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Re: [PATCH] R build system and CRAN importer (updated)

From: Thompson, David
Subject: Re: [PATCH] R build system and CRAN importer (updated)
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 08:58:12 -0400

Hey Ricardo,

Apologies if the mail client I'm using butchers the formatting... my
Emacs mail setup isn't working quite right now so I'm using something
else.  I hope you can still read my feedback well enough.

>From 3c0859e4086d9648119a3eb3ebff884a5ec07b47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:49:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] import: Add 'cran' importer.

* guix/import/cran.scm: New file.
* guix/scripts/import.scm: Add "cran" to 'importers'.
* guix/scripts/import/cran.scm: New file.
* (MODULES): Add 'guix/import/cran.scm' and
* doc/guix.texi (Invoking guix import): Document it.
* po/guix/ Add 'guix/scripts/import/cran.scm'.
---                  |   2 +
 doc/guix.texi                |  12 +++
 guix/import/cran.scm         | 190 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 guix/scripts/import.scm      |   2 +-
 guix/scripts/import/cran.scm |  92 +++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 guix/import/cran.scm
 create mode 100644 guix/scripts/import/cran.scm

diff --git a/ b/
index ada4cbe..b397962 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ MODULES =                    \
   guix/import/gnu.scm                \
   guix/import/snix.scm                \
   guix/import/cabal.scm                \
+  guix/import/cran.scm                \
   guix/import/hackage.scm            \
   guix/import/elpa.scm               \
   guix/scripts/download.scm            \
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ MODULES =                    \
   guix/scripts/refresh.scm            \
   guix/scripts/system.scm            \
   guix/scripts/lint.scm                \
+  guix/scripts/import/cran.scm            \
   guix/scripts/import/gnu.scm            \
   guix/scripts/import/nix.scm            \
   guix/scripts/import/hackage.scm        \
diff --git a/doc/guix.texi b/doc/guix.texi
index 24b2039..77e47c0 100644
--- a/doc/guix.texi
+++ b/doc/guix.texi
@@ -3867,6 +3867,18 @@ Perl module:
 guix import cpan Acme::Boolean
 @end example

address@hidden cran
address@hidden CRAN
+Import meta-data from @uref{, CRAN}.
+Information is extracted from the HTML package description.
+The command command below imports meta-data for the @code{Cairo}
+R package:
+guix import cran Cairo
address@hidden example
 @item nix
 Import meta-data from a local copy of the source of the
 @uref{, Nixpkgs address@hidden
diff --git a/guix/import/cran.scm b/guix/import/cran.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..805eeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/import/cran.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2015 Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (guix import cran)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (sxml simple)
+  #:use-module (sxml match)
+  #:use-module (sxml xpath)
+  #:use-module (guix http-client)
+  #:use-module (guix hash)
+  #:use-module (guix store)
+  #:use-module (guix base32)
+  #:use-module ((guix download) #:select (download-to-store))
+  #:use-module (guix import utils)
+  #:export (cran->guix-package))
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Generate a package declaration template for the latest version of an R
+;;; package on CRAN, using the HTML description downloaded from
+;;; Code:
+(define string->license
+  (match-lambda
+   ("AGPL-3" 'agpl3)
+   ("Artistic-2.0" 'artistic2.0)
+   ("Apache License 2.0" 'asl2.0)
+   ("BSD_2_clause" 'bsd-2)
+   ("BSD_3_clause" 'bsd-3)
+   ("GPL-2" 'gpl2)
+   ("GPL-3" 'GPL3)
+   ("LGPL-2" 'lgpl2.0)
+   ("LGPL-2.1" 'lgpl2.1)
+   ("LGPL-3" 'lgpl3)
+   ("MIT" 'x11)
+   ((x) (string->license x))
+   ((lst ...) `(list ,@(map string->license lst)))
+   (_ #f)))

With the addition of the Ruby gem importer, I have factorized
string->license into (guix import utils).  Once this importer and the
gem importer have reached master, would you like to merge this
procedure with the factorized one?

