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04/08: store: Add 'add-file-tree-to-store'.

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: 04/08: store: Add 'add-file-tree-to-store'.
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 05:55:41 -0400 (EDT)

civodul pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guix.

commit 7f11efbac7a13898bd925d2ef1e9d26cb0e22ade
Author: Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 09:55:49 2018 +0200

    store: Add 'add-file-tree-to-store'.
    * guix/store.scm (%not-slash): New variable.
    (add-file-tree-to-store, interned-file-tree): New procedures.
    * tests/store.scm ("add-file-tree-to-store"): New test.
 guix/store.scm  | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/store.scm |  46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+)

diff --git a/guix/store.scm b/guix/store.scm
index cc5c24a..f41a1e2 100644
--- a/guix/store.scm
+++ b/guix/store.scm
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
+            add-file-tree-to-store
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@
+            interned-file-tree
@@ -951,6 +953,101 @@ where FILE is the entry's absolute file name and STAT is 
the result of
               (hash-set! cache args path)
+(define %not-slash
+  (char-set-complement (char-set #\/)))
+(define* (add-file-tree-to-store server tree
+                                 #:key
+                                 (hash-algo "sha256")
+                                 (recursive? #t))
+  "Add the given TREE to the store on SERVER.  TREE must be an entry such as:
+  (\"my-tree\" directory
+    (\"a\" regular (data \"hello\"))
+    (\"b\" symlink \"a\")
+    (\"c\" directory
+      (\"d\" executable (file \"/bin/sh\"))))
+This is a generalized version of 'add-to-store'.  It allows you to reproduce
+an arbitrary directory layout in the store without creating a derivation."
+  ;; Note: The format of TREE was chosen to allow trees to be compared with
+  ;; 'equal?', which in turn allows us to memoize things.
+  (define root
+    ;; TREE is a single entry.
+    (list tree))
+  (define basename
+    (match tree
+      ((name . _) name)))
+  (define (lookup file)
+    (let loop ((components (string-tokenize file %not-slash))
+               (tree root))
+      (match components
+        ((basename)
+         (assoc basename tree))
+        ((head . rest)
+         (loop rest
+               (match (assoc-ref tree head)
+                 (('directory . entries) entries)))))))
+  (define (file-type+size file)
+    (match (lookup file)
+      ((_ (and type (or 'directory 'symlink)) . _)
+       (values type 0))
+      ((_ type ('file file))
+       (values type (stat:size (stat file))))
+      ((_ type ('data (? string? data)))
+       (values type (string-length data)))
+      ((_ type ('data (? bytevector? data)))
+       (values type (bytevector-length data)))))
+  (define (file-port file)
+    (match (lookup file)
+      ((_ (or 'regular 'executable) content)
+       (match content
+         (('file (? string? file))
+          (open-file file "r0b"))
+         (('data (? string? str))
+          (open-input-string str))
+         (('data (? bytevector? bv))
+          (open-bytevector-input-port bv))))))
+  (define (symlink-target file)
+    (match (lookup file)
+      ((_ 'symlink target) target)))
+  (define (directory-entries directory)
+    (match (lookup directory)
+      ((_ 'directory (names . _) ...) names)))
+  (define cache
+    (nix-server-add-to-store-cache server))
+  (or (hash-ref cache tree)
+      (begin
+        ;; We don't use the 'operation' macro so we can use 'write-file-tree'
+        ;; instead of 'write-file'.
+        (record-operation 'add-to-store/tree)
+        (let ((port (nix-server-socket server)))
+          (write-int (operation-id add-to-store) port)
+          (write-string basename port)
+          (write-int 1 port)                      ;obsolete, must be #t
+          (write-int (if recursive? 1 0) port)
+          (write-string hash-algo port)
+          (write-file-tree basename port
+                           #:file-type+size file-type+size
+                           #:file-port file-port
+                           #:symlink-target symlink-target
+                           #:directory-entries directory-entries)
+          (let loop ((done? (process-stderr server)))
+            (or done? (loop (process-stderr server))))
+          (let ((result (read-store-path port)))
+            (hash-set! cache tree result)
+            result)))))
 (define build-things
   (let ((build (operation (build-things (string-list things)
                                         (integer mode))
@@ -1402,6 +1499,9 @@ where FILE is the entry's absolute file name and STAT is 
the result of
                           #:select? select?)
+(define interned-file-tree
+  (store-lift add-file-tree-to-store))
 (define build
   ;; Monadic variant of 'build-things'.
   (store-lift build-things))
diff --git a/tests/store.scm b/tests/store.scm
index afecec9..47fab0d 100644
--- a/tests/store.scm
+++ b/tests/store.scm
@@ -210,6 +210,52 @@
            (valid-path? store path)
            (file-exists? path)))))
+(test-equal "add-file-tree-to-store"
+  `(42
+    ("." directory #t)
+    ("./bar" directory #t)
+    ("./foo" directory #t)
+    ("./foo/a" regular "file a")
+    ("./foo/b" symlink "a")
+    ("./foo/c" directory #t)
+    ("./foo/c/p" regular "file p")
+    ("./foo/c/q" directory #t)
+    ("./foo/c/q/x" regular "#!/bin/sh\nexit 42")
+    ("./foo/c/q/y" symlink "..")
+    ("./foo/c/q/z" directory #t))
+  (let* ((tree  `("file-tree" directory
+                  ("foo" directory
+                   ("a" regular (data "file a"))
+                   ("b" symlink "a")
+                   ("c" directory
+                    ("p" regular (data ,(string->utf8 "file p")))
+                    ("q" directory
+                     ("x" executable
+                      (data "#!/bin/sh\nexit 42"))
+                     ("y" symlink "..")
+                     ("z" directory))))
+                  ("bar" directory)))
+         (result (add-file-tree-to-store %store tree)))
+    (cons (status:exit-val (system* (string-append result "/foo/c/q/x")))
+          (with-directory-excursion result
+            (map (lambda (file)
+                   (let ((type (stat:type (lstat file))))
+                     `(,file ,type
+                             ,(match type
+                                ((or 'regular 'executable)
+                                 (call-with-input-file file
+                                   get-string-all))
+                                ('symlink (readlink file))
+                                ('directory #t)))))
+                 (find-files "." #:directories? #t))))))
+(test-equal "add-file-tree-to-store, flat"
+  "Hello, world!"
+  (let* ((tree   `("flat-file" regular (data "Hello, world!")))
+         (result (add-file-tree-to-store %store tree)))
+    (and (file-exists? result)
+         (call-with-input-file result get-string-all))))
 (test-assert "references"
   (let* ((t1 (add-text-to-store %store "random1"

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