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Re: Emacs Lisp question

From: Paolo Gianrossi
Subject: Re: Emacs Lisp question
Date: 09 Jan 2004 17:48:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3 (Gian Uberto Lauri) writes:

> Could someone give me an explaination  of the meaning of the third and
> fourth parameter of (put-text-property) ?
> What  does it  means  using the  current  syntax table  for the  third
> argument and a single number list for the fourth ?

don't see what you say in doc... Here's what I get:

        put-text-property is a built-in function.
        (put-text-property START END PROPERTY VALUE &optional OBJECT)

        Set one property of the text from START to END.
        The third and fourth arguments PROPERTY and VALUE
        specify the property to add.
        The optional fifth argument, OBJECT,
        is the string or buffer containing the text.
PROPERTY is the text property you want to put (e.g. intangible, ecc.. see the
emacs lisp manual for more), value is to what you want to set it... So, like

(put-text-property 0 20 'invisible t) 

will hide the first 20 chars in buffer..

hope this helps 

> Thanks in advance!
>  /\            ___
> /___/\__|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____________________
>   //--\ | | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico e fancazzista 
> \/

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