs mappings swaps))))
 (define (operating-system-services os)
@@ -437,29 +399,24 @@ on SHELLS.  /etc/shells is used by xterm, polkit, and 
other programs."
                                         (newline port))
-(define* (etc-directory #:key
-                        (locale "C") (timezone "Europe/Paris")
-                        (issue "Hello!\n")
-                        (skeletons '())
-                        (pam-services '())
-                        (profile "/run/current-system/profile")
-                        hosts-file nss (shells '())
-                        (sudoers-file (plain-file "sudoers" "")))
-  "Return a derivation that builds the static part of the /etc directory."
-  (mlet* %store-monad
-      ((pam.d ->   (pam-services->directory pam-services))
-       (login.defs (text-file "login.defs" "# Empty for now.\n"))
-       (shells     (shells-file shells))
-       (emacs      (emacs-site-directory))
-       (issue      (text-file "issue" issue))
-       (nsswitch   (text-file "nsswitch.conf"
-                              (name-service-switch->string nss)))
+(define* (operating-system-etc-service os)
+  "Return a <service> that builds containing the static part of the /etc
+  (let
+      ((login.defs (plain-file "login.defs" "# Empty for now.\n"))
+       ;; FIXME: These two are missing.
+       ;; (shells     (shells-file shells))
+       ;; (emacs      (emacs-site-directory))
+       (issue      (plain-file "issue" (operating-system-issue os)))
+       (nsswitch   (plain-file "nsswitch.conf"
+                               (name-service-switch->string
+                                (operating-system-name-service-switch os))))
        ;; Startup file for POSIX-compliant login shells, which set system-wide
        ;; environment variables.
-       (profile    (text-file* "profile"  "\
-export LANG=\"" locale "\"
-export TZ=\"" timezone "\"
+       (profile    (mixed-text-file "profile"  "\
+export LANG=\"" (operating-system-locale os) "\"
+export TZ=\"" (operating-system-timezone os) "\"
 export TZDIR=\"" tzdata "/share/zoneinfo\"
 # Tell 'modprobe' & co. where to look for modules.
@@ -516,7 +473,7 @@ then
-       (bashrc    (text-file "bashrc" "\
+       (bashrc    (plain-file "bashrc" "\
 # Bash-specific initialization.
 # The 'bash-completion' package.
@@ -526,25 +483,23 @@ then
   # completion loader that searches its own completion files as well
   # as those in ~/.guix-profile and /run/current-system/profile.
   source /run/current-system/profile/etc/profile.d/
-       (skel ->   (skeleton-directory skeletons)))
-    (file-union "etc"
-                `(("services" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/services"))
-                  ("protocols" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/protocols"))
-                  ("rpc" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/rpc"))
-                  ("emacs" ,#~#$emacs)
-                  ("pam.d" ,#~#$pam.d)
-                  ("login.defs" ,#~#$login.defs)
-                  ("issue" ,#~#$issue)
-                  ("nsswitch.conf" ,#~#$nsswitch)
-                  ("skel" ,#~#$skel)
-                  ("shells" ,#~#$shells)
-                  ("profile" ,#~#$profile)
-                  ("bashrc" ,#~#$bashrc)
-                  ("hosts" ,#~#$hosts-file)
-                  ("localtime" ,#~(string-append #$tzdata "/share/zoneinfo/"
-                                                 #$timezone))
-                  ("sudoers" ,sudoers-file)))))
+    (etc-service
+     `(("services" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/services"))
+       ("protocols" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/protocols"))
+       ("rpc" ,#~(string-append #$net-base "/etc/rpc"))
+       ;; ("emacs" ,#~#$emacs)
+       ("login.defs" ,#~#$login.defs)
+       ("issue" ,#~#$issue)
+       ("nsswitch.conf" ,#~#$nsswitch)
+       ;; ("shells" ,#~#$shells)
+       ("profile" ,#~#$profile)
+       ("bashrc" ,#~#$bashrc)
+       ("hosts" ,#~#$(or (operating-system-hosts-file os)
+                         (default-/etc/hosts (operating-system-host-name os))))
+       ("localtime" ,#~(string-append #$tzdata "/share/zoneinfo/"
+                                      #$(operating-system-timezone os)))
+       ("sudoers" ,(operating-system-sudoers-file os))))))
 (define (operating-system-profile os)
   "Return a derivation that builds the system profile of OS."
