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Gnuserv and Gnuclient on a Windows 2000 Terminal Server

From: Breit Ralf (CS-SM/ECH1) *
Subject: Gnuserv and Gnuclient on a Windows 2000 Terminal Server
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 17:21:29 +0200


I have a problem running Gnuserv and Gnuclient on a Windows Terminal Server.

I have installed Gnu Emacs on a 4 processor machine. Emacs-version: "21.2.1".

The 4 Intel CPU machine hosts a Windows 2000 Server Installation. It was set-up
to be used by 3 to 4 people of our workgroup.

We access the machine using Windows Terminal Server 2000. That means, that at
the same time max. 4 people are working on the same machine.

I also want to use Gnuserv and Gnuclient. I start Editing using "gnuclientw.exe."

This process will read the .emacs file and do a few things. The code snippet below
shows how I deal with the server/client start.

(load "gnuserv")                         ; required to execute next command line
(if server-process "nil" (server-start)) ; start server only if not yet done

The problem is that if User(A) sitting in front of Desktop(A) has started editing
File(A), than the server process and one client process starts at the machine.

If now User(B) sitting in front of Desktop(B) wants to edit File(B) the process
initiated by "gnuclientw.exe" recognizes through the ".emacs" file that the server
is already running and to my surprise displays File(B) in front of User(A) sitting at
Desktop(A). It seems that the client process does not know where to display the file
corectly. It is even worse, the buffer list of User(A) now contains File(A) and File B.
The buffer list of User(B) does not contain any file. Emacs just starts in DIRED-Mode.

Can you tell me what I should do to send the right client output to the
correct user. Would I have to start more than one gnuserver process.

Thanks for the help.

Ralf Breit
Robert Bosch GmbH
Postfach 13 55
74003 Heilbronn

Tel.: +(49) 7062 911 - 35 12
Fax:  +(49) 7062 911 - 34 03

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