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[help-gengetopt] Can someone explain this error message?

From: Max Bane
Subject: [help-gengetopt] Can someone explain this error message?
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 14:58:54 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.5

I have a file called arcadeselect.ggo, comprising this:
package "arcadeselect"
version "0.0.1"

purpose "A GUI utility for selecting MAME-compatible ROMs and launching them."

option "width"     w "Display width in pixels"          int     default="640"   
option "height"    h "Display height in pixels"         int     default="480"   
option "bpp"       b "Display depth in bits per pixel"  int     default="16"    
option "nosound"   n "Disable sound"                    flag    off
option "window"    W "Display in window, not full screen" flag  off
option "font"      f "Bitmap font file to use, BFont format. If not absolute, 
will search share dir and [directory]" string default="font.png" no

option "keymap"    k "Keymap file to use, as written by calibrate-arcadeselect. 
Same search path as font." string default="keymap" no

option "share"     s "Where arcadeselect should look for shared font, keymap, 
sounds." string default="$PREFIX/share/arcadeselect" no

When I do this:
gengetopt < arcadeselect.ggo -u

I get this:
gengetopt:8: short option redefined option
gengetopt:8: option "bpp"       b "Display depth in bits per pixel"  int     
default="16"    no
gengetopt:8:       ^

Anybody know why? As far as I can tell, this file is correct ggo syntax.
If I comment out the offending line, I get the same error for the next
line, ad infinitum. If it helps, looking in gengetopt's, this
message seems to be triggered by yy error number 3 (line 46). Thanks in
Max Bane
If one studies too zealously, one easily loses his pants.
                -- A. Einstein.

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