+(define (format-inputs names)
+  "Generate a sorted list of package inputs from a list of package NAMES."
+  (sort
+    (map (lambda (name)
+           (list name (list 'unquote (string->symbol name))))
+         names)
+    (lambda args
+      (match args
+        (((a _ ...) (b _ ...))
+         (string-ci<? a b))))))
+(define (maybe-inputs package-inputs)
+  "Given a list of PACKAGE-INPUTS, tries to generate the 'inputs' field of a
+package definition."
+  (match package-inputs
+    (()
+     '())
+    ((package-inputs ...)
+     `((inputs (,'quasiquote ,(format-inputs package-inputs)))))))

Should these be propagated inputs?

+(define %cran-url "";)
+(define (cran-fetch name)
+  "Return an sxml representation of the CRAN page for the R package NAME,
+or #f on failure.  NAME is case-sensitive."
+  ;; This API always returns the latest release of the module.
+  (let ((cran-url (string-append %cran-url name)))
+    (false-if-exception
+     (xml->sxml (http-fetch cran-url)
+                #:trim-whitespace? #t
+                #:namespaces '((xhtml . "";))
+                #:default-entity-handler
+                (lambda (port name)
+                  (case name
+                    ((nbsp) " ")
+                    ((ge) ">=")
+                    ((gt) ">")
+                    ((lt) "<")
+                    (else
+                     (format (current-warning-port)
+                             "~a:~a:~a: undefined entitity: ~a\n"
+                             cran-url (port-line port) (port-column port)
+                             name)
+                     (symbol->string name))))))))
+(define (cran-sxml->sexp sxml)
+  "Return the `package' s-expression for a CRAN package from the SXML
+representation of the package page."
+  (define (nodes->text nodeset)
+    (string-join ((sxpath '(// *text*)) nodeset) " "))
+  ;; Extract the datum node next to a LABEL in the sxml table TREE.
+  (define (table-datum tree label)
+    (let ((label-node ((sxpath `(xhtml:tr (equal? (xhtml:td ,label)))) tree)))
+      (if (null? label-node)
+          '()
+          ((node-pos 1)
+           ((take-after (node-eq? (car label-node)))
+            ((node-join
+              (node-parent tree)
+              (select-kids (node-typeof? '*)))
+             label-node))))))
+  (define (guix-name name)
+    (if (string-prefix? "r-" name)
+        (string-downcase name)
+        (string-append "r-" (string-downcase name))))
+  (sxml-match-let*
+   (((xhtml:html
+      ,head
+      (xhtml:body
+       (xhtml:h2 ,name-and-synopsis)
+       (xhtml:p ,description)
+       ,summary
+       (xhtml:h4 "Downloads:") ,downloads
+       . ,rest))
+     (cadr sxml)))

Can we avoid this cadr call and use 'match' instead?

+   (let* ((name       (match:prefix (string-match ": " name-and-synopsis)))
+          (synopsis   (match:suffix (string-match ": " name-and-synopsis)))
+          (version    (nodes->text (table-datum summary "Version:")))
+          (license    ((compose string->license nodes->text)
+                       (table-datum summary "License:")))
+          (home-page  (nodes->text ((sxpath '((xhtml:a 1)))
+                                    (table-datum summary "URL:"))))
+          (source-url (string-append "mirror://cran/"
+                                     ;; Remove double dots, because we want an
+                                     ;; absolute path.
+                                     (regexp-substitute/global
+                                      #f "\\.\\./"
+                                      (string-join
+                                       ((sxpath '((xhtml:a 1) @ href *text*))
+                                        (table-datum downloads "
Package source: ")))

Line is too long.

+                                      'pre 'post)))
+          (tarball    (with-store store (download-to-store store source-url)))
+          (sysdepends (map match:substring
+                           (list-matches
+                            "[^ ]+"
+                            ;; Strip off comma and parenthetical
+                            ;; expressions.
+                            (regexp-substitute/global
+                             #f "(,|\\([^\\)]+\\))"
+                             (nodes->text (table-datum summary

Line is too long.

+                             'pre 'post))))
+          (imports    (map guix-name
+                           ((sxpath '(// xhtml:a *text*))
+                            (table-datum summary "Imports:")))))
+     `(package
+        (name ,(guix-name name))
+        (version ,version)
+        (source (origin
+                  (method url-fetch)
+                  (uri (string-append ,@(factorize-uri source-url version)))

Food for thought: For Ruby, I decided that rather than repeating the
same 'string-append' form all over the place, I would have a procedure
called 'rubygems-uri' in (guix build-system ruby) that accepts a
'name' and 'version' argument and returns the correct URI.  If the
source tarballs are all hosted on CRAN, I think this would be a nice
thing to add.  It can be done later, though.

