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Re: Gnus html again

From: Roger Mason
Subject: Re: Gnus html again
Date: 09 Oct 2003 14:01:52 -0230
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Thanks to a suggestion from Nick Dokos, I have a backtrace:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
  +(nil 12)
  css-expand-length("+12pt" t)
  css-expand-value(height "+12pt")
  css-parse-args(238 257)
  css-parse("file:/usr/local/share/default.css" nil nil)
  mm-inline-text((#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ("text/html" (charset . "us-ascii")) 
quoted-printable nil nil nil nil nil))
  mm-display-inline((#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ("text/html" (charset . "us-ascii")) 
quoted-printable nil nil nil nil nil))
  mm-display-part((#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ("text/html" (charset . "us-ascii")) 
quoted-printable nil nil nil nil nil))
  byte-code("Œƒ@A†@bˆÆyˆ`}ˆed|ˆÇ        !ˆÈ C
!ˆŠŒ\n@d}ˆèéGê9@!ƒEâ‚I9GS2‰2@;ƒY2@‚^â28@)$ˆ,dbˆ\nÈ ¡ˆ)é‡" [ibegend 
handles begend preferred ihandles x 2 mm-remove-parts point-marker 
gnus-unbuttonized-mime-type-p "multipart/alternative" gnus-add-text-properties 
format "%d.  " gnus-callback lambda (handles) unless setq 
gnus-article-mime-handle-alist quote gnus-mime-display-alternative face keymap 
gnus-part gnus-data widget-convert-button link :action gnus-widget-press-button 
:button-keymap "(%c) %-18s" 42 32 1 (handles) "  " "\n\n" gnus-display-mime 
mm-display-part gnus-treat-article nil bufferp not-pref from id 
gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-article-mouse-face gnus-article-button-face 
gnus-mime-button-map ...] 16)
  gnus-mime-display-alternative(((#<buffer  *mm*> ("text/plain" ...) 7bit nil 
nil nil nil nil) (#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ("text/html" ...) quoted-printable nil nil 
nil nil nil)) nil nil 1)
  gnus-mime-display-part(("multipart/alternative" (#<buffer  *mm*> 
("text/plain" ...) 7bit nil nil nil nil nil) (#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ("text/html" 
...) quoted-printable nil nil nil nil nil)))
  mapcar(gnus-mime-display-part (("multipart/alternative" (#<buffer  *mm*> ... 
7bit nil nil nil nil nil) (#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ... quoted-printable nil nil nil 
nil nil)) (#<buffer  *mm*<3>> ("application/msword" ...) base64 nil 
("attachment" ...) nil nil nil)))
  gnus-mime-display-mixed((("multipart/alternative" (#<buffer  *mm*> ... 7bit 
nil nil nil nil nil) (#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ... quoted-printable nil nil nil nil 
nil)) (#<buffer  *mm*<3>> ("application/msword" ...) base64 nil ("attachment" 
...) nil nil nil)))
  gnus-mime-display-part(("multipart/mixed" ("multipart/alternative" (#<buffer  
*mm*> ... 7bit nil nil nil nil nil) (#<buffer  *mm*<2>> ... quoted-printable 
nil nil nil nil nil)) (#<buffer  *mm*<3>> ("application/msword" ...) base64 nil 
("attachment" ...) nil nil nil)))
  gnus-article-prepare(2 nil)
  gnus-summary-display-article(2 nil)
  gnus-summary-select-article(nil nil pseudo)
* call-interactively(gnus-summary-scroll-up)

It is
evident from this that gnus is using w3 to decode html.  However,
although I have w3 installed I have never been able to get it to work
reliably so I use w3m as my emacs browser.  I wish to use w3m to
decode inline html also.

mm-inline-media-tests includes the entry: ("text/html" mm-inline-text
(lambda (handle) (locate-library "w3m")))

which is set in my .emacs through the customization mechanism.

It appears that some other variable needs to be set: but which one(s)?


Roger Mason

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