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From: Jesus M. Diaz Hernandez
Subject: About YY_INPUT
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 18:07:30 -0500 (EST)

Hi, i want flex gets its input from a strstream, but the problem is that i
think he is not sending the appropiate chars to bison, my YY_INPUT looks
like this:

#undef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) { \
        char* aux =  rootClass->getStrLine() \
        strcpy(buf,aux); \
        result = strlen(aux);\

where rootClass is and instance of SourceBuffer -a class that contains
the strstream strCode, wich contains the source code i want to parse-, and
getStrLine is:
char* SourceBuffer::getStrLine()
  char buf[100];
  return (srcCode.getline(buf,100)) ? strdup(buf) : NULL;

so when the parser goes he runs into errors, but if i read the code from
stdin -without modifing YY_INPUT-, there were no problems, so i assume
 that something is messed on the treatment of the stream.

Anybody can help me?

Sorry about not to simplify more the example, but i think is not so
complex. Did he?

BTW: Great list!

 Jesus Miguel Diaz Hdez

 Grupo de Redes
 Facultad de Matematica y Cibernetica
 Universidad de la Habana, Cuba


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