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minor mode survey results summary

From: thi
Subject: minor mode survey results summary
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 04:14:47 -0800


first off, thanks to everyone who responded.  i appreciate your help in
my investigations!  please see below for the results summary, including
(minimally) anonymized comments.  the code that produced it has been
posted to -- email me privately if you'd like
a copy.

as to what conclusion to draw from this, i'm still thinking about it
(and now you, too, can be confused by all the information :-).  my
primary interest was to find out what (if any) modes hideshow minor mode
clashes with, so i'm happy to see this is not happening a lot.

i'm considering extending (indefinitely) the survey time limit and
periodically posting an updated results summary on the net somewhere.
let me know if that's of interest to anyone.  maybe over time, things
will "trend" this way or that (or someone will write a front end that
creates pretty graphs, etc).  ah, data....


237 buffers scanned (85 w/ unique mode signatures)
- (scheme auto-fill-function font-lock hs-minor)
- (rmail font-lock mc-read rmime)
- (emacs-lisp auto-fill-function font-lock hs-minor)
- (mail auto-fill-function font-lock mc-write)
- (help filladapt global-auto-revert view)
- (completion-list filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (gnus-original-article filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (bbdb filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (gnus-group filladapt global-auto-revert gnus-topic gnus-undo)
- (gnus-carpal global-auto-revert)
- (gnus-tree filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (gnus-summary filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (gnus-article global-auto-revert)
- (lisp-interaction filladapt font-lock global-auto-revert)
- (sh fast-lock filladapt font-lock global-auto-revert)
- (perl auto-fill-function fast-lock filladapt flyspell font-lock 
- (html-helper auto-fill-function fast-lock filladapt font-lock 
- (c auto-fill-function fast-lock flyspell font-lock global-auto-revert)
- (fundamental filladapt global-auto-revert)
- (emacs-lisp fast-lock filladapt font-lock global-auto-revert)
- (sh font-lock)
- (jde abbrev folding font-lock hs-minor senator-minor)
- (jde abbrev auto-fill-function flyspell folding font-lock hs-minor 
senator-minor tmmofl)
- (jde abbrev flyspell folding font-lock hs-minor senator-minor tmmofl)
- (emacs-lisp auto-fill-function font-lock tmmofl)
- (emacs-lisp font-lock tmmofl)
- (sgml auto-fill-function flyspell)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function font-lock mc-write mml)
- (mail auto-fill-function flyspell font-lock mc-write)
- (rmail font-lock mc-read)
- (gnus-summary mc-read)
- (lisp-interaction auto-fill-function font-lock)
- (text auto-fill-function overwrite)
- (change-log auto-fill-function font-lock)
- (latex auto-fill-function font-lock reftex)
- (todo auto-fill-function)
- (text auto-fill-function)
- (emacs-lisp auto-fill-function font-lock)
- (gnus-group gnus-agent gnus-undo)
- (gnus-summary gnus-agent)
- (text auto-fill-function flyspell)
- (gnus-group gnus-agent gnus-topic gnus-undo)
- (gnus-summary gnus-agent mc-read)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function flyspell mml)
- (text view)
- (f90 abbrev font-lock)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function font-lock mml)
- (latex bib-cite-minor font-lock reftex)
- (html font-lock)
- (emacs-lisp font-lock)
- (tcl font-lock)
- (sql font-lock)
- (css font-lock)
- (completion-list hscroll)
- (lisp-interaction font-lock hscroll lazy-lock)
- (fundamental hscroll)
- (c else font-lock hscroll lazy-lock tmmofl)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function flyspell font-lock lazy-lock)
- (emacs-lisp auto-fill-function flyspell font-lock lazy-lock)
- (gnus-group gnus-undo)
- (latex abbrev auto-fill-function flyspell font-lock lazy-lock)
- (latex abbrev auto-fill-function auto-revert flyspell font-lock lazy-lock 
- (change-log auto-fill-function)
- (perl abbrev font-lock)
- (dired font-lock)
- (lisp-interaction font-lock)
- (vc-dired font-lock lazy-lock)
- (php-html-helper auto-fill-function filladapt font-lock lazy-lock)
- (compilation font-lock lazy-lock)
- (emacs-lisp font-lock lazy-lock)
- (lisp-interaction font-lock lazy-lock)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function filladapt font-lock lazy-lock mc-write mml)
- (help view)
- (completion-list font-lock lazy-lock)
- (dired font-lock lazy-lock)
- (gnus-group gnus-topic gnus-undo)
- (message abbrev auto-fill-function mml)
- (bbdb abbrev)
- (gnus-original-article abbrev)
- (lisp-interaction abbrev)
- (gnus-group abbrev gnus-topic gnus-undo)
- (gnus-summary abbrev hscroll)
- (w3 abbrev)
- (fundamental abbrev)
- (gnus-article abbrev)

36 unique major modes, sorted by instances in unique sig
- 8 emacs-lisp
- 6 message gnus-group lisp-interaction
- 5 gnus-summary
- 4 text latex
- 3 completion-list fundamental jde
- 2 mail rmail sh c gnus-article help gnus-original-article perl change-log 
bbdb dired
- 1 css gnus-carpal php-html-helper html-helper sgml todo html tcl scheme 
compilation f90 sql gnus-tree vc-dired w3

26 unique minor modes, sorted by instances in unique sig
- 48 font-lock
- 29 auto-fill-function
- 21 abbrev
- 16 global-auto-revert
- 15 filladapt
- 14 lazy-lock
- 12 flyspell
- 6 gnus-undo
- 5 mml fast-lock tmmofl hscroll hs-minor
- 4 mc-read mc-write gnus-topic view gnus-agent
- 3 folding senator-minor
- 2 reftex
- 1 bib-cite-minor overwrite else auto-revert rmime