+                  (sha256
+                   (base32
+                    ,(bytevector->nix-base32-string (file-sha256 tarball))))))
+        (build-system r-build-system)
+        ,@(maybe-inputs (append sysdepends imports))
+        (home-page ,(if (string-null? home-page)
+                        (string-append %cran-url name)
+                        home-page))
+        (synopsis ,synopsis)
+        ;; Use double spacing
+        (description ,(regexp-substitute/global #f "\\. \\b" description
+                                                'pre ".  " 'post))
+        (license ,license)))))
+(define (cran->guix-package package-name)
+  "Fetch the metadata for PACKAGE-NAME from, and return the
+`package' s-expression corresponding to that package, or #f on failure."
+  (let ((module-meta (cran-fetch package-name)))
+    (and=> module-meta cran-sxml->sexp)))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/import.scm b/guix/scripts/import.scm
index d0bdec1..9d8e5cb 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/import.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/import.scm
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ rather than \\n."
 ;;; Entry point.

-(define importers '("gnu" "nix" "pypi" "cpan" "hackage" "elpa"))
+(define importers '("gnu" "nix" "pypi" "cpan" "hackage" "elpa" "cran"))

 (define (resolve-importer name)
   (let ((module (resolve-interface
diff --git a/guix/scripts/import/cran.scm b/guix/scripts/import/cran.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11fa10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/scripts/import/cran.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2014 Eric Bavier <address@hidden>
+;;; Copyright © 2015 Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (guix scripts import cran)
+  #:use-module (guix ui)
+  #:use-module (guix utils)
+  #:use-module (guix import cran)
+  #:use-module (guix scripts import)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+  #:export (guix-import-cran))
+;;; Command-line options.
+(define %default-options
+  '())
+(define (show-help)
+  (display (_ "Usage: guix import cran PACKAGE-NAME
+Import and convert the CRAN package for PACKAGE-NAME.\n"))
+  (display (_ "
+  -h, --help             display this help and exit"))
+  (display (_ "
+  -V, --version          display version information and exit"))
+  (newline)
+  (show-bug-report-information))
+(define %options
+  ;; Specification of the command-line options.
+  (cons* (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
+                 (lambda args
+                   (show-help)
+                   (exit 0)))
+         (option '(#\V "version") #f #f
+                 (lambda args
+                   (show-version-and-exit "guix import cran")))
+         %standard-import-options))
+;;; Entry point.
+(define (guix-import-cran . args)
+  (define (parse-options)
+    ;; Return the alist of option values.
+    (args-fold* args %options
+                (lambda (opt name arg result)
+                  (leave (_ "~A: unrecognized option~%") name))
+                (lambda (arg result)
+                  (alist-cons 'argument arg result))
+                %default-options))
+  (let* ((opts (parse-options))
+         (args (filter-map (match-lambda
+                            (('argument . value)
+                             value)
+                            (_ #f))
+                           (reverse opts))))
+    (match args
+      ((package-name)
+       (let ((sexp (cran->guix-package package-name)))
+         (unless sexp
+           (leave (_ "failed to download description for package '~a'~%")
+                  package-name))
+         sexp))
+      (()
+       (leave (_ "too few arguments~%")))
+      ((many ...)
+       (leave (_ "too many arguments~%"))))))

>From 6b0fcfe408600b3114f88ec430e48acf2a4f1cba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 14:47:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] build: Add R build system.

