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Cfengine bug tracker

From: Eric Sorenson
Subject: Cfengine bug tracker
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 11:34:54 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 2 Jan 2006, Dave Love wrote:

> [ context snipped ]
>  For what it's worth, if I remember
> correctly that's a regression which I may even have failed to report
> via the useless bug address.

I've been mulling over this sentence since I first read it last week. 

Assuming you mean the SF bug tracker, to a first approximation this is 
my fault. About a year ago, I signed up to herd over the tracker, and 
I did pretty well (IMO) for most of last year. But I've recently found 
my free time has shrank from 'little' to 'less', and I'd like to 
formally pass on the torch to somebody. It's not an incredibly 
glamorous job but here are a few reasons why somebody might want to 

1. It helps the overall project to have a centralized list of known 
   problems that are actively being worked on. (Community)

2. You can help others increase their knowledge of cfengine by 
   ferreting out real bugs from user errors, and thereby gain a 
   reputation as a CfBadAss (Status)

3. You will learn lots about how cfengine works under the hood, esp
   parts that you might not use yourself. If you want to become a 
   better C systems programmer, getting down-n-dirty with cfengine 
   under gdb/ddd can be a rewarding learning experience (Stimulation)

It doesn't have to be one person, either; Scott Lackey (slackey on 
SF/IRC) volunteered to step up, but perhaps other folks want to share 
the responsibility; I think this is a good thing to help minimize the 
single-point-of-human-failure problem. 

Basically all it takes is, say "Me! Me!", Mark says "OK", him or John 
Sechrest grant you admin on the SF tracker, and you go through the bug 
list and whittle it down as best you can.

Any takers?

 - Eric Sorenson - N37 17.255 W121 55.738 - -
 - Personal colo with a professional touch - -

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