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[Gzz] Hemppah's PEG round 2 comments

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: [Gzz] Hemppah's PEG round 2 comments
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 18:11:35 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

>     Why GISP? Why are we using it versus some other systems?
>     What properties does it share with others, to such a degree
>     that its performance might be deduced from theirs?
>     Why GISP ? Why are we using it versus some other systems?
>     - According to Benja, "...since it's written in Java" :)
>     - Easy implementation (and it's already implemented)
>     - (belief that) GISP is a Kademlia_ implementation (which
>       is not true - only distance function is similar)
>     It is good to mention that there is also a Python 
>     implemenation of Kademlia called Kashmir_.
>     What properties does it share with others, to such a degree
>     that its performance might be deduced from theirs?
>     GISP's routing table is based on Chord_'s routing 
>     table -- O(log^2 n) messages are required to join/leave 
>     operations and O(log n) for lookup efficiency (according to 
>     the original Chord publication). GISP extends Chord's routing
>     table to have more space for cached data (both the protocol
>     specification and the original publication talks about 
>     "peer information"). Chord's routing table maintains 
>     information about O(log n) peers. 
>     GISP publication does not (nor the protocol specification) 
>     describe how much more space a GISP peer maintain compared 
>     to Chord's O(log n). Instead, the protocol specification 
>     states that "A peer should keep as much other
>     peer information as possible for cache". Neither 
>     the original GISP publication nor the GISP
>     protocol specification do not provide any formal
>     properties of the GISP lookup protocol. However,    
>     in the publication the author states that GISP is more efficient
>     than a "broadcasting system".    

Good, this is sounding much more like it.

ISSUE: what is known or easily deducible about the effect of a single
hostile node? Following variants:

    - Node just wants to make the network work slower

    - Node wants to make searches for some particular informations difficult

    - Node wants to make life difficult for some particular nodes,
      slowing down their queries

    - Node wants to make search for particular information by particular nodes

    - Node wants to spam a particular identifier or xu block

What about a constant fraction of nodes?

These questions are of utmost importance to us.

ISSUE: Do we want to keep GISP or move to Kademlia or some other?

>     What experiments / simulations / methods are used in the literature?
>     - mainly theoretical/best case experiments/simulations
>     - small amount of uncontrolled (real life), great amount of
>       controlled (simulation environment)
>     - simulations have been rather static and are often favored the 
>       proposed algorithm    
>     - in "real life" experiments, there have been very fast connections 
>       between peers
>     - some form of formal analyses ("proofs") are used, 
>       e.g., with Chord and Kademlia
>     - distribution of number of peers used in simulations: from 2^7 to 2^20 

A summary of what the actual findings are would be good, i.e. which
things work and how. 

Any hostile-node stuff?

> Plan
> ====
> First of all, we will create a PEG document (this document) which 
> discusses general and theoretical aspects of the research problems. Then, 
> if necessary, we program (rather short) test cases which will test 
> the GISP/Storm P2P properties, as discussed in this document. Finally, we 
> will 
> collect and analyse test cases' information and publish any interesting 
> discoveries. 
> The GISP protocol
> =================
> According to Daishi Kato, the author of GISP, GISP ''...intends leverage 
> those (DHT) algoritms and make a practical protocol.''. GISP's distance 
> function is based on the XOR-metric, which is similar to Kademlia's 
> XOR-metric 
> (unsigned integer of XOR). The GISP protocol specification paper describes 
> the 
> XOR-metric but the original GISP publication describes only numerical 
> metric (which is little confusing since Chord uses numerical distance
> metric and it's evident that a numerical metric is different from a 
> XOR-metric).
> GISP extends Chord's routing table to have more peer information as a cache.
> Thus, log^2 messages are required to join/leave operations (according to the
> original Chord publication). Additionally, Chord's routing table is 
> asymmetric 
> (requires stabilization protocol) and lookup process is unidirectional 
> (in a virtual overlay ring). Original Kademlia publication states that 
> Chord's routing table is rigid compared to Kademlia's routing table.
> Since GISP lacks of Kademlia's binary-tree-like abstraction of the routing 
> table, it is evident that the benefits of Kademlia's lookup properties (over 
> other DHTs) are not available in the GISP protocol, e.g., no concurrent and
> asynchronous lookups (no free of choice) and when a peer leaves the system
> no messages are required.

Uhh, sentence unclear: in GISP, are messages required or not?

If they are, then we should move away from it immediately!