* guix/build-system/r.scm: New file.
* guix/build/r-build-system: New file.
* (MODULES): Add new files.
* doc/guix.texi (Build Systems): Document r-build-system.
---                   |   2 +
 doc/guix.texi                 |   9 +++
 guix/build-system/r.scm       | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 guix/build/r-build-system.scm | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 245 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 guix/build-system/r.scm
 create mode 100644 guix/build/r-build-system.scm

diff --git a/ b/
index b397962..af71fae 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ MODULES =                    \
   guix/build-system/perl.scm            \
   guix/build-system/python.scm            \
   guix/build-system/waf.scm            \
+  guix/build-system/r.scm            \
   guix/build-system/ruby.scm            \
   guix/build-system/trivial.scm            \
   guix/ftp-client.scm                \
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ MODULES =                    \
   guix/build/gnu-dist.scm            \
   guix/build/perl-build-system.scm        \
   guix/build/python-build-system.scm        \
+  guix/build/r-build-system.scm            \
   guix/build/ruby-build-system.scm        \
   guix/build/waf-build-system.scm        \
   guix/build/haskell-build-system.scm        \
diff --git a/doc/guix.texi b/doc/guix.texi
index 77e47c0..5a5ef4c 100644
--- a/doc/guix.texi
+++ b/doc/guix.texi
@@ -2464,6 +2464,15 @@ passes flags specified by the
@code{#:make-maker-flags} or
 Which Perl package is used can be specified with @code{#:perl}.
 @end defvr

address@hidden {Scheme Variable} r-build-system
+This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system r)}.  It
+implements the build procedure used by R packages, which essentially is
+little more than running @code{R CMD INSTALL
+--library=/gnu/store/@dots{}} in an environment where @code{R_LIBS_SITE}
+contains the paths to all R package inputs.  Tests are run after
+installation using the R function @code{tools::testInstalledPackage}.
address@hidden defvr
 @defvr {Scheme Variable} ruby-build-system
 This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ruby)}.  It
 implements the RubyGems build procedure used by Ruby packages, which
diff --git a/guix/build-system/r.scm b/guix/build-system/r.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4daec5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/build-system/r.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2015 Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (guix build-system r)
+  #:use-module (guix store)
+  #:use-module (guix utils)
+  #:use-module (guix packages)
+  #:use-module (guix derivations)
+  #:use-module (guix search-paths)
+  #:use-module (guix build-system)
+  #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:export (%r-build-system-modules
+            r-build
+            r-build-system))
+;; Commentary:
+;; Standard build procedure for R packages.
+;; Code:
+(define %r-build-system-modules
+  ;; Build-side modules imported by default.
+  `((guix build r-build-system)
+    ,@%gnu-build-system-modules))
+(define (default-r)
+  "Return the default R package."
+  ;; Lazily resolve the binding to avoid a circular dependency.
+  (let ((r-mod (resolve-interface '(gnu packages statistics))))
+    (module-ref r-mod 'r)))
+(define* (lower name
+                #:key source inputs native-inputs outputs system target
+                (r (default-r))
+                #:allow-other-keys
+                #:rest arguments)
+  "Return a bag for NAME."
+  (define private-keywords
+    '(#:source #:target #:inputs #:native-inputs))
+  (and (not target)                               ;XXX: no cross-compilation
+       (bag
+         (name name)
+         (system system)
+         (host-inputs `(,@(if source
+                              `(("source" ,source))
+                              '())
+                        ,@inputs
+                        ;; Keep the standard inputs of 'gnu-build-system'.
+                        ,@(standard-packages)))
+         (build-inputs `(("r" ,r)
+                         ,@native-inputs))
+         (outputs outputs)
+         (build r-build)
+         (arguments (strip-keyword-arguments private-keywords arguments)))))
+(define* (r-build store name inputs
+                  #:key
+                  (tests? #t)
+                  (test-target "tests")
+                  (configure-flags ''())
+                  (phases '(@ (guix build r-build-system)
+                              %standard-phases))
+                  (outputs '("out"))
+                  (search-paths '())
+                  (system (%current-system))
+                  (guile #f)
+                  (imported-modules %r-build-system-modules)
+                  (modules '((guix build r-build-system)
+                             (guix build utils))))
+  "Build SOURCE with INPUTS."
+  (define builder
+    `(begin
+       (use-modules ,@modules)
+       (r-build #:name ,name
+                #:source ,(match (assoc-ref inputs "source")
+                            (((? derivation? source))
+                             (derivation->output-path source))
+                            ((source)
+                             source)
+                            (source
+                             source))
+                #:configure-flags ,configure-flags
+                #:system ,system
+                #:tests? ,tests?
+                #:test-target ,test-target
+                #:phases ,phases
+                #:outputs %outputs
+                #:search-paths ',(map search-path-specification->sexp
+                                      search-paths)
+                #:inputs %build-inputs)))
+  (define guile-for-build
+    (match guile
+      ((? package?)
+       (package-derivation store guile system #:graft? #f))
+      (#f                                         ; the default
+       (let* ((distro (resolve-interface '(gnu packages commencement)))
+              (guile  (module-ref distro 'guile-final)))
+         (package-derivation store guile system #:graft? #f)))))
+  (build-expression->derivation store name builder
+                                #:inputs inputs
+                                #:system system
+                                #:modules imported-modules
+                                #:outputs outputs
+                                #:guile-for-build guile-for-build))
+(define r-build-system
+  (build-system
+    (name 'r)
+    (description "The standard R build system")
+    (lower lower)))
+;;; r.scm ends here
diff --git a/guix/build/r-build-system.scm b/guix/build/r-build-system.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c806c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/build/r-build-system.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2015 Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <>.
+(define-module (guix build r-build-system)
+  #:use-module ((guix build gnu-build-system) #:prefix gnu:)
+  #:use-module (guix build utils)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+  #:export (%standard-phases
+            r-build))
+;; Commentary:
+;; Builder-side code of the standard build procedure for R packages.
+;; Code:
+(define (call-r command params)
+  (zero? (apply system* "R" "CMD" command params)))
+(define (pipe-to-r command params)
+  (let ((port (apply open-pipe* OPEN_WRITE "R" params)))
+    (display command port)
+    (zero? (status:exit-val (close-pipe port)))))
+(define (generate-site-path inputs)
+  (string-join (map (lambda (input)
+                      (string-append (cdr input) "/site-library"))
+                    ;; Restrict to inputs beginning with "r-".
+                    (filter (lambda (input)
+                              (string-prefix? "r-" (car input)))
+                            inputs))

