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[Gzz-commits] libvob/vob/util mipzipmaker.py

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [Gzz-commits] libvob/vob/util mipzipmaker.py
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 15:49:12 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/libvob
Module name:    libvob
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/04/22 15:49:12

Modified files:
        vob/util       : mipzipmaker.py 

Log message:


Index: libvob/vob/util/mipzipmaker.py
diff -u libvob/vob/util/mipzipmaker.py:1.1 libvob/vob/util/mipzipmaker.py:1.2
--- libvob/vob/util/mipzipmaker.py:1.1  Tue Apr 15 09:54:20 2003
+++ libvob/vob/util/mipzipmaker.py      Tue Apr 22 15:49:12 2003
@@ -54,78 +54,88 @@
     n /= 4
     return 4 * n
+def _init(w):
+    global format, suffix
+    if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers:
+       format = "RGB"
+       suffix = ".mipzipBLAH"
+    else:
+       format = "COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"
+       suffix = ".mipzip"
+def makeMipzip(image, mipzip):
+    GL.freeQueue()
+    im = GL.createImage(texfile)
+    d = im.getSize();
+    print d
+    w = roundup2(d.width)
+    h = roundup2(d.height)
+    tex = GL.createTexture()
+    tex.loadNull2D(0, format, w, h, 0, "RGB", "BYTE")
+    print "WH: ",w, h
+    tex.loadSubImage(0, im, 0, 0, 0, 0, chomp4(d.width), chomp4(d.height))
+    print "Write ",of
+    out = zip.ZipOutputStream(io.FileOutputStream(of)) 
+    entry = zip.ZipEntry("texformat")
+    entry.setComment(format)
+    entry.setSize(0)
+    out.putNextEntry(entry)
+    out.closeEntry()
+    l = 0
+    while 1:
+       w = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_WIDTH")[0])
+       h = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_HEIGHT")[0])
+       print "WH: ", w, h
+       if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers:
+           bytes = jarray.zeros(4 * w * h, "b")
+           tex.getTexImage(l, "RGB", "BYTE", bytes)
+       else:
+           bytes = tex.getCompressedTexImage(l)
+       print "Bytes: ",l, len(bytes)
+       entry = zip.ZipEntry(str(l))
+       entry.setComment("%sx%s" % (int(w),int(h)))
+       entry.setSize(len(bytes))
+       out.putNextEntry(entry)
+       out.write(bytes)
+       out.closeEntry()
+       if w == 1 and h == 1 : break
+       l += 1
+    out.close()
+    del tex
+    java.lang.System.gc()
+    GL.freeQueue()
 class Main(Runnable):
     def __init__(self, texfiles):
        self.texfiles = texfiles
     def run(self):
-       global format, suffix
-       if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers:
-           format = "RGB"
-           suffix = ".mipzipBLAH"
-       else:
-           format = "COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT"
-           suffix = ".mipzip"
        w = gfxapi.createWindow()
        for texfile in self.texfiles:
     def handle(self, texfile):
-       GL.freeQueue()
-       im = GL.createImage(texfile)
-       d = im.getSize();
-       print d
-       w = roundup2(d.width)
-       h = roundup2(d.height)
-       tex = GL.createTexture()
-       tex.loadNull2D(0, format, w, h, 0, "RGB", "BYTE")
-       print "WH: ",w, h
-       tex.loadSubImage(0, im, 0, 0, 0, 0, chomp4(d.width), chomp4(d.height))
        of = texfile + suffix
+       makeMipzip(texfile, of)
-       print "Write ",of
-       out = zip.ZipOutputStream(io.FileOutputStream(of)) 
-       entry = zip.ZipEntry("texformat")
-       entry.setComment(format)
-       entry.setSize(0)
-       out.putNextEntry(entry)
-       out.closeEntry()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
-       l = 0
-       while 1:
-           w = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_WIDTH")[0])
-           h = int(tex.getLevelParameter(l, "TEXTURE_HEIGHT")[0])
-           print "WH: ", w, h
-           if GL.workaroundStupidBuggyAtiDrivers:
-               bytes = jarray.zeros(4 * w * h, "b")
-               tex.getTexImage(l, "RGB", "BYTE", bytes)
-           else:
-               bytes = tex.getCompressedTexImage(l)
-           print "Bytes: ",l, len(bytes)
-           entry = zip.ZipEntry(str(l))
-           entry.setComment("%sx%s" % (int(w),int(h)))
-           entry.setSize(len(bytes))
-           out.putNextEntry(entry)
-           out.write(bytes)
-           out.closeEntry()
-           if w == 1 and h == 1 : break
-           l += 1
-       out.close()
-opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 
-       vob.util.dbg.short, 
-       vob.util.dbg.long)
-for o,a in opts:
-    print "Opt: ",o,a
-    if o in vob.util.dbg.all:
-       vob.util.dbg.option(o,a)
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 
+           vob.util.dbg.short, 
+           vob.util.dbg.long)
+    for o,a in opts:
+       print "Opt: ",o,a
+       if o in vob.util.dbg.all:
+           vob.util.dbg.option(o,a)
-gfxapi = vob.GraphicsAPI.getInstance()
+    gfxapi = vob.GraphicsAPI.getInstance()
+    gfxapi.startUpdateManager(Main(args))

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