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Re: German umlaut problems after moving from Windows to Linux

From: LEE Sau Dan
Subject: Re: German umlaut problems after moving from Windows to Linux
Date: 28 Feb 2004 17:26:25 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Gehrlein <> writes:

    Thomas> 1) Which of the 2 "ä" is the "correct" one for a Linux
    Thomas> system?

Both.  They both  show up alike on my  computer.  The computer (Emacs)
cares about  the difference  between an  ä in iso-8859-1  and an  ä in
iso-8859-15.  I don't.   (You can type in the  former using the intput
methods latin-1-* and the later with latin-9-*.)

    Thomas> 2) How can I turn all "ä"s in .diary in "correct" äs?

(defun iso-8859-15to1 (from to) ; for German only.  Not French, Italian...
  (interactive "r")
    (goto-char from)
    (while (re-search-forward "[äÄöÖüÜßëËïÏ]" to t)
      (let ((matched-char (string-to-char (match-string 0))))
          (cond ((eq matched-char ?\ä) ?\ä)
                ((eq matched-char ?\Ä) ?\Ä)
                ((eq matched-char ?\ö) ?\ö)
                ((eq matched-char ?\Ö) ?\Ö)
                ((eq matched-char ?\ü) ?\ü)
                ((eq matched-char ?\Ü) ?\Ü)
                ((eq matched-char ?\ß) ?\ß)
                ((eq matched-char ?\ë) ?\ë)
                ((eq matched-char ?\Ë) ?\Ë)
                ((eq matched-char ?\ï) ?\ï)
                ((eq matched-char ?\Ï) ?\Ï)
                (t (error "bug %s" matched-char)))))))

    Thomas> 3) How can I tell Emacs: "Take all umlauts and other weird
    Thomas> characters in my home directory and make with them
    Thomas> whatever you want - but don't ever bother me with this
    Thomas> kind of $&%$&$% again"?

For  me,  the  only  problem  is  with  searching  (regexp  matching).
Otherwise, I don't care.  But I don't use German that often.

Lee Sau Dan                     李守敦(Big5)                    ~{@nJX6X~}(HZ) 

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