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About the IRC Logs

From: Nils Gillmann
Subject: About the IRC Logs
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2018 15:57:49 +0000


first off: sorry that the logs are down for such a long time.

Since someone in your community offered to fix the Apache config,
and I got the okay to share it, you can find the config for the appended to this email.

The application running is taking limnoria textfile logs and
publishes them. The sourcecode is
with some minor modifications (only a local config change).

The author told me:
> Because that looks a lot like a TLS handshake, which you most certainly 
> should not be sending to flask.
> uwsgi://
> It's not running under uwsgi, so don't try to proxypass it using the uwsgi 
> protocol.
> So either change it to an actual http proxying, or run it under uwsgi.

We are currently busy fighting other fires, but we understand the logs are
important for the hosted communities. If you want to have the current outcome
of a longer discussion displayed, you can help and fix the apache2 config.
The past logs are dumped, they still need to be converted (or the znc-log-viewer
needs some code for SQL).

PS: Please don't use this email to throw discussions about wether your
favorite language or viewer might be the better replacement in my
inbox, there have been discussions and they happened offlist and I'm
not happy with the outcome but it gets the job done.

Thanks, and happy hacking!

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