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Re: R and R modules (and a Ruby twist)

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: Re: R and R modules (and a Ruby twist)
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 11:40:57 +0200

Pjotr Prins <address@hidden> writes:

> When we add an R module, such as R-qtl, the R-build-system does not
> provide R itself as a propagated input, i.e., the R interpreter is not
> in the profile. In the R world this is kinda odd.  Almost all modules
> used from R. I.e. start up R and
>   library(qtl)
>   do something with R/qtl
> Would have use people use that module in interactive mode. In the
> current package install R is not included as a symlink and needs to be
> separately installed.

Correct.  I didn’t think of it as a problem as I assumed people would
have R installed in their profile if they wanted to interactively use an
R package.  But now that you mention it, I think it might lead to
problems (see below).

> It is one other thing I am trying to think through. With a standard R
> distribution, every package is strictly aligned with the interpreter
> (they get installed from inside R).
> With Guix' rolling model of package updates modules may go out of sync
> - even if they are correctly linked with an underlying R. So mixing
> interpreters and modules/packages may potentially give problems. 

Users can have any number of “libraries” (directories containing
installed R packages) in R_LIBS_SITE.  Currently, our R package suggests
R_LIBS_SITE to be set to “$profile/site-library” and the r-build-system
installs packages to “$out/site-library”.

We could add a level for the R version, e.g. “$out/site-library/3.2.2/”,
but it should be noted that R_LIBS_SITE makes no distinction for
different versions of R.  It’s just a single list of directories.  I
don’t know what would happen if you had


and then ran one or the other version of R.  (Note that currently there
can only be one version of R in a single profile anyway.)

I guess the problem is with updates.  If you had R 3.1.3 in your profile
and installed a new R package that is then built with the latest version
of R (3.2.2), this might lead to problems actually using the package in
an R session using version 3.1.3.

Maybe it would be best to append the R version to the site-library
directory.  I don’t think we should go further than that and bring in
the Guix hash, because I’m willing to trust that packages built with
version 3.2.2 are compatible with R 3.2.2, even if the inputs to our R
package changed and thus the hash is different.

~~ Ricardo

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