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Re: Anyone who knows the interface between bison and gcc?

From: Anthony DeRobertis
Subject: Re: Anyone who knows the interface between bison and gcc?
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 03:16:00 -0500

Djkerster Lameprs writes:
I am a student who is currently working on gcc.
Now I need to find out where all the global variables
are stored. Is it possible that bison has some
interface through which gcc knows where all the global
variables are?

Bison takes a grammar (a .y file. usually), builds LALR(1) parsing tables, combines those with a state machine skeleton, and spits that out. The output is a C source file, and possible a C header file. Look for the .y file in gcc, or ask on a GCC list --- it's nothing special on bison's part.

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