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Re: [newbie] emacs flyspell not understands well accented chars

From: Oliver Scholz
Subject: Re: [newbie] emacs flyspell not understands well accented chars
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 21:57:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090019 (Oort Gnus v0.19) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

Mario Giammarco <> writes:

O.k., o.k., o.k., sorry ... :-)

> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable              )

>   (add-to-list (quote ispell-local-dictionary-alist)               (quote
> ("italianx" "[[:alpha:]]" "[^[:alpha:]]" "[']"  t ... "~latin1"
>  iso-8859-15)))
>   eval((add-to-list (quote ispell-local-dictionary-alist)              
> (quote ("italianx" "[[:alpha:]]" "[^[:alpha:]]" "[']"  t ... "~latin1"
>  iso-8859-15))))
>   eval-last-sexp-1(nil)
>   eval-last-sexp(nil)
>   call-interactively(eval-last-sexp)

I am lost here, I'm afraid. :-( I have never seen this before. It
looks as if Emacs treats the whitespace between `(quote
ispell-l-d-a)' and `(quote ("italianx" ...' as a symbol.

Does anybody here have a clue what this could be? Is it even
conceivable that something causes such a bug in the Lisp reader?

Hmm, except ... hmmm. This is just a wild guess: When you copied and
pasted the code from you newsreader into Emacs -- is it possible that
one or more of the spaces and tabs were replaced with
Unicode-whitespace characters from the range U+2000 to U+200F? This is
the only case I know of that whitespace is treated as a symbol by the
Lisp-reader. Could you make sure that everything between
'ispell-local-dictionary-alist and '("italianx" ...) is either a
space (ASCII-codepoint: 32), a tab (9) or a newline (10)? You can
check this with `C-x ='. It is sufficient, if there is just a single
space character in between.

But, as I said: this is just a very wild guess.

> Thanks for the lisp mini tutorial!
> But anyway I would like to know also emacs-lisp "api" to make my own
> beautiful macros...

In that case you should take my explanation with a grain of salt. It
was meant to enable a programmer used to Algol-like languages to make
some more or less educated guesses when exposed to a Lisp expression,
no more.

> Because a programmer must know how to program is editor...
> Perhaps one day I will have time to learn!

That's the spirit. Beware, it's addicting. 

When you find the time to do it, have a look at the "Introduction to
Emacs Lisp" (elisp-intro) and the "Emacs Lisp Reference Manual", you
can get both as Texinfo from 

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