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[Gzz-commits] gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu mastert...

From: Hermanni Hyytiälä
Subject: [Gzz-commits] gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu mastert...
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:09:01 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    gzz
Changes by:     Hermanni Hyytiälä <address@hidden>      03/02/27 07:08:58

Modified files:
        Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu: masterthesis.tex 

Log message:
        Formal definitions


Index: gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/masterthesis.tex
diff -u gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/masterthesis.tex:1.90 
--- gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/masterthesis.tex:1.90       Thu Feb 
27 05:41:47 2003
+++ gzz/Documentation/misc/hemppah-progradu/masterthesis.tex    Thu Feb 27 
07:08:58 2003
@@ -275,8 +275,6 @@
 significant message processing overhead for each query. Furthermore, flooding 
may increase 
 the load on participating to the point, where it has to leave the network. 
 Lately, there has been done lot of research to improve Gnutella's data lookup 
 and scalability. Adamic et. all \cite{adamic99small}, 
 \cite{adamic01powerlawsearch} has been studied different random walk methods 
in power-law 
@@ -287,7 +285,7 @@
 structured Peer-to-Peer systems have adopted this method with some 
 \cite{gnutella2url}, \cite{shareazaurl}, \cite{fasttrackurl}, 
 \cite{kazaaurl}, \cite{jxtaurl}, \cite{jxtaoverview}, 
+\cite{ganesan02yappers}, \cite{kato02gisp}.
 Figures \ref{fig:gnutella_overlay_supernodes} and 
 illustrated two possible variations of power-law overlay networks. All the 
 share the property of that high degree peers maintain index of all other peers 
@@ -323,8 +321,8 @@
 Directed breadt-first search \cite{yang02improvingsearch} optimizes the 
 breadt-first searche in way that peer selects neighbors with many quality 
 may be reached, thereby maintaining the the quality of costs and decreasing 
the amount
-of messages sent to network. Alpine Peer-to-Peer system \cite{alpineurl} uses
-somewhat similar method when performing data lookups.
+of messages sent to network. Alpine \cite{alpineurl} and NeuroGrid 
+Peer-to-Peer system use somewhat similar method when performing data lookups.
 Local indices \cite{yang02improvingsearch} in one variation of active caching. 
 In this scheme, each peer maintains an index over the data of all nodes within 
@@ -348,85 +346,20 @@
 research is required to make loosely structured approach's data lookup more
 scalable and effective. 
-power-law disribution
-+own resources are not mapped into the network
-+keyword/fuzzy search possible
--based on FBNt technique, 
-+solves some of the Gnutella's scalability issues by introducing ``Super 
nodes'' (a superNode acts like a local hub, building an index 
-of the resources being shared by each node connected to it and proxying lookup 
queries on behalf of other nodes)
-+this kind of structure reduces network traffic in comparison to a original 
broadcast query algorithm employed on the Gnutella system
--not scalable
--huge network traffic
--not fast routing 
--no guarantee that all data will be located
--this category: Gnutella, Freenet, hierarchical Gnutella's (superpeers, 
--a service request is routed randomly to all/specific neighbors
--system doesn't have *any* knowledge, where service is located (opposite to 
centralized and decentralized but structured) (Gnutellas)
--system doesn't not necessary find the service, if it exists
--Gnutella: Uses a breadt-First traversal (BFS) with depth limit L, where L is 
the system-wide
-maximum TTL of a message in hops. Every node receiving a query will forward 
the message 
-to all of its neighbour nodes, unless the message has reached the TTL limit
--Freenet: a depth-first traversal (DFS) with depth limit L. Each node forwards 
the query 
-to a single neighbor (determined by ID) and waits for a definite response from 
the neighbor 
-before forwarding the query to another neighbor (if query not ok), or 
forwarding results back 
-to the query source (if query ok)
 \subsection{Formal definition}
--let S be the aggregate of all services s in system (data, service, computing 
--let P be the aggregate of all peers (providers) p in system (all physical 
entities participating)
--for each service s 'mathematical belongs to' S, there is a provider of the 
service, expressed as 'p = provider(s)'
--hierarchical gnutellas: let DI be the aggregate of all decentralized index 
entries die in system (decentralized index of all services in system)
--hierarchical gnutellas: define super peer, which hosts the indices of other 
peers, as a 'sp = summaryindex(provider(s))'
-%-every p has neighbor(s), named as p_neigbor, which is P = {p 'mathematical 
belongs to' P: 'mathematical there exists at least one' p_neighbor, which is 
