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Re: Windows Compilation

From: Hans-Albert Schneider
Subject: Re: Windows Compilation
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 16:46:48 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030703

Manish Agarwal wrote:

Do you have any document explaining how to compile Gnats for Windows 2K/NT.

GNATS has been developed with UNIX-like systems in mind--it happily compiles and runs on Solaris, Linux, etc.

However, a lot of things are different with Windows: there is no "super-server" like inetd or xinetd, there is no sendmail or similar to send and receive mails, etc.

On the other hand, most of these things are available via the CygWin project (see, so you may be able to achieve your goal. Besides the base package, you need xinetd (to start gnatsd when some client contacts it), maybe gcc and make (for compiling).

Concerning e-mail setup, you should be able to use ssmtp for sending mails (exim is also available). If you create a POP3/IMAP4 mailbox on a mail server, you could get the incoming mails from there using fetchmail and telling it to use queue-pr as mail delivery agent, like this:

fetchmail --mda "/usr/local/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -d GreatNewDB -q" \
        [other fetchmail options]

(assuming you use GNATS 4, your database is called GreatNewDB, and your queue-pr is in /usr/local/libexec/gnats/queue-pr. CygWin lets you use UNIX-style paths, including forward slashes. Your Windows drives can be found as /cygdrive/C, /cygdrive/D, etc., so C:\winnt\system32 becomes /cygdrive/C/winnt/system32).

Note that I never tried this approach; it is just an attempt to give you a start if you really want to try it. If you succeed (or fail), please share your experiences with the list, so some hints can be added to the manual and/or the FAQ.


Hans-Albert Schneider           <address@hidden>
Infineon Technologies AG        phone:  (+49) 89 234 45445
Corporate Logic; Verification   fax:    (+49) 89 234 724399
(CL DAT DF V)                   Munich, Germany

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