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[Halevt-dev] udisks interface

From: Raphaël
Subject: [Halevt-dev] udisks interface
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 00:20:18 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

I recently understood that halevt was the better project to
get automounting _the_udisk_way_ done (confirmed by the existence of a
halevt DeviceKit branche).

So I just begun, creating a devices_list_udisks.{h,c} and
udisks_interface.{h,c} + a libudisks directory containing most of the
vanilla udisks "tools/udisks.c" declarations in order to use the
DeviceProperties struct, collect_props(), device_properties_free()
and device_properties_get() (which should IMHO be part of a kind of

With that stuff I wish I can make an equivalent to the LibHalContext*
then, in the long run, make libhal itself optionnal.
I didn't find any email about this subject on the list and find the
DeviceKit branche not really up to date. I would like to have your
thoughts about this subject, and the confirmation about the way to go.
Does upower a candidate for a similar interface or does these interfaces are
temporary solutions for a more global DBus Device Object ?

I don't know Hal a lot, but I found that the LibHalContext* is quite a
useful feature, abstracting disks, lids, ... and probably so much more;
but I can't figure what will happen to that struct in the "HalSectomy" process.

Curious to heard about that. Anyway thank you for your work.
(as a side note I just regreted that $(grep -irc 'ivman' halevt/) = 0, but I
probably don't do enough history :))

best regards


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