'randomly' chosen from p_neighbor 'mathematical belongs to'}
-%-hierarchical gnutellas: for each peer reqular peer, p_regular, there is 
super peer, p_super, P = {p 'mathematical belongs to' P: 'mathematical there 
exists at least one' p_super, where p_super = summaryindex(provider(s)) 
'boolean AND' (p_regular = provider(s))}
-%-SWNs require O(log^2 n) hops to reach arbitrary destinations, assuming 
(*only and only if* !!!) that 
-links between nodes are constructed in the way that they are uniformly 
distributed over all distances 
-in the network (Kleinberg)
-1.5  Social Discovery Systems (SDS)
-Notice: pros and cons are not presented here
--nodes continually discover new nodes to communicate with and determine which 
properties each node have. 
--every node has a total control over the connections in the
--as in real social life, nodes who have returned relevant results in the past, 
will have a high quality value in future query lookups
--with every lookup query, a node determines how proficient a given node is to 
another node's objectives
-Improve Freenet performance with small worlds \cite{zhang02using}
-\subsection{Super peers and Super peer clusters}
+In this subsection we formalize loosely strucured overlays main components. 
+model is based on original Gnutella overlay network with power-law 
+Let $S$ be the aggregate of all services $s$ in system. Let $P$ be the 
aggregate of 
+all peers $p$ in system. Then, $\forall s \in S$, there is a provider of the 
+expressed as $p = provider(s)$. Every $p$ has neighbor(s), named as 
$neighbor$, which 
+is $P$ = \{$p \in P: \exists neighbor$, which is randomly chosen from $P$\}.
+Super peer is a peer, which hosts the indices of other peers, $sp = 
+Morover, $\forall$ reqular peer, $p$, there is super peer, which has has a 
index of regular
+peer's content, specifically $ps$, $P$ = \{$p \in P: \exists ps$, 
+where $ps$ = $summaryindex(provider(s)) \bigwedge (p = provider(s))$\}
@@ -498,18 +431,19 @@
 \subsection{Formal definition}
--let S be the aggregate of all services s in system (data, service, computing 
--let P be the aggregate of all peers (providers) p in system (all physical 
entities participating)
--let I be the aggregate of all identifiers i in system (All possible unique 
identifiers, based on e.g. SHA-1)
--let IS be the aggregate of all identifier points ip in system (entity, where 
'closeness' of services are calculated, e.g. XOR/numerical metrics, based on 
--for each service s 'mathematical belongs to' S, there is a provider of the 
service, expressed as 'p = provider(s)'
--service's identifier is defined as 'i = identifier(s)' (in our case, 
SHA-1(content of data block))
--metric space is defined as a pair '(IS,d)', where d is the distance between 
two coordinate points ip in IS space
--mapping function is defined as 'map: I -> IS', and coordinate point as 'ip = 
map(identifier(s))', which maps service, expressed by a identifier to 
coordinate point ip in '(IS,d)'
-%-In DHT, peer's p resources are mapped onto a set IS = {ip 'mathematical 
belongs to' IS: 'mathematical there exists at least one' s 'mathematical 
belongs to' S, ip = map(identifier(s)) 'boolean AND' (provider(s) = p)}, which 
-that resources that a peer provides into the system, are not kept locally. 
This is a important feature of DHTs (to be specific, feature of 'map: I -> 
IS')! In SWAN and Skip Graphs, resources are can be kept locally, if wanted!
-%-every p has neighbor(s), named as p_neighbor, which are P = {p 'mathematical 
belongs to' P: 'mathematical there exists at least one' p_neighbor, where 
'difference(p,p_neighbor)= 'close'', where 'close' is minimal difference d in 
+Let $S$ be the aggregate of all services $s$ in system. Let $P$ be the 
aggregate of 
+all peers $p$ in system. Let $I$ be the aggregate of all identifiers $i$ in 
+Let $IS$ be the aggregate of all identifier points $ip$ in system. Then, 
$\forall s \in S$, 
+there is a provider of the service, expressed as $p = provider(s)$. Service's 
+is defined as $i = identifier(s)$. Metric space is defined as a pair $(IS,d)$, 
where $d$
+is the distance between two coordinate points $ip_i$, $ip_j$ in $IS$ space. 
+function is defined as $map: I \longmapsto IS$, and coordinate point as 
+$ip = map(identifier(s))$, which maps service, expressed by a identifier to 
+point $ip$ in $(IS,d)$. Peer's p resources are mapped onto a set $IS$ = \{$ip 
\in IS: 
+\exists s \in S$, $ip = map(identifier(s)) \bigwedge (provider(s) = p)$\}., 
+which means that resources that a peer provides into the system are not kept 
+Every $p$ has neighbor(s), named as $neighbor$, which are $P$ = \{$p \in P: 
\exists neighbor$, 
+where $difference(p,p_neighbor)= close$, and  $close$ is minimal difference 
$d$ in $(IS,d)$\}.
@@ -1017,6 +951,10 @@
+Improve Freenet performance with small worlds \cite{zhang02using}
 \subsection{System management}

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