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Re: how to close braces in all modes automatically?

From: Yongtao Yang
Subject: Re: how to close braces in all modes automatically?
Date: 06 Nov 2003 11:03:21 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Patrick Drechsler <> writes:

> Hi,
> is there a simple way of closing all braces automatically in all
> modes (i.e. HTML, Java, LaTeX, Matlab,...)?
> My Linux (Suse 8.2) came with a snipplet which does this for
> LaTeX-mode but I haven't been able to adopt it for *all* modes.
> Grateful for any help (esp. concerning Matlab),

I have the following in my .emacs. Stupid but works. :) You have to
use matlab-mode.el for it to work


(autoload 'matlab-mode "matlab" "Enter Matlab mode." t)
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.m$" . matlab-mode) auto-mode-alist))

(defun matlab-electric-semi ()
  "Insert a semicolon in matlab mode.
then linefeed and reindent the new line. "
  (insert ";")

(defun matlab-electric-cont-line ()
  "Insert a continue line in matlab mode.
then linefeed and reindent the new line. "
  (insert "...")

(defun matlab-electric-parenthesis ()
  "Insert a pair of parenthesis in matlab mode."
  (insert "()") 
  (backward-char 1))

(defun matlab-electric-bracket ()
  "Insert a pair of brackets in matlab mode."
  (insert "[]") 
  (backward-char 1))

(defun matlab-electric-brace ()
  "Insert a pair of braces in matlab mode."
  (insert "{}") 
  (backward-char 1))

(defun my-matlab-mode-hook ()
     (setq matlab-shell-command-switches '("-nojvm" "-nosplash"))
     (setq matlab-function-indent t)    ; if you want function bodies indented
     (setq fill-column 72)              ; where auto-fill should wrap
     (setq matlab-indent-level 4)
     (setq matlab-shell-input-ring-size 1024)
     (setq matlab-shell-history-file "~/.matlab/R13/history.m")
     (setq matlab-verify-on-save-flag 'nil)
     (local-set-key ";" 'matlab-electric-semi)
     (local-set-key "(" 'matlab-electric-parenthesis)
     (local-set-key "[" 'matlab-electric-bracket)
     (local-set-key "{" 'matlab-electric-brace)
     (local-set-key "\C-\M-m" 'matlab-electric-cont-line)
;     (turn-on-setnu-mode)
Yongtao Yang


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