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[Gzz-commits] gzz metacode/pegboard.py ./TODO

From: Asko Soukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz metacode/pegboard.py ./TODO
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:19:54 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Asko Soukka <address@hidden>    02/11/05 11:19:53

Modified files:
        metacode       : pegboard.py 
        .              : TODO 

Log message:
        Pegboard is now more tidy / works faster. Note! If you get 'No module 
named docutils.XXX' check for newer version of docutils, I guess :)


Index: gzz/TODO
diff -u gzz/TODO:1.369 gzz/TODO:1.370
--- gzz/TODO:1.369      Tue Nov  5 04:12:31 2002
+++ gzz/TODO    Tue Nov  5 11:19:53 2002
@@ -77,10 +77,8 @@
          createPaperQuad, since that's the most flexible approach.
        - porting: make sure all demos etc. work with plain mesa
-       - script to generate index for pegboard
-         - converts now almost every rst twice, one should
-           be enough
-         - fix older pegs if necessary
+       - small peg about vobcoorder changes for culling (actually
+          already made it once, but somehow failed to commit... %-)
        + more about PEG1018 - generalizing VobVanishingClient
         + rethink interfaces between PlainVanishing and VobScene
            - learn Box
Index: gzz/metacode/pegboard.py
diff -u gzz/metacode/pegboard.py:1.8 gzz/metacode/pegboard.py:1.9
--- gzz/metacode/pegboard.py:1.8        Mon Nov  4 14:34:22 2002
+++ gzz/metacode/pegboard.py    Tue Nov  5 11:19:53 2002
@@ -20,135 +20,163 @@
 # because of hardcoded pegroot and css.
 import sys, os, os.path
-from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
-from docutils.utils import new_document
-from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser
-from docutils.core import publish_cmdline
+import sys
+from docutils import Component
+from docutils import frontend, io, readers, parsers, writers
+from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, Publisher
+from docutils.frontend import OptionParser, ConfigParser
+#collects error messages
 fails = 'XXX\n'
+#relative or absolute location of pegboard directory
 pegroot = 'doc/pegboard'
+#CSS' location relative to pegroot
 css = '../gzz.css'
-replace = '<p>INSERT_PEGBOARD</p>\n'
+#macro in pegroot/pegboard.rst to replace with pegboard table
+replace = '<p>INSERT_PEGBOARD</p>\n' 
+#pegs will be sorted after their priority
 priority = {'Current': 1, 'Revising': 2, 'Accepted': 3, 'Incomplete': 4,
             'Implemented': 5, 'Rejected': 6, 'Irrelevant': 7, 'Undefined': 8}
+#status for pegs without rst or with failing rst
+undefined = 'Undefined'
 class _:
     def __init__(self, **attrs):
         for (k,v) in attrs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
+#comparison function used when sorting pegs
+#compares pegs' status at first and if they are same
+#compares dates pegs are last updated
 def pegcmp(a, b):
     if priority.has_key(a['status'].capitalize().split(' ')[0]) \
            and priority.has_key(b['status'].capitalize().split(' ')[0]) \
            and not a['status'] == b['status']:
         return priority[a['status'].capitalize().split(' ')[0]] \
                > priority[b['status'].capitalize().split(' ')[0]] or -1
-    as = a['date'].split('/')
-    bs = b['date'].split('/')
+    as = a['date'].split('-')
+    bs = b['date'].split('-')
     if not len(as) == 3 or not len(bs) == 3:
         return len(as) < len(bs) or (len(bs) < len(as)) * -1 or 0
     ac = as[0]*356 + as[1]*30 + as[2]
     bc = bs[0]*356 + bs[1]*30 + bs[2]
     return ac < bc or (bc < ac) * -1 or 0
+#returns the value of the first occurrense of
+#given tagName in docutils' document tree
 def getTagValue(document, tagName):
     if document.tagname.lower() == tagName.lower():
-        return document.rawsource
+        if hasattr(document.children[0], 'data'):
+            return document.children[0].data
+        else:
+            return document.rawsource
     if hasattr(document, 'children'):
         for child in document.children:
             value = getTagValue(child, tagName)
             if value:
                 return value
     return ''
-def getFieldValue(document, fieldName):
-    if document.tagname.lower() == 'field':
-        if document.children[0].rawsource.lower() == fieldName.lower():
-            return document.children[1].rawsource
-    if hasattr(document, 'children'):
-        for child in document.children:
-            value = getFieldValue(child, fieldName)
-            if value:
-                return value
-    return ''
 pegdirs = [d for d in os.listdir(pegroot+'/')
            if os.path.isdir(pegroot+'/'+d) and d != 'CVS']
-#loop one: converting pegs
+#holds all information of pegs to show on the pegboard
+pegtable = []
+#holds names and subpaths of all generated files under pegroot
+cvsignore = []
+#converts all rsts' in pegdirs and parses pegs' meta information
+#from pegs' main files
 for pegdir in pegdirs:
-    rstfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/')
+    print 'Process PEG %s' % (pegdir)
+    peg = {'author': '', 'status': undefined, 'topic': pegdir, 'stakeholders': 
+           'date': '', 'dir': pegdir, 'files': '', 'html': '', 'rst': '' }
+    pegfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/') \
+               if os.path.isfile(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/'+f) and not 
+    peg['files'] = pegfiles
+    try:
+        index = pegfiles.index('peg.rst')
+        peg['rst'] = pegfiles[index]
+    except ValueError:
+        for pegfile in peg['files']:
+            if pegfile.endswith('.rst'):
+                peg['rst'] = pegfile
+    rstfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/') \
                 if os.path.isfile(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/'+f) and 
-    print 'Process PEG %s' % (pegdir)
     for rstfile in rstfiles:
