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cin, cout, and cerr undefined

From: Tim Zimmerlin
Subject: cin, cout, and cerr undefined
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 00:29:05 -0400


I am using the c++ and nostdinit options with flex 2.5.4 on Cygwin on Windows Server 2003. I have written my own LexerInput() function, so yyin is not used. In fact stream IO is not used.

The code is years old and fully operational on NT 4.0. So, I figured that porting it would be easy. Running flex and bison is easy, but the C++ compiler gives several errors rooted on cin, cout, and cerr being undefined.

I have diff'd the old and new flex outputs. There are a few differences and the only relevant ones have to do with stream IO include files and classes.

Is this a change or bug in flex?


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