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Re: preparing colored text

From: Jonathan Epstein
Subject: Re: preparing colored text
Date: 3 Apr 2003 06:17:21 -0800

Thanks for all the responses ... sorry if I was unclear.  I meant
doing this under program control.  Here's what I came up with
(copy-hack from faces.el) ... thanks again.


 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*ColorExample*"
        (set-buffer standard-output)
        (setq truncate-lines t)
        (insert "here is some sample red text, green text, and flowery blue
        (put-text-property 20 29 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
        (put-text-property 31 42 'face 'font-lock-type-face)
        (put-text-property 47 65 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
        )) (Jonathan Epstein) wrote in message 
> I've read a lot about faces over the years, but there's something that
> I just don't get: how do I prepare some text which is colored in a
> specific way?
> E.g., suppose I have the following text in my Emacs buffer (say, the
> *Scratch* buffer):
>   Here is some sample text colored in different ways
> How can I make "Here is" red, "some sample" blue, "text" green,
> "colored in" red, and "different ways" blue ?
> The specific colors aren't important; an example using commonly
> available faces such as:
> font-lock-comment-face
> font-lock-keyword-face
> font-lock-warning-face
> would be fine too.
> Oh, I'm sort of wedded to Emacs 20 (I use 20.6.1), if there's an Emacs
> 20-compatible solution, that would be great.  Solutions that only work
> on MS Windows would be OK too, although not optimal.
> TIA,
> Jonathan

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