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25/26: installer: Emphasise that writing filesystems destroys existing d

From: John Darrington
Subject: 25/26: installer: Emphasise that writing filesystems destroys existing data.
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 12:09:25 +0000 (UTC)

jmd pushed a commit to branch wip-installer
in repository guix.

commit 3b8ef564a11ce7019e7d4c91ced5584827d318f7
Author: John Darrington <address@hidden>
Date:   Sun Jan 22 12:29:16 2017 +0100

    installer: Emphasise that writing filesystems destroys existing data.
    * gnu/system/installer/guixsd-installer.scm (guixsd-installer): Add new 
colour pair.
    * gnu/system/installer/misc.scm (installer-texinfo-markup): New variable.
    * gurses/stexi.scm: New file.
    * (MODULES): Add it.
    * gnu/system/installer/format.scm (format-page-init): Mark as @strong the 
warning about
    destroying existing data.
---                               |    1 +
 gnu/system/installer/format.scm           |   19 +--
 gnu/system/installer/guixsd-installer.scm |    1 +
 gnu/system/installer/misc.scm             |   30 +++++
 gurses/stexi.scm                          |  209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 6c45632..ca371e9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ MODULES =                                     \
   gurses/buttons.scm                            \
   gurses/form.scm                               \
   gurses/menu.scm                               \
+  gurses/stexi.scm                              \
   guix/base32.scm                              \
   guix/base64.scm                              \
   guix/cpio.scm                                        \
diff --git a/gnu/system/installer/format.scm b/gnu/system/installer/format.scm
index bc0ce81..e852d4e 100644
--- a/gnu/system/installer/format.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/installer/format.scm
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
    #:use-module (gurses buttons)
    #:use-module (ncurses curses)
    #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+   #:use-module (texinfo)
+   #:use-module (gurses stexi)
    #:export (filesystems-are-current?)
    #:export (make-format-page))
@@ -184,14 +186,15 @@ match those uuids read from the respective partitions"
                          (getmaxy text-window)
-    (addstr* text-window
-              (gettext
-               (format #f
-                       "The partitions ~s will be formatted.  All data on 
these partitions will be destroyed if you continue."
-                       (map (lambda (x)
-                              (car x))
-                            mount-points))))
+    (render-stexi
+     text-window
+     (texi-fragment->stexi
+      (gettext
+       (format #f
+               "The partitions ~s will be formatted.  @strong{Any existing 
data on these partitions will be destroyed if you continue!!}"
+               (map (lambda (x) (car x))
+                    mount-points))))
+     #:markup-table installer-texinfo-markup)
     (push-cursor (page-cursor-visibility p))
diff --git a/gnu/system/installer/guixsd-installer.scm 
index 6db5477..c5394df 100644
--- a/gnu/system/installer/guixsd-installer.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/installer/guixsd-installer.scm
@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ tail of the list."
       (init-pair! livery-title COLOR_RED COLOR_BLACK)
+      (init-pair! 2 COLOR_MAGENTA COLOR_BLACK)
       (curs-set 0)
diff --git a/gnu/system/installer/misc.scm b/gnu/system/installer/misc.scm
index b245656..5c0ad3e 100644
--- a/gnu/system/installer/misc.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/installer/misc.scm
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
   #:export (config-file)
   #:export (key-map)
   #:export (system-role)
+  #:export (installer-texinfo-markup)
   #:export (mount-points))
 (define livery-title 1)
@@ -39,3 +40,32 @@
 (define config-file #f)
 (define system-role #f)
+(define installer-texinfo-markup
+  `((bold         . ,bold)
+    (samp         . ,normal)
+    (code         . ,normal)
+    (math         . ,normal)
+    (kbd          . ,normal)
+    (key          . ,inverse)
+    (var          . ,normal)
+    (env          . ,normal)
+    (file         . ,normal)
+    (command      . ,normal)
+    (option       . ,normal)
+    (dfn          . ,standout)
+    (cite         . ,normal)
+    (acro         . ,normal)
+    (email        . ,normal)
+    (emph         . ,dim)
+    (strong       . ,(lambda (x) (color 2 x)))
+    (sample       . ,normal)
+    (sc           . ,normal)
+    (titlefont    . ,normal)
+    (asis         . ,normal)
+    (b            . ,bold)
+    (i            . ,normal)
+    (r            . ,normal)
+    (sansserif    . ,normal)
+    (slanted      . ,normal)
+    (t            . ,normal)))
diff --git a/gurses/stexi.scm b/gurses/stexi.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67ffd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gurses/stexi.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2017 John Darrington <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (gurses stexi)
+  #:export (render-stexi)
+  #:use-module (ncurses curses)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1))
+(define default-markup-table
+  `((bold         . ,bold)
+    (samp         . ,normal)
+    (code         . ,normal)
+    (math         . ,normal)
+    (kbd          . ,normal)
+    (key          . ,inverse)
+    (var          . ,normal)
+    (env          . ,normal)
+    (file         . ,normal)
+    (command      . ,normal)
+    (option       . ,normal)
+    (dfn          . ,underline)
+    (cite         . ,normal)
+    (acro         . ,normal)
+    (email        . ,normal)
+    (emph         . ,dim)
+    (strong       . ,blink)
+    (sample       . ,normal)
+    (sc           . ,normal)
