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[GWhere-discussion] Save the contents of some specially file

From: B A
Subject: [GWhere-discussion] Save the contents of some specially file
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 16:55:03 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)


If possible, can I save a contents of  files, to the GWhere database? The files name is allways same: title. This is a text file, (maybe UTF-8 coding) and it's a title for a mesurment, so I have thousands of these mesurment, and the data are in a CD/DVD discs. The file size is not big, just a few caracter, maximum 1-2 sentence. But I have a thousands of these file.
And when I searching one mesurment, it is problematic, I must changeing the discs, and searching the perfect mesurment.

So I think, this is really helpfuly function, saveing a file contents, to the text files.

best regards:

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