@@ -570,9 +525,7 @@ fi\n"))
         (operating-system-users os)
         (cons %root-account (operating-system-users os))))
-  (append users
-          (append-map service-user-accounts
-                      (operating-system-services os))))
+  users)
 (define (maybe-string->file file-name thing)
   "If THING is a string, return a <plain-file> with THING as its content.
@@ -607,31 +560,9 @@ use 'plain-file' instead~%")
 (define (operating-system-etc-directory os)
   "Return that static part of the /etc directory of OS."
-  (mlet* %store-monad
-      ((services -> (operating-system-services os))
-       (pam-services ->
-                     ;; Services known to PAM.
-                     (append (operating-system-pam-services os)
-                             (append-map service-pam-services services)))
-       (profile-drv (operating-system-profile os))
-       (skeletons   (operating-system-skeletons os))
-       (/etc/hosts  (maybe-file->monadic
-                     "hosts"
-                     (or (operating-system-hosts-file os)
-                         (default-/etc/hosts (operating-system-host-name 
-       (shells ->   (user-shells os)))
-   (etc-directory #:pam-services pam-services
-                  #:skeletons skeletons
-                  #:issue (operating-system-issue os)
-                  #:locale (operating-system-locale os)
-                  #:nss (operating-system-name-service-switch os)
-                  #:timezone (operating-system-timezone os)
-                  #:hosts-file /etc/hosts
-                  #:shells shells
-                  #:sudoers-file (maybe-string->file
-                                  "sudoers"
-                                  (operating-system-sudoers-file os))
-                  #:profile profile-drv)))
+  (etc-directory
+   (fold-services (operating-system-services os)
+                  #:target-type etc-service-type)))
 (define %setuid-programs
   ;; Default set of setuid-root programs.
@@ -652,176 +583,13 @@ use 'plain-file' instead~%")
 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
 %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\n"))
-(define (user-group->gexp group)
-  "Turn GROUP, a <user-group> object, into a list-valued gexp suitable for
-  #~(list #$(user-group-name group)
-          #$(user-group-password group)
-          #$(user-group-id group)
-          #$(user-group-system? group)))
-(define (user-account->gexp account)
-  "Turn ACCOUNT, a <user-account> object, into a list-valued gexp suitable for
-  #~`(#$(user-account-name account)
-      #$(user-account-uid account)
-      #$(user-account-group account)
-      #$(user-account-supplementary-groups account)
-      #$(user-account-comment account)
-      #$(user-account-home-directory account)
-      ,#$(user-account-shell account)             ; this one is a gexp
-      #$(user-account-password account)
-      #$(user-account-system? account)))
-(define (modprobe-wrapper)
-  "Return a wrapper for the 'modprobe' command that knows where modules live.
-This wrapper is typically invoked by the Linux kernel ('call_modprobe', in
-kernel/kmod.c), a situation where the 'LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY' environment
-variable is not set---hence the need for this wrapper."
-  (let ((modprobe "/run/current-system/profile/bin/modprobe"))
-    (gexp->script "modprobe"
-                  #~(begin
-                      (setenv "LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY"
-                              "/run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules")
-                      (apply execl #$modprobe
-                             (cons #$modprobe (cdr (command-line))))))))
-(define* (operating-system-activation-script os #:key container?)
-  "Return the activation script for OS---i.e., the code that \"activates\" the
-stateful part of OS, including user accounts and groups, special directories,
-  (define %modules
-    '((gnu build activation)
-      (gnu build linux-boot)
-      (gnu build linux-modules)
-      (gnu build file-systems)
-      (guix build utils)
-      (guix build syscalls)
-      (guix elf)))
-  (define (service-activations services)
-    ;; Return the activation scripts for SERVICES.
-    (let ((gexps (filter-map service-activate services)))
-      (sequence %store-monad (map (cut gexp->file "activate-service.scm" <>)
-                                  gexps))))
-  (mlet* %store-monad ((services -> (operating-system-services os))
-                       (actions  (service-activations services))
-                       (etc      (operating-system-etc-directory os))
-                       (modules  (imported-modules %modules))
-                       (compiled (compiled-modules %modules))
-                       (modprobe (modprobe-wrapper))
-                       (firmware (directory-union
-                                  "firmware" (operating-system-firmware os)))
-                       (accounts -> (operating-system-accounts os)))
-    (define setuid-progs
-      (operating-system-setuid-programs os))
-    (define user-specs
-      (map user-account->gexp accounts))
-    (define groups
-      (append (operating-system-groups os)
-              (append-map service-user-groups services)))
-    (define group-specs
-      (map user-group->gexp groups))
-    (assert-valid-users/groups accounts groups)
-    (gexp->file "activate"
-                #~(begin
-                    (eval-when (expand load eval)
-                      ;; Make sure 'use-modules' below succeeds.
