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RE: Help-bison Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2

From: Gurunathan_Murthy
Subject: RE: Help-bison Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 09:45:09 +0530

Dear JotaO,

You do not a rule which identifies a decl_var followed by a decl_var
Thats what happens when you declare a int x; followed by int y;
        :type_var list_var ';'

so a rule like this
decl_var statement:
                        decl_var decl_var;
should solve your problem.
Include the decl_varStatement in your declarations rule.

This should work. Get back incase you are not clear.

All the Best!!

GSM(G S Murthy)
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Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 2:44 AM
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Subject: Help-bison Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. Help with error in Bison (Jorge Oliveira)


Date: 01 Jan 2003 21:31:29 +0000
From: Jorge Oliveira <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: Help with error in Bison
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-XxPkl9xR0yPM4OEBCp8N"
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For a project at college i am working in a "look like C language"
grammar in a Flex/Bison environment

I'm having one problem.

It goes like this:

        After compiling with no errors i try a small phrase like
int x;
        This phrase is correct and is accepted by the parser.
        If I write another phrase like that its generated the following parser

int x;

int y;
parse error, unexpected V_INT, expecting $
parse error, unexpected ID, expecting V_INT
parse error, unexpected ';', expecting V_INT

        An odd thing is that if i do not put the ";" at the end of the first
phrase the parser does not generate any error and the error at the
second phrase is like this

int x

int y
parse error, unexpected V_INT, expecting ';' or ','
parse error, unexpected ID, expecting V_INT

This should be a problem of communication between Flex and Bison but I
cant see what.

I'm including the Flex and the Bison sources as well as the script I use
to compile them. These are not the complete sources but can well
illustrate the problem I described.

Thanks in advance for any help

JotaO (Jorge Oliveira)

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tpf3-help.flex
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; name=tpf3-help.flex; charset=UTF-8

#include <stdio.h>
#include ""
int linha=3D1;
[ \t]+                                                  /*ESPA=C3=87OS - NAO FAZ NADA*/=0D
INT|int                                                 return V_INT;=0D
";"                                                     return ';';
","                                                     return ',';=0D
([a-zA-Z]|_)([a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|_)*                         return ID;=0D
int yywrap()

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=tpf3-help.y
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; name=tpf3-help.y; charset=UTF-8

#include <stdio.h>=0D
extern int yyline;
extern char yytext[];
%token  V_INT
/*      |code            */

/*      |decl_const
        |decl_func      */

        :type_var list_var ';'

        :ID     =09
        |list_var ',' ID

/*      |V_CHAR
        |V_FLOAT        */
main ()=20
        while (1) yyparse ();=20
char *s;
        fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=g
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/x-sh; name=g; charset=UTF-8

if [ $# !=3D "1" ]
        echo "Falta o parametro"
rm -f $*
rm -f lex.yy.*
rm -f *~
rm -f tpf3
bison -d $1.y
/bin/echo "Pausa depois do Bison ...................................";#read=

flex $1.flex
/bin/echo "Pausa depois do Flex ....................................";#read=

gcc -g -c lex.yy.c
/bin/echo "Pausa depois de compilar output do Flex .................";#read=

gcc -g -c $
/bin/echo "Pausa depois de compilar output do Bison ................";#read=

gcc -o $1 lex.yy.o $ -lfl && \
/bin/echo "Foi feita a compilacao final ............................"



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End of Help-bison Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2
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