- ...

font-lock: 1:5 2:7 3:6 4:7 5:1 6:3 7:1
- 21 auto-fill-function
- 11 abbrev
- 9 flyspell
- 7 filladapt lazy-lock
- 6 global-auto-revert
- 5 fast-lock hs-minor
- 4 mc-write tmmofl
- 3 mml folding senator-minor
- 2 reftex
- 1 bib-cite-minor else view hscroll auto-revert

auto-fill-function: 2:1 3:2 4:3 6:2 7:1
- 9 abbrev
- 7 font-lock
- 5 mml flyspell
- 4 lazy-lock
- 2 mc-write
- 1 filladapt tmmofl folding view auto-revert hs-minor senator-minor


global-auto-revert: 1:6 2:2 3:3 4:2 5:1
- 13 filladapt
- 6 font-lock
- 5 fast-lock
- 3 auto-fill-function
- 2 flyspell
- 1 gnus-topic view gnus-undo

filladapt: 3:3 4:1 5:1 6:1
- 6 font-lock
- 4 fast-lock auto-fill-function global-auto-revert
- 2 lazy-lock
- 1 abbrev mc-write mml flyspell

lazy-lock: 1:6 2:1 3:2 4:3 6:2
- 14 font-lock
- 6 auto-fill-function
- 4 abbrev flyspell
- 2 filladapt hscroll
- 1 mc-write mml else tmmofl view auto-revert

flyspell: 1:2 3:3 4:3 5:1 6:2 7:1
- 11 auto-fill-function
- 9 font-lock
- 6 abbrev
- 4 lazy-lock
- 2 fast-lock tmmofl folding hs-minor senator-minor global-auto-revert
- 1 mc-write mml filladapt view auto-revert

gnus-undo: 1:2 2:2 3:1
- 4 gnus-topic
- 2 gnus-agent
- 1 abbrev filladapt global-auto-revert

mml: 2:1 3:2 4:1 6:1
- 5 abbrev auto-fill-function
- 3 font-lock
- 2 mc-write
- 1 flyspell filladapt lazy-lock

fast-lock: 4:2 5:1
- 3 font-lock auto-fill-function global-auto-revert
- 2 flyspell filladapt

tmmofl: 1:1 2:1 4:1 6:1 7:1
- 5 font-lock
- 2 abbrev flyspell folding auto-fill-function hs-minor senator-minor
- 1 lazy-lock else hscroll

hscroll: 1:1 2:1 4:1
- 2 lazy-lock font-lock
- 1 abbrev else tmmofl

hs-minor: 2:2 4:1 6:1 7:1
- 5 font-lock
- 3 abbrev folding auto-fill-function senator-minor
- 2 flyspell tmmofl

mc-read: 1:2 2:1
- 2 font-lock
- 1 gnus-agent rmime

mc-write: 2:1 3:1 4:1 6:1
- 4 font-lock auto-fill-function
- 2 abbrev mml
- 1 flyspell filladapt lazy-lock

gnus-topic: 2:2 3:1
- 3 gnus-undo
- 1 abbrev filladapt gnus-agent global-auto-revert

view: 2:1 6:1
- 1 abbrev flyspell filladapt lazy-lock font-lock auto-revert 
auto-fill-function global-auto-revert


folding: 4:1 6:1 7:1
- 3 abbrev font-lock hs-minor senator-minor
- 2 flyspell tmmofl
- 1 auto-fill-function

senator-minor: 4:1 6:1 7:1
- 3 abbrev font-lock folding hs-minor
- 2 flyspell tmmofl
- 1 auto-fill-function

reftex: 2:2
- 2 font-lock
- 1 bib-cite-minor auto-fill-function


overwrite: 1:1
- 1 auto-fill-function


auto-revert: 6:1
- 1 abbrev flyspell lazy-lock font-lock view auto-fill-function

rmime: 2:1
- 1 mc-read font-lock

 Hope this helps!
 nice idea to automate this :-)
 i had to wrap some code in IGNORE-ERRORS though, because
 SYMBOL-VALUE of flyspell-mode is void and that causes
 an error.  (at least it does here in fsf emacs 21.0.91)
 no clue if this helps, but i use po-mode and ilisp a lot
 I use text-mode, particularly with the recent paragraph and
 mail formatting components, more than anything else.  Beyond
 that, I also use several of the gnus-related modes, as this
 I take it that if this function is executed after an extended
 period of usage, it will show all of the modes that I use.
 That won't quite work for me; I use GNU Emacs at work mostly
 for reading Gnus; I use XEmacs at work for other purposes.
 At home, on my Windows laptop, I use GNU Emacs for all of my
 editing needs, again, mostly using the various text
 formatting and mail modes.  mail-mode, text-mode,
 paragraph-indent-text-mode, adaptive-fill-mode, dired-mode,
 and things related to composing text, then using it in mail
 or news, are probably where 90% of my Emacs usage is
 focused.  Beyond that, I occasionally use a wide variety of
 other features. 
  I hope this information is useful to your efforts. 
 there are a few more modes that I use every once in a while. These come to
 my mind:
  - footnote-mode
  - hide-ifdef-mode
  - hl-line-mode
  - hs-minor-mode
 for some programming languages I use flyspell-prog-mode, but that shows as
 flyspell-mode in your minor mode lists above.
[survey results summary ends here]

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