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Re: Generate 'AUTHORS'

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Generate 'AUTHORS'
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 14:59:48 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.5 (gnu/linux)

Alex Kost <address@hidden> skribis:

> Ludovic Courtès (2015-06-28 23:43 +0300) wrote:
>> I think we should consider generating ‘AUTHORS’ upon ‘make dist’
>> eventually, ideally with a list of those who contributed to the last
>> release, and then the list of all those who contributed at all.  Any
>> takers?  :-)
> I can try.  IIUC it requires:
> - adding a script (let's say "generate-authors.scm") into "build-aux"
>   directory that will call an appropriate "git log" command and mess
>   with its output; something like this:
> (use-modules (ice-9 popen)
>              (ice-9 rdelim)
>              (srfi srfi-1))
> (define* (authors #:optional (range "HEAD"))
>   "Return a list of authors for commit RANGE."
>   (let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_READ
>                            "git" "log" "--format=%aN <%aE>" range))
>          (output (read-string port)))
>     (close-port port)
>     (let ((authors (string-split output #\newline)))
>       (delete-duplicates authors))))
> ;; (authors "v0.8.2..HEAD")
> - adding a new target to "" (and to 'dist-hook' there).
> Right?


Cyril Roelandt <address@hidden> skribis:

> On 06/29/2015 09:26 PM, Alex Kost wrote:
>> However I see an issue with the autogenerated AUTHORS.  There will be
>> duplicates since people not always use a single name/e-mail.  For
>> example, there are:
> The proper way to fix this (and this should probably be done with or
> without this patch) is to use a .mailmap[1] file in our git repo. This
> will allow us to group all commits of an author even if they used
> different emails/name spellings.

Nice, didn’t know that.  I guess we should create a .mailmap based on
the current AUTHORS file, which is authoritative.  Alex, are you willing
to do that?



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