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Re: Is Emacs on Aqua crippleware or is it just broken?

From: BK
Subject: Re: Is Emacs on Aqua crippleware or is it just broken?
Date: 5 May 2003 19:39:16 -0700

Barry Margolin <> wrote ...

> I wonder if the OP is confusing the Command and Control keys.

Trust me, I have tried a large variety of both sensible and
nonsensical combinations. Also, I have evidence for Cmd (the Apple
key) being used as META, because if I do Cmd-x, I see "M-x" in the
minibuffer, and this is how I get ILISP to load OpenMCL, this is one
of the few combinations that work.

Likewise, I have evidence that Control is being used as CTRL because
if I do Ctrl-_ it does undo and displays "Undo!" in the minibuffer.
However, the all important C-x doesn't do anything at all. Go figure.

I really don't think any of you Emacs folks would like it. It's a


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