-        file = pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/'+rstfile[0:len(rstfile)-4] #Python2.2: 
-        # Sets docutils' "command line arguments"
+        #creates and setups a new docutils.core.Publisher, which seems to be
+        #easy interface to use docutils
+        pub = Publisher()
+        pub.set_reader('standalone', None, 'restructuredtext')
+        pub.set_writer('html')
+        file = pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/'+rstfile[0:len(rstfile)-4]
         args = '-stg --stylesheet ../'+css+' %s.rst %s.html' % (file,file)
-        # Generate the HTML
+        pub.process_command_line(argv=args.split())
+        #conversion may fail because of bad restructuredtext
-            publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', argv=args.split())
+            pub.set_io()
+            document = pub.reader.read(pub.source, pub.parser, pub.settings)
+            pub.apply_transforms(document)
+            output = pub.writer.write(document, pub.destination)
+            cvsignore.append(pegdir+'/'+rstfile[0:len(rstfile)-4]+'.html')
+            peg['html'] = rstfile[0:len(rstfile)-4]+'.html'
+            #conversion have succeeded so far, parsing peg's metadata
+            #from its document tree
+            if rstfile == peg['rst']:
+                peg['topic'] = getTagValue(document, 'title')
+                peg['topic'] = peg['topic'].replace('`', '')
+                peg['date'] = getTagValue(document, 'date')
+                #we may have got 'rawsource', which need some tidying
+                if peg['date'].startswith('$Date'):
+                    peg['date'] = 
peg['date'][7:len(peg['date'])-11].replace('/', '-')
+                peg['status'] = getTagValue(document, 'status') or undefined
+                peg['stakeholders'] = getTagValue(document, 'stakeholders')
+                peg['author'] = getTagValue(document, 'author') or \
+                                getTagValue(document, 'authors')
-            fails += 'PEG %s: Docutil raised an exception while converting %s. 
' % (pegdir, f)
+            fails += 'PEG %s: Docutil raised an exception while converting %s. 
' % (pegdir, rstfile)
             fails += 'Conversion failed and HTML not created.\n'
-print 'Generating pegboard2.html...\n'
-args = '-stg --stylesheet '+css+' '+pegroot+'/pegboard.rst 
+    if not peg['html']:
+        for file in peg['files']:
+            if file[len(file)-5:len(file)] == '.html':
+                peg['html'] = file
+                break
+            elif file[len(file)-4:len(file)] in ('.rst', '.txt'):
+                peg['html'] = file
+                break
+    #finally adds peg's metadata into pegtable
+    pegtable.append(peg)
+#converts pegboard.rst, reads results into buffer and opens pegboard.html for 
+print 'Generating '+pegroot+'/pegboard.html...\n'
+args = '-stg --stylesheet '+css+' '+pegroot+'/pegboard.rst 
 publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', argv=args.split())
-pegboard = open (pegroot+'/pegboard2.html', 'r')
+pegboard = open (pegroot+'/pegboard.html', 'r')
 pegboard_lines = pegboard.readlines()
-pegboard = open (pegroot+'/pegboard2.html', 'w')
+pegboard = open (pegroot+'/pegboard.html', 'w')
-#loop two: parsing information from pegs
 for pegboard_line in pegboard_lines:
+    #when replace 'macro' is founded, generate pegtable and replace it
     if pegboard_line.find(replace) != -1:
-        pegtable = []
-        for pegdir in pegdirs:
-            peg = {'author': '', 'status': 'Undefined', 'topic': pegdir, 
'stakeholders': '', 
-                   'date': '', 'dir': pegdir, 
-                   'files': '', 'html': '', 'rst': '' }
-            pegfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/')
-                if os.path.isfile(pegroot+'/'+pegdir+'/'+f) and not 
-            peg['files'] = pegfiles
-            for pegfile in pegfiles:
-                if not peg['html']:
-                    if pegfile == 'peg.html' or pegfile == 
-                        peg['html'] = pegfile
-                if not peg['rst']:
-                    if pegfile == 'peg.rst' or pegfile == 'PEG_'+pegdir+'.rst':
-                        peg['rst'] = pegfile                        
-            if not peg['html'] and peg['files']:
-                peg['html'] = peg['files'][0]
-            if not peg['rst']:
-                for pegfile in peg['files']:
-                    if pegfile.endswith('.rst'):
-                        peg['rst'] = pegfile
-            pegtable.append(peg)
-        for peg in pegtable:
-            if peg['rst'] and peg['html'].endswith('.html'):
-                inputFile = sys.stdin
-                inputFile = open(pegroot+'/'+peg['dir']+'/'+peg['rst'])
-                settings = 
-                parser = Parser()
-                input = inputFile.read()
-                document = new_document(inputFile.name, settings)
-                parser.parse(input, document)
-                peg['topic'] = getTagValue(document, 'title')
-                peg['topic'] = peg['topic'].replace('`', '')
-                peg['date'] = getFieldValue(document, 'date')
-                if peg['date'].startswith('$Date'):
-                    peg['date'] = peg['date'][7:len(peg['date'])-11]
-                peg['status'] = getFieldValue(document, 'status') or 
-                peg['stakeholders'] = getFieldValue(document, 'stakeholders')
-                peg['author'] = getFieldValue(document, 'author') or \
-                                getFieldValue(document, 'authors')
         replace_str = '<table class=\"pegboard\">\n<tr>\n'
@@ -178,9 +206,22 @@
         replace_str += '</table>\n'
         pegboard_line = pegboard_line.replace(replace, replace_str)
+#generate .cvsignore for generated html-files
+print 'Replacing '+pegroot+'/.cvsignore...\n'
+cvsignorefile = open(pegroot+'/.cvsignore', 'w')
+for ignore in cvsignore:
+    cvsignorefile.write(ignore+'\n')
 print fails

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