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what happened to fringe customization?

From: Thomas A. Horsley
Subject: what happened to fringe customization?
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 03:10:41 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

I could have sworn I remember seeing articles that said the "next" version
of emacs would allow you to turn off the extra fringe, yet I just downloaded
21.3 and the only thing in the NEWS file is a bunch of new encoding stuff
(like utf-16), and nothing new about fringes shows up in any apropos
searches or the texinfo docs. [BTW, about half of my .emacs file is now
dedicated to the ruthless eradication of all the unicode and encoding
crap :-].

Where did fringe customization go?

Is it just that 21.3 is now the "current" version, so I don't yet have the
"next" version with fringe customization? :-).

Just curious...

P.S. There have NEVER been any messages in the gnu.emacs.announce news group
(I'm not talking no messages about 21.3, I'm talking absolutely never in all
of history on any news server I have ever looked at). If there is a mailing
list in back of it, something ain't right with the gateway to news.

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