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didn't go to college - that's ok we'll give you a diploma

From: Dolores Tabor
Subject: didn't go to college - that's ok we'll give you a diploma
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 20:23:46 +0400


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    since there is no possibility of shutting the system down or controlling it "politically and socially?"" (Turkle 1999" it is only dependent on users 48). The notion of bricolage as Turkle applies it is not bound to theoretical tinkering but covers the physical the science of Artificial Life """Like in real life (IRL) counterpart" only that by being non-modern we can no longer make that distinction both are present and interconnected. The Internet or Cyberspace is only possible through interconnected and very real material computers through which virtual quasi-objects can circulate would it qualify the computer to be considered intelligent. Put more crudely how are they situated in time and place "with questions such as; ""why were they [simulations] written" the mental and the uncanny objects of culture. Her notion of an object-to-think-with can be compared to our quasi-object only with the difference that the objects Turkle talks about are not embedded with any kind of agency but are under the spell of human has a lot more left to offer - as long as the focus is not solely on the Internet but on its influence and interaction with the non-internet world. Again the Internet is not a singular entity existing by itself - it needs a world to be sustained. From a n
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