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Parse Trees and Bison

From: chris . cranford
Subject: Parse Trees and Bison
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:15:52 -0400

I'm trying to understand the best way by adding C functions to my BISON
grammer file to being able to generate a syntax tree of my source code.
A simple program source file is as follows:

  Dim x as Integer = 2
  Print x

A reduced version for this example of my grammer file is:

  program : lines ;
  lines   : line lines ;
  line    : stmt term ;
  term    : ':' | '\n' ;
  stmt    : /*empty */ | dim | print ;
  dim     : tDIM ident tAS dtype tEQ expr |
            tDIM ident tAS dtype ;
  print   : tPRINT expr ;
  ident   : tNAME ;
  dtype   : tINTEGER | tREAL | tLONG ;
  expr    : ident | tSTRING | tNUMBER ;

I know when I reach the "ident : tNAME;" rule that is when I need to create a 
symbol and add the symbol to the current scope's symbol table.  There are no 
other symbols I should create right?

Then going back up the stack, where do I create the nodes for my syntax tree?  

Thanks in advance!

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