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[Hegemonie-devel] needlessly

From: Robin Mills
Subject: [Hegemonie-devel] needlessly
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:10:47 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

The moon was bright enough to read by, the water was black and flat and silent, and we just floated and talked and fished.
How to get in shape fast.
Until next time, train like you mean it. Boxing was part of Pancraetion in the Greek Olympics, and the loser occasionally went home in a box. How to get in shape fast.
Be focused, yes, in an animalistic, cave man sort of way, but not calm. I mean really, how many of us have anxiety about the prospect of being assualted by a smaller, weaker, slower opponent? Be an abundance thinker. We shot the first half last weekend, and I plan to shoot the remainder this coming Saturday.
You need to tap into every pharmaceutical nature equipped you with. Make him do all the work by staying mobile and controlling your breathing. How about on the job?
I notice all the time that martial arts students tend to have lead feet.
Well, for starters, form combines all those things while at the same time helping you remember your moves by acting as a sort of text book of techniques.
You just need to see it done and practice it a little. The kick over squat variation I teach begins from the standing position. The moon was bright enough to read by, the water was black and flat and silent, and we just floated and talked and fished.
An abundance thinker knows that many customers will buy both books, not just one or the other. Plus, how much of my training time do I want to devote to doing just one thing? Fight or flight are the options, not bargaining.
How about doing one push up first thing in the morning? What else is there to do?
Plenty is never enough for them and their lives will always be dominated by a need to grab what they can get and hang on to what they got.
Feel your feet being relaxed and getting traction as you pivot.

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