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Re: header file guards conflict

From: Wei Song
Subject: Re: header file guards conflict
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 13:42:57 +0100
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Thanks for the reply Akim.

On 2012/5/21 10:34, Akim Demaille wrote:
Currently we use BISON_LOCATION_HH (it is open-coded).  One
first idea would be to use the output file name, so if
for instance you passed "-o lang1/", the header would
be BISON_LANG1_LOCATION_HH.  Would that suffice in your case?
Maybe BISON_ is not needed actually.

Maybe we should also include the given name-prefix?  So
this would typically be YY_LANG1_LOCATION_HH.
Using the output file name will handle the problem but I am more prefer to including the given name-prefix in the header guard. My file structure is already divided in such a way that every language has its own sub-directory. The bison .y files are stored in the sub-directories rather in the root, therefore, there is no lang1 in the -o argument when running make. To my understanding, the name-prefix is more independent to the file structure.

Don't you have the exact same problem with your parser
header file?  Currently it is PARSER_HEADER_H…  Using
name-prefix + full output name (with directory) that
would be YY_LANG1_PARSER_HH.
Yes I do. I would like to see user-defined name-prefix in all header guards.

Best regards,

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