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Re: [Gzz] Wrapper mini-API to RDF

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] Wrapper mini-API to RDF
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 22:54:10 +0100
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Alatalo Toni wrote:
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Benja Fallenstein wrote:
I think that would be exactly backwards: First make your experience with
the APIs out there, then decide whether you need your own... :-)

i read this so that what follows must not necessarily be made


Fast access style: for views, using a special kind of iterator to avoid

isn't there the thing about using impartial/incomplete data?

I don't understand this, but from what follows, I guess you were off-track here already :-)

(also due to
delays in a networked implementation?)

This is not for a networked implementation, this is for an in-memory impl: The thing views and bindings are implemented on top on, something you interact with at interactive speeds.

We need the 'fast access style' because creating a lot of objects slows our views down-- because we need to traverse a lot of connections (hundreds to thousands) in 30 milliseconds. You're not talking networked implementations in these time frames :-)

        iter.lookup(subj, prop, obj);

.. as the lookup time varies?

Nope. Absolutely nothing to do with that.

iter.lookup(subj, prop, obj) is a different interface to the same data that graph.get(subj, prop, obj) returns -- a set of triples. With iter.lookup, you can use the same iterator object to retrieve more than one set of triples, like,

    iter = graph.getIterator();


    // process first set of triples
    // iterating through the triples using iter.go()

    iter.lookup(something else);

    // process second set of triples
    // iterating through the triples using iter.go()


or is this stuff handled on a different level?
i haven't read the dtn related stuff mentioned.

Ohmigod. This is for interactive speeds, where lookup times are counted in nanoseconds or so. DTN is for networks where TCP cannot be used because a roundtrip may take hours, days, weeks! :-)


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