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Re: pre-release [PATCH] git-service

From: ng0
Subject: Re: pre-release [PATCH] git-service
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2016 01:08:38 +0000

Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden> writes:

> Thompson, David <address@hidden> writes:
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 11:53 AM, ng0 <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> I need some feedback on the git-service.
>>> The inserted patch gives me this output:
>>> +(define-record-type* <git-configuration>
>>> +  git-configuration make-git-configuration
>>> +  git-configuration?
>>> +  (git       git-configuration-git ; <package>
>>> +             (default git))
>>> +  (base-path git-configuration-base-path) ; string
>>> +  (port      git-configuration-port)) ; string
>> So, this is a record type...
>>> +
>>> +(define git-shepherd-service
>>> +  (match-lambda
>>> +    (($ <git-configuration> git base-path port)
>>> +     (let ((conf (string-append
>>> +                  "--base-path="base-path
>>> +                  "--port="(number->string port))))
>>> +       (list (shepherd-service
>>> +              (provision '(git))
>>> +              (requirement '(networking loopback syslogd))
>>> +              (documentation "Run the git-daemon server for git 
>>> repositories")
>>> +              (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
>>> +                        (list (string-append #$git "/bin/git")
>>> +                              "daemon" "--syslog" "--informative-errors"
>>> +                              #$conf)))
>> ...and you (ungexp conf), where conf is an instance of that record
>> type, into what is supposed to be a list of strings that form command
>> line arguments for git.  See the issue?
> I might be misreading this, but “conf” here is literally the string
>     “--base-path=something--port=1234”
> when “base-path” is the string “something” and “port” is the number
> “1234”.
> The let binding for “conf” is incorrect.
> First, you say earlier that “port” is a string:
>> +  (port      git-configuration-port)) ; string
> but then you pass it to “number->string”, so it’s actually expected to
> be a number.
> Second, the argument to “make-forkexec-constructor” is supposed to be a
> list of strings, each representing one argument.  So defining “conf” as
> a concatenation is not okay.  You don’t need a let-binding for “conf” at
> all.  Just use “base-path” and “port” directly.  (I haven’t tested
> this.)
>     (list (string-append #$git "/bin/git")
>           "daemon" "--syslog" "--informative-errors"
>           (string-append "--base-path=" $#base-path)
>           (string-append "--port=" $#port))
> But the error you get stems from passing a value of
> “<git-configuration>” to something that expects a package.  I don’t see
> where this happens.  Since I cannot see “~/testvm.scm” I cannot tell you
> anything more.
> ~~ Ricardo

I just came back, I'll look at everything else tomorrow. Thanks
for the replies so far!

This is the testvm.scm:

(use-modules (gnu) (gnu system nss))
(use-service-modules desktop networking ssh version-control dbus avahi xorg)
(use-package-modules certs)
(use-package-modules tor emacs xorg version-control avahi xorg ssh)

  (host-name "testvm")
  (timezone "UTC")
  (locale "en_US.UTF-8")

  (bootloader (grub-configuration (device "/dev/sda")))
   (list (file-system
          (mount-point "/")
          (device "dummy")
          (type "dummy"))

  (users (list (user-account
                (name "ng0")
                (comment "")
                (group "users")
                (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
                                        "audio" "video"))
                (home-directory "/home/ng0")
                (password ""))))

  (services (cons* (slim-service #:auto-login? #t
                                 #:default-user "ng0")
                   (console-keymap-service "de-latin1")
                   (static-networking-service "eth0" ""
                                              #:name-servers '("")
                                              #:gateway "")
                   ;;(dbus-service (list avahi))
   (base-pam-services #:allow-empty-passwords? #t))

  (packages (cons* emacs openssh git xterm
                   avahi findutils grep which xmodmap

♥Ⓐ  ng0
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