Use 'match-lambda' instead of car/cdr above.

      ((_ path)
       (string-append path "/site-library")))

      ((name _)
       (string-prefix? "r-" name)))

+               ":"))
+(define* (check #:key test-target inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+  "Run the test suite of a given R package."
+  (let* ((libdir    (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/site-library/"))
+         (pkg-name  (car (scandir libdir (negate (cut member <> '("."

Ludo prefers that we use 'match' instead of car/cdring.  A comment
here would help me understand why the package name needs to be
determined this way.

+         (testdir   (string-append libdir pkg-name "/" test-target))
+         (site-path (string-append libdir ":" (generate-site-path inputs))))
+    (if (and tests? (file-exists? testdir))
+        (begin
+          (setenv "R_LIBS_SITE" site-path)
+          (pipe-to-r (string-append "tools::testInstalledPackage(\""
pkg-name "\", "
+                                    "lib.loc = \"" libdir "\")")
+                     (list "--no-save" "--slave")))

Nitpick: Use a quoted list: '("--no-save" "--slave")

+        #t)))
+(define* (install #:key outputs inputs (configure-flags '())
+                  #:allow-other-keys)
+  "Install a given R package."
+  (let* ((out          (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+         (site-library (string-append out "/site-library/"))
+         (params       (append configure-flags
+                               (list "--install-tests"
+                                     (string-append "--library=" site-library)
+                                     ".")))
+         (site-path    (string-append site-library ":"
+                                      (generate-site-path inputs))))
+    ;; If dependencies cannot be found at install time, R will refuse to
+    ;; install the package.
+    (setenv "R_LIBS_SITE" site-path)
+    ;; Some R packages contain a configure script for which the CONFIG_SHELL
+    ;; variable should be set.
+    (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "bash"))
+    (mkdir-p site-library)
+    (call-r "INSTALL" params)))
+(define %standard-phases
+  (modify-phases gnu:%standard-phases
+    (delete 'configure)
+    (delete 'build)
+    (delete 'check) ; tests must be run after installation
+    (replace 'install install)
+    (add-after 'install 'check check)))
+(define* (r-build #:key inputs (phases %standard-phases)
+                       #:allow-other-keys #:rest args)
+  "Build the given R package, applying all of PHASES in order."
+  (apply gnu:gnu-build #:inputs inputs #:phases phases args))
+;;; r-build-system.scm ends here

Looks good overall!

- Dave

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