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PATCH: Gnatsweb help page

From: Yngve Svendsen
Subject: PATCH: Gnatsweb help page
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 01:56:30 +0200

Changes Gnatsweb to display the gnatsweb.html page as help text when the main menu Help button is clicked.

Yngve Svendsen
IS Engineer
Clustra AS, Trondheim, Norway

2001-04-05  Yngve Svendsen  <address@hidden>

        * (help_page): If present, return the gnatsweb.html
        document installed with Gnatsweb, stripped with send_html, as
        help text. Ported from Gnatsweb 2.7 beta.

        * (send_html): New subroutine that strips off
        everything outside <BODY> and </BODY> in an HTML document and
        returns the contents. Ported from Gnatsweb 2.7 beta.

RCS file: /cvs/gnats/gnats/contrib/gnatsweb/,v
retrieving revision 2.31
diff -u -p -r2.31
--- 2001/04/04 22:16:28     2.31
+++ 2001/04/04 22:56:10
@@ -2064,17 +2064,51 @@ sub delete_stored_query

+# send_html -
+#     Send HTML help file, after first trimming out everything but
+#     <body>..</body>.  This is done in this way for convenience of
+#     installation.  If the gnatsweb.html is installed into the cgi-bin
+#     directory along with the file, then it can't be loaded
+#     directly by Apache.  So, we send it indirectly through
+#     This approach has the benefit that the resulting page has the
+#     customized gnatsweb look.
+sub send_html
+  my $file = shift;
+  open(HTML, "$file") || die "Can't open $file: $!";
+  undef $/; # slurp file whole
+  my $html = <HTML>;
+  close(HTML);
+  # send just the stuff inside <body>..</body>
+  $html =~ s/.*<body>//is;
+  $html =~ s/<\/body>.*//is;
+  print $html;
 sub help_page
-  my $page = 'Help';
+  my $html_file = $q->param('help_file') || 'gnatsweb.html';
+  my $page      = $q->param('help_title') || 'Help';
+  my $heading   = $page;
-  page_heading($page, 'Help', 1);
+  page_heading($page, $heading);

-  print p('Welcome to our problem report database.');
-  print p('This web interface is called gnatsweb, ',
-          'the database system itself is called gnats.');
-  print p('For details, please ',
-          a({-href=>"$gnats_info_top"}, 'refer to our documentation'));
+  # If send_html doesn't work, print some default, very limited, help text.
+  if (!send_html($html_file))
+  {
+    print p('Welcome to our problem report database. ',
+            'You\'ll notice that here we call them "problem reports" ',
+            'or "PR\'s", not "bugs".');
+    print p('This web interface is called "gnatsweb". ',
+            'The database system itself is called "gnats".',
+            'You may want to peruse ',
+            a({-href=>"$gnats_info_top"}, 'the gnats manual'),
+            'to read about bug lifecycles and the like, ',
+            'but then again, you may not.');
+  }


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