> Original GISP publication describes "peer strength" as a measure for peer 
> heteregeneity but do not describe what properties are used and how this
> value is calculated.
> For network communication the GISP protocol uses XML-RPC.
> Research problems
> =================
> For determining whether Storm with unmodified GISP is practical, we want the 
> answers to the following questions.
> - How well GISP can scale if there are lot of concurrent peer joins and
>   leaves in the system ? 
> - What about GISP's lookup effieciency when the network grows ?
> - GISP does not use Kademlia's binary-tree abstraction - does it have 
> influences 
>   and if it does what are the influences ? 

does it... --> good or bad?

> - How much better/worse pure Kademlia implementation (e.g. Kashmir) is over 
> the GISP 
>   protocol in face performance and fault-tolerance ?

in face -> w.r.t.

> - How well GISP is able to perform in adverse conditions, e.g., a
>   network partition occurs ?
> - How well GISP is able to perform against different kind of
>   security attacks and what are the impacts ?
> Simulations
> ===========
> If needed, using a simulation process we try solve research problems. Also, 
> with a simulation process we are able test the GISP protocol without having 
> to deploy real life experiments.

Not protocol - the core algorithms.

> During simulation process, we assume that simulation network is rather ideal, 
> e.g., there are no network latencies in the simulation network. In the future,
> however, we plan to perform simulations in a non-ideal network.
> Hypothesis
> ==========
> In this section we introduce few hypothesis related to research problems.
> Hypothesis' claims (goodness/badness) are based on the features of other DHTs 
> and their simulation results (which can be found from the literature).
> Also, values presented here (e.g., 1000-10000) are widely used in DHTs' 
> simulation processes. 
> - GISP's overlay can scale rather well when peers join and leave the system 
> at a 
>   constant rate or constant fraction (both are used) for a given time period 
>   and cost of joining/leaving is logarithmic (e.g. Start with 1000 blocks and 
>   1000 Storm-servers, 10 peer(s) joins/leaves every 5 seconds).

Umm, the 1000 blocks.. example does not say what you expect the result to be
and why!

You should have a concrete estimate, including how many queries are made,
how many packets used in the network, how much delay for queries, ...

logarithmic w.r.t. what?

What's the difference between the peers sending "I'm leaving" messages
and just taking the network cable out of the wall?

Needs a LOT of work to make more exact.

> - GISP's overlay can scale well and is adaptable if the cost of join/leave is 
>   logarithmic when peers join and leave the system constantly
>   and the variable rate for joining/leaving changes greatly (e.g., Start with 
> 1000 
>   blocks and 1000 Storm-servers. 1-10 peer(s) joins/leaves every 1-10 
> second(s), 
>   at a given time suddenly 100-900 peers joins/leaves randomly).
> - GISP's data lookup is efficient and can scale well if lookup length grows 
> with a 
>   logarithmic growth inspite that the number of Storm-servers increases 
>   linearly (e.g. 10-10000 Storm-servers, 10000 Storm blocks, with 10-10000
>   Storm-servers perform 10000 lookups randomly)
> - A there can be query/routing hotspots in the system and load balancing 
> properties 
>   may not scalable/tolerance against a hostile attack if a GISP peer is not 
> able
>   to handle all request (a peer is responsible for a given key) (e.g., 1000 
>   Storm-server system, each server hosting 1-10 Storm block(s), 1-900 peers 
>   (randomly chosen) queries a single key every 1-10 second(s); calculate 
> average 
>   block request failure, average lookup length, number of timed-out lookups 
> and
>   the distribution of lookup messages processed per peer).
> - We can say that GISP is is rather fault-tolerant if 80% of lookups are 
> succesful 
>   when 20% of peers die (this is Chord's simulation result) (e.g., 1000 Storm 
> blocks are 
>   insterted into a 1000 Storm-server system. After insertions, 1-99% of 
>   servers die randomly or in a controlled way. Before GISP starts rebuilding 
>   routing tables, perform 1000 Storm block fetches; calculate average block 
>   request failure, average lookup length and number of timed-out lookups).

> - A hostile entity is able to reroute a data lookup to a incorrect 
>   destination peer during a data lookup process (e.g., e.g., 1000 Storm 
>   blocks are insterted into a 1000 Storm-server system in which a a fraction
>   of peers are hostile. Perform data lookups 1000 lookups randomly so that 
>   in every lookup process, one forwarding request is rerouted incorrectly 
> towards
>   randomly chosen destionation peer; calculate average block request failure, 
>   average lookup length, number of timed-out lookups and the distribution of 
>   lookup messages processed per peer).  

Also, hostile node can direct towards non-peers, or empty network spots
where it'll take a long time for the query to time out.

This is the most interesting part.


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