-                      (set! %load-path (cons #$modules %load-path))
-                      (set! %load-compiled-path
-                            (cons #$compiled %load-compiled-path)))
-                    (use-modules (gnu build activation))
-                    ;; Make sure /bin/sh is valid and current.
-                    (activate-/bin/sh
-                     (string-append #$(canonical-package bash)
-                                    "/bin/sh"))
-                    ;; Populate /etc.
-                    (activate-etc #$etc)
-                    ;; Add users and user groups.
-                    (setenv "PATH"
-                            (string-append #$(@ (gnu packages admin) shadow)
-                                           "/sbin"))
-                    (activate-users+groups (list address@hidden)
-                                           (list address@hidden))
-                    ;; Activate setuid programs.
-                    (activate-setuid-programs (list address@hidden))
-                    ;; Tell the kernel to use our 'modprobe' command.
-                    (activate-modprobe #$modprobe)
-                    ;; Tell the kernel where firmware is, unless we are
-                    ;; activating a container.
-                    #$@(if container?
-                           #~()
-                           ;; Tell the kernel where firmware is.
-                           #~((activate-firmware
-                               (string-append #$firmware "/lib/firmware"))
-                              ;; Let users debug their own processes!
-                              (activate-ptrace-attach)))
-                    ;; Run the services' activation snippets.
-                    ;; TODO: Use 'load-compiled'.
-                    (for-each primitive-load '#$actions)
-                    ;; Set up /run/current-system.
-                    (activate-current-system)))))
-(define* (operating-system-boot-script os #:key container?)
+(define* (operating-system-boot-script os)
   "Return the boot script for OS---i.e., the code started by the initrd once
 we're running in the final root.  When CONTAINER? is true, skip all
 hardware-related operations as necessary when booting a Linux container."
-  (mlet* %store-monad ((services -> (operating-system-services os))
-                       (activate (operating-system-activation-script os))
-                       (dmd-conf (dmd-configuration-file services)))
-    (gexp->file "boot"
-                #~(begin
-                    (use-modules (guix build utils))
-                    ;; Clean out /tmp and /var/run.
-                    ;;
-                    ;; XXX This needs to happen before service activations, so
-                    ;; it has to be here, but this also implicitly assumes
-                    ;; that /tmp and /var/run are on the root partition.
-                    (false-if-exception (delete-file-recursively "/tmp"))
-                    (false-if-exception (delete-file-recursively "/var/run"))
-                    (false-if-exception (mkdir "/tmp"))
-                    (false-if-exception (chmod "/tmp" #o1777))
-                    (false-if-exception (mkdir "/var/run"))
-                    (false-if-exception (chmod "/var/run" #o755))
-                    ;; Activate the system.
-                    ;; TODO: Use 'load-compiled'.
-                    (primitive-load #$activate)
-                    ;; Keep track of the booted system.
-                    (false-if-exception (delete-file "/run/booted-system"))
-                    (symlink (readlink "/run/current-system")
-                             "/run/booted-system")
-                    ;; Close any remaining open file descriptors to be on the
-                    ;; safe side.  This must be the very last thing we do,
-                    ;; because Guile has internal FDs such as 'sleep_pipe'
-                    ;; that need to be alive.
-                    (let loop ((fd 3))
-                      (when (< fd 1024)
-                        (false-if-exception (close-fdes fd))
-                        (loop (+ 1 fd))))
-                    ;; Start dmd.
-                    (execl (string-append #$dmd "/bin/dmd")
-                           "dmd" "--config" #$dmd-conf)))))
+  (let ((boot (fold-services (operating-system-services os))))
+    ;; This is the script as a monadic value.
+    (service-parameters boot)))
 (define (operating-system-root-file-system os)
   "Return the root file system of OS."
@@ -908,19 +676,20 @@ this file is the reconstruction of GRUB menu entries for 
old configurations."
   "Return a derivation that builds OS."
   (mlet* %store-monad
       ((profile     (operating-system-profile os))
-       (etc         (operating-system-etc-directory os))
+       (etc ->      (operating-system-etc-directory os))
        (boot        (operating-system-boot-script os))
        (kernel  ->  (operating-system-kernel os))
        (initrd      (operating-system-initrd-file os))
        (locale      (operating-system-locale-directory os))
        (params      (operating-system-parameters-file os)))
-    (file-union "system"
-                `(("boot" ,#~#$boot)
-                  ("kernel" ,#~#$kernel)
-                  ("parameters" ,#~#$params)
-                  ("initrd" ,initrd)
-                  ("profile" ,#~#$profile)
-                  ("locale" ,#~#$locale)          ;used by libc
-                  ("etc" ,#~#$etc)))))
+    (lower-object
+     (file-union "system"
+                 `(("boot" ,#~#$boot)
+                   ("kernel" ,#~#$kernel)
+                   ("parameters" ,#~#$params)
+                   ("initrd" ,initrd)
+                   ("profile" ,#~#$profile)
+                   ("locale" ,#~#$locale)         ;used by libc
+                   ("etc" ,#~#$etc))))))
 ;;; system.scm ends here
diff --git a/gnu/system/examples/bare-bones.tmpl 
index dc5cfc8..715ea75 100644
--- a/gnu/system/examples/bare-bones.tmpl
+++ b/gnu/system/examples/bare-bones.tmpl
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 ;; for a "bare bones" setup, with no X11 display server.
 (use-modules (gnu))
-(use-service-modules networking ssh)
+;; FIXME: Re-add this later.
+;; (use-service-modules networking ssh)
 (use-package-modules admin)
@@ -42,6 +43,5 @@
   ;; Add services to the baseline: a DHCP client and
   ;; an SSH server.
-  (services (cons* (dhcp-client-service)
-                   (lsh-service #:port-number 2222)
-                   %base-services)))
+  ;; FIXME: re-add them later.
+  (services %base-services))
diff --git a/gnu/system/linux.scm b/gnu/system/linux.scm
index 10e72e9..21bb9f5 100644
--- a/gnu/system/linux.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/linux.scm
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
   #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (guix derivations)
   #:use-module (guix gexp)
+  #:use-module (gnu services)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
@@ -28,7 +29,10 @@
-            base-pam-services))
+            base-pam-services
+            pam-root-service-type
+            pam-root-service))
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -98,8 +102,8 @@ dumped in /etc/pam.d/NAME, where NAME is the name of 
           (mkdir #$output)
           (for-each (match-lambda
-                     ((name file)
-                      (symlink file (string-append #$output "/" name))))
+                      ((name file)
+                       (symlink file (string-append #$output "/" name))))
                     ;; Since <pam-service> objects cannot be compared with
                     ;; 'equal?' since they contain gexps, which contain
@@ -188,4 +192,24 @@ authenticate to run COMMAND."
                '("useradd" "userdel" "usermod"
                  "groupadd" "groupdel" "groupmod"))))
+;;; PAM root service.
+(define (/etc-entry services)
+  `(("pam.d" ,(pam-services->directory services))))
+(define pam-root-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'pam)
+                (extensions (list (service-extension etc-service-type
+                                                     /etc-entry)))
+                (extend concatenate)))
+(define (pam-root-service base)
+  "The \"root\" PAM service, which collects <pam-service> instance and turns
+them into a /etc/pam.d directory, including the <pam-service> listed in BASE."
+  (service (type pam-root-service-type)
+           (parameters base)))
 ;;; linux.scm ends here
diff --git a/gnu/system/shadow.scm b/gnu/system/shadow.scm
index ddd5f66..87f68ce 100644
--- a/gnu/system/shadow.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/shadow.scm
@@ -22,12 +22,14 @@
   #:use-module (guix store)
   #:use-module (guix sets)
   #:use-module (guix ui)
+  #:use-module (gnu services)
   #:use-module ((gnu system file-systems)
                 #:select (%tty-gid))
   #:use-module ((gnu packages admin)
                 #:select (shadow))
   #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
   #:use-module (gnu packages guile-wm)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
@@ -54,7 +56,9 @@
-            assert-valid-users/groups))
+            account-service-type
+            account-service))
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -87,31 +91,42 @@
   (system?        user-group-system?              ; Boolean
                   (default #f)))
+;; Configuration of the whole user account system.
+(define-record-type* <account-configuration>
+  account-configuration make-account-configuration
+  account-configuration?
+  (users         account-configuration-users)
+  (groups        account-configuration-groups)
+  (skeletons     account-configuration-skeletons
+                 (default (default-skeletons)))
+  (shadow        account-configuration-shadow
+                 (default (@ (gnu packages admin) shadow))))
 (define %base-groups
   ;; Default set of groups.
   (let-syntax ((system-group (syntax-rules ()
                                ((_ args ...)
                                 (user-group (system? #t) args ...)))))
     (list (system-group (name "root") (id 0))
-          (system-group (name "wheel"))              ; root-like users
-          (system-group (name "users"))              ; normal users
-          (system-group (name "nogroup"))            ; for daemons etc.
+          (system-group (name "wheel"))           ; root-like users
+          (system-group (name "users"))           ; normal users
+          (system-group (name "nogroup"))         ; for daemons etc.
           ;; The following groups are conventionally used by things like udev 
           ;; control access to hardware devices.
           (system-group (name "tty") (id %tty-gid))
           (system-group (name "dialout"))
           (system-group (name "kmem"))
-          (system-group (name "input"))              ; input devices, from udev
+          (system-group (name "input"))           ; input devices, from udev
           (system-group (name "video"))
           (system-group (name "audio"))
-          (system-group (name "netdev"))             ; used in avahi-dbus.conf
+          (system-group (name "netdev"))          ; used in avahi-dbus.conf
           (system-group (name "lp"))
           (system-group (name "disk"))
           (system-group (name "floppy"))
           (system-group (name "cdrom"))
           (system-group (name "tape"))
-          (system-group (name "kvm")))))             ; for /dev/kvm
+          (system-group (name "kvm")))))          ; for /dev/kvm
 (define %base-user-accounts
   ;; List of standard user accounts.  Note that "root" is a special case, so
@@ -224,4 +239,80 @@ of user '~a' is undeclared")
                           (user-account-supplementary-groups user)))
+;;; Service.
+(define (user-group->gexp group)
+  "Turn GROUP, a <user-group> object, into a list-valued gexp suitable for
+  #~(list #$(user-group-name group)
+          #$(user-group-password group)
+          #$(user-group-id group)
+          #$(user-group-system? group)))
+(define (user-account->gexp account)
+  "Turn ACCOUNT, a <user-account> object, into a list-valued gexp suitable for
+  #~`(#$(user-account-name account)
+      #$(user-account-uid account)
+      #$(user-account-group account)
+      #$(user-account-supplementary-groups account)
+      #$(user-account-comment account)
+      #$(user-account-home-directory account)
+      ,#$(user-account-shell account)             ; this one is a gexp
+      #$(user-account-password account)
+      #$(user-account-system? account)))
+(define (account-activation accounts+groups)
+  "Return a gexp that activates ACCOUNTS+GROUPS, a list of <user-account> and
+<user-group> objects.  Raise an error if a user account refers to a undefined
+  (define accounts
+    (filter user-account? accounts+groups))
+  (define user-specs
+    (map user-account->gexp accounts))
+  (define groups
+    (filter user-group? accounts+groups))
+  (define group-specs
+    (map user-group->gexp groups))
+  (assert-valid-users/groups accounts groups)
+  ;; Add users and user groups.
+  #~(begin
+      (setenv "PATH"
+              (string-append #$(@ (gnu packages admin) shadow) "/sbin"))
+      (activate-users+groups (list address@hidden)
+                             (list address@hidden))))
+(define (etc-skel arguments)
+  "Filter out among ARGUMENTS things corresponding to skeletons, and return
+the /etc/skel directory for those."
+  (let ((skels (filter pair? arguments)))
+    `(("skel" ,(skeleton-directory skels)))))
+(define account-service-type
+  (service-type (name 'account)
+                ;; Concatenate <user-account>, <user-group>, and skeleton
+                ;; lists.
+                (extend concatenate)
+                (extensions
+                 (list (service-extension activation-service-type
+                                          account-activation)
+                       (service-extension etc-service-type
+                                          etc-skel)))))
+(define (account-service accounts+groups skeletons)
+  "Return a <service> that takes care of user accounts and user groups, with
+ACCOUNTS+GROUPS as its initial list of accounts and groups."
+  (service (type account-service-type)
+           (parameters (append skeletons accounts+groups))))
 ;;; shadow.scm ends here

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