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[bug#28198] [PATCH] Add MongoDB package and service.

From: Roel Janssen
Subject: [bug#28198] [PATCH] Add MongoDB package and service.
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 00:33:07 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 25.1.1

Christopher Baines writes:

> This is a work in progress issue for supporting MongoDB in Guix.
> Back in March 2016, Roel Janssen sent a working package patch to
> guix-devel, but there was concern from those reviewing about the
> security implications of the amount of third party code that is
> included with the MongoDB source.
> I've taken that original patch, and started to try and get MongoDB to
> build using libraries and tools from Guix. In addition, I've added a
> very basic service definition and system test.
> This isn't ready to be merged yet, but I think it's good to work on in
> public. Patches to follow...

Hello Chris,

Sorry for the late reaction and thanks for picking this up.  I haven't
built mongodb with your patches, but I hope to find the time for this at
some point next week.

I believe I ran into a licensing issue with mongodb's third party stuff.
I cannot find the problematic library so quickly, but we should verify
the licenses of each library in the "third_party" folder:

So, at least the list of licenses for the mongodb package should be
made complete.

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen

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