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psgml: XML DTD is parsed as SGML?

From: Torsten Bronger
Subject: psgml: XML DTD is parsed as SGML?
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2004 20:44:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)


I use psgml 1.2.5 and a CVS Emacs of last September to edit XML
files.  Unfortunately, I get the error message

    /usr/share/xml/tbook/tbook.dtd line 62 col 35 entity BOOK
    /home/bronger/tbook/ipv-labview/ipv-labview.xml line 3 col 54 
    Name expected; at: :lang NMTOKE

when I try to add an element with sgml-add-element-to-element.
Apparently PSGML thinks that it parses an SGML DTD, but it's XML
with proper XML declaration.  I know that I once worked with my
previous Emacs installation, but many test changes in my .emacs
didn't help.

This is my current .emacs fragment:

    ;; for psgml; use this in your .emacs resp. .gnu-emacs

    (autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit XML files." t)
    (autoload 'sgml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit SGML files." t)

    (setq sgml-set-face t)

    (setq sgml-system-path '("/usr/share/sgml/gf"
                             ;; "/usr/share/sgml/TEI/dtd"
          sgml-public-map '("%S"

    (setq sgml-catalog-files '("CATALOG"
          sgml-ecat-files '("ECAT" "~/sgml/ECAT" "/usr/share/sgml/ECAT"))

    (setq sgml-xml-declaration "/home/bronger/xml/xml.dcl")
    (setq sgml-validate-command "nsgmls -E0 -s ~/xml/xml.dcl")

    (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.xml$" . xml-mode) auto-mode-alist))

What's going wrong?  -- Thank you!


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

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