+    (titlefont    . ,normal)
+    (asis         . ,normal)
+    (b            . ,bold)
+    (i            . ,normal)
+    (r            . ,normal)
+    (sansserif    . ,normal)
+    (slanted      . ,normal)
+    (t            . ,normal)))
+(define* (render-stexi win stexi #:key (y-start 0) (markup-table 
+  "Render STEXI to WIN"
+  (let loop ((y y-start)
+            (lines (stexi->curses stexi (getmaxx win) markup-table)))
+    (when (not (null? lines))
+         (addchstr win
+                   (car lines)
+                   #:y y #:x 0)
+         (loop (1+ y) (cdr lines)))))
+(define (stexi->curses stxi line-length table)
+  "Return a list of `complex strings' justified to LINE-LENGTH comprising the 
+described by the stexi STXI"
+  (define (parse-fragment frag out markup)
+    (match frag
+          (() out)
+          (('para . rest)
+           (let ((par (parse-fragment rest '() normal)))
+             (append out
+                     (justify (append par (list (normal #\newline))) 
+          ((first . second)
+           (parse-fragment
+            second
+            (match
+             first
+             ((? string? s)
+              (append out (markup s)))
+             (((? symbol? x) . rest)
+              (append out
+                      (parse-fragment
+                       rest '()
+                       (assq-ref table x))))) markup))))
+  (map-in-order
+   (lambda (line)
+     (if (null? line)
+        line
+        (pad-complex-string line line-length)))
+   (match stxi
+         (('*fragment* . rest)
+          (let loop ((in rest)
+                     (acc '()))
+            (if (null? in)
+                acc
+                (loop (cdr in)
+                      (parse-fragment (car in) acc normal))))))))
+(define (offset-to-end-of-word ccs)
+  "Return the number of xchars until the end of the current word."
+  (define (offset-to-end-of-word' cs dist)
+    (cond
+     ((zero? (length cs))
+      dist)
+     ((char-set-contains? char-set:blank (car (xchar-chars (car cs))))
+      dist)
+     (else
+      (offset-to-end-of-word' (cdr cs) (1+ dist)))))
+  (offset-to-end-of-word' ccs 0))
+(define (remove-leading-whitespace cs)
+  (if (char-set-contains? char-set:blank (car (xchar-chars (car cs))))
+      (cdr cs)
+      cs))
+(define (line-split cs line-length)
+  "Return a pair whose car is the first LINE-LENGTH elements of cs and whose
+cdr is the rest"
+  (let loop ((in cs)
+            (count 0)
+            (line0 '())
+            (rest '()))
+    (if (null? in)
+       (let* ((trimmed-line (remove-leading-whitespace line0))
+              (len (length trimmed-line)))
+         (cons (reverse trimmed-line)
+               (reverse rest)))
+       (if (< (+ (offset-to-end-of-word in) count) line-length)
+           (loop (cdr in) (1+ count) (cons  (car in) line0) rest)
+           (loop (cdr in) (1+ count) line0 (cons (car in) rest))))))
+(define (paragraph-format cs line-length)
+  (let loop ((pr (line-split cs line-length))
+            (acc '()))
+    (if (null? (cdr pr))
+       (cons (car pr) acc)
+       (loop (line-split (cdr pr) line-length) (cons (car pr) acc)))))
+(define (justify text line-length)
+  (reverse (paragraph-format text line-length )))
+(define (pad-complex-string str len)
+  "Return a complex string based on STR but with interword padding to make the
+string of length LEN"
+  (define (count-words str)
+    (let loop ((in str)
+              (x 0)
+              (n 0)
+              (prev-white #t))
+      (if (null? in)
+         n
+         (let ((white (char-set-contains? char-set:blank
+                                          (car (xchar-chars (car in))))))
+           (loop (cdr in) (1+ x) (if (and prev-white (not white))
+                                     (1+ n)
+                                     n) white)))))
+  (let* ((underflow (- len (length str)))
+        (word-count (count-words str))
+        (inter-word-space-count (1- word-count)))
+    (if (zero? inter-word-space-count)
+        str
+        (begin
+          (when (negative? underflow)
+                (error
+                 (format
+                  #f
+                  "You asked to pad to ~a but the string is already ~a 
characters long."
+                  len (length str))))
+          (if (eqv? (car (xchar-chars (last str))) #\newline)
+              str ; Don't justify the last line of a paragraph
+              (let loop ((in str)
+                         (out '())
+                         (words 0)
+                         (spaces 0)
+                         (prev-white #t))
+                (if (null? in)
+                    (reverse out)
+                    (let* ((white (char-set-contains? char-set:blank
+                                                      (car (xchar-chars (car 
+                           (end-of-word (and white (not prev-white)))
+                           (words-processed (if end-of-word (1+ words) words))
+                           (spaces-inserted (if end-of-word
+                                                (truncate (- (*
+                                                              (/ underflow 
+                                                              words-processed)
+                                                             spaces))
+                                                0)))
+                      (loop (cdr in)
+                            ;; FIXME: Use a more intelligent algorithm.
+                            ;; (prefer spaces at sentence endings for example)
+                            (append
+                             (make-list spaces-inserted (normal #\space))
+                             (cons (car in) out))
+                            words-processed
+                            (+ spaces spaces-inserted)
+                